Friday, March 26, 2010

Sclerology Analysis - 28

Patient: Female A , Right Sclera

1) An advanced cogestion line - Animation of Life -Indicate a loss of vitality, low energy, brain fatigue, impaired blood circulation to the brain, possible affected with " Chronic Fatigue Syndrome".
2) Pocket infection line, potential of sinuses problems.
3) Secondary involvement in the brain stress.

1) Adrenal & kidney's congestion stress line.
2) Pocket infection in the Bladder reflex zone.
3) An advanced Ovary congestion stress extending towards to the advanced Liver stress (4). Checking of Ovary, Gall Bladder ( Bill juice), Pancreas ( Glugose level & Digestive enzyme ) and Liver ( HDL, LDL, Cholestrol, Triglycerides) is needed.
1) & 2) Lymphatic stress line.
3) Critical Liver stress line.
4) Gall Bladder stress line.
1) An advanced Thyroid stress line.

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