Friday, March 26, 2010

Iridology Analysis - 36

Patient : Female A, Right & Left Iris Analysis

1) Cholestrol ring and scurf ring.
2) Stress axis ( Pituitary aligned with Adrenal stress), indicate the pateint is experiencing an emotional stress and anxiety.
3) Radial furrows accumulated in the brain zone, indicate brain stress.
4) Lung stress with various closed lacunae.

1) Cholestrol ring- Pay attention to fatty liver, blood circulation and lymphatic congestion.
2) Contraction furrows indicate an emotional imbalance - stress.
3) Uterus stress with deep furrow and closed lacuna in Vagina reflex area.
4) Closed lacuna in Pancreas area, indicate sugar level imbalance and deficiency in digestive enzyme.
5) Deep Radial Furrow located in the middle of Vital Life Force in the Brain zone, indicate low energy, low libido with nerve stress and nerve depleted.
6) crypts located in the Pancreas reflex area.

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