Friday, March 26, 2010

Sclerology Analysis - 27

Patiet: Female A , Left Sclera

1) Medium stress on the Balance zone, indicate a potential problem of brain dizziness, vertigo or physical balance problems.
2) An advanced congestion line in the Nerve Fray area, indicate a nerve stress, stress and anxiety that depleting the nerve energy, emotional imbalance.
3) " Y " fork stress which concentrated at the stomach area, potential of indigestion problem due to the emotional stress.
4) Congestion line with the formation of the encapsulation stress with black dot, which represent blockages in the emotion expression with suppressed anger or oppression.
5) Critical stress line here indicate an emotional disturbance such as low self-esteem or possible of mental stress.

1) Congestion stress line in the Spleen reflex area. Pay attention to the immune and lymphatic circulation system.
2) An advanced congestion stress line in the Groin erflex area, a possible pain in that area.
3) The curved down of the Groin's congestion stress line which formed into bacterial infection in the bladder reflex zone. Possible of cystitis or so called " E-coli".
4) Potential of secondary involvement in the bladder zone.
5) An advanced cogestion stress line in the adrenal area which formed pocket stress line joinning with Bladder stress . Overcome the emotional imbalance and stress relief therapy is needed, that affect the digestion, Bladder infection and Adrenal exhausted that can cause endocrine system imbalance.
6) Critical stress line stemming from the adrenal stress line that toward to Prostate/Uterus reflex areas. Potential of glandular fatigue and imbalance.
1) Congestion line stemming from the Left Live Lobe toward Heart area, indicate high cholestrol level which affected the blood circulation. Control diet with taking low cholestrol food and regular excercise is needed.
2) Medium stress line of Cardiovascular stress is registered. Attention of potential Arterial congestion.
3) The Cardiovascular stress line branced out with another advanced stress line toward to the Heart zone area, the stress line was nearly closed with a formation of encapsulation stress, a highly attention of taking care the Heart is needed.
4) Encapsulation stress line beginning joining with the Cardiovascular stress line, an infection or possible Myocardia problem.
5) & 6) Indicate Right/Left Bundle Branch stress line. Possible experiencing irregular heartbeat or palpitations problem.
7) Typical Spleen stress coupled with the Bundle Branch stress line. Lymphatic sluggish and poor in drainage. Lymphatic massage therapy is needed.
1) Thyroid stress line.
2) A tracer line from Thyroid area joinning to the Brain reflex area. Potential of glandular fatigue or imbalance problems.
3) Cough stress line !!

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