Saturday, October 31, 2009

Sclerology Analysis-7

L- Scelra: Same client ( SA-7), showing the left sclera's brain reflex zone with the Vital Force stress line/ Pituitary stress line.
A details configuration fo the above stress lines:
1) Concentrated stress - indicates a high stress area- Potential of pituitary stress.
2) A black dot, indicate a blockages to the stomach digestion.
3) A Y-Fork stress line branched out from the main stress line, which located in the stomach reflex zone. Indicates a stomach disturbance, possible caused by negative emotion- stress and tension.

Sclerology Analysis-6

1) Vital force stress line/Pituitary stress line, indicates a potential of headache and mental and emotional stress.
2) Secondary stress lin aligned with the pituitary stress, the stress line with a small Y-fork toward to the stomach area, indicates an emotional digestion problem.

Closer view on the strcuture of the 2 stress lines, which extended from the brain reflex areas.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Iridology Analysis-24

1) A small swallow lacuna located in the testes/ovary reflex area.
2) & 3) Closed lacunae located inside the collarette indicate a potential of digestion disturbance.
4) Cholesterol ring.
5) Contraction furrows.

1) Contraction furrows located in the lung area.
2) Left side ellipses can indicate as :
a) primary hypertension
b) left sided cranial problems
c) headaches
3) Low resiliency in kidney function. ( highlighted with yellow rectangular shape ).

Iridology Analysis- 23

2 loose fiber lacunae located in the heart and lung reflex zone. Indicates a potential of cardiovascular stress and lung deficiency.
Various small lacunae located in the middle of pituitary reflex area. Indicates a potential of pituitary stress and possible of emotional imbalance.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Iridology Analysis-22

1) Possible of groin and knee foot pain with closed lacunae.
2) Kidney stress.
3) Deficiency in protaste gland and potential of urinary bladder problem.
4) Potential of liver stress.

Closer view on the various lacunae located on the lower abdomen areas.
Left iris : 1) Thick cholesterol ring. 2) Closed lacuna in the heart reflex zone. 3) crypt in the protaste area. 4) Big lacuna in the liver zone.

IPB: Inner Pupillary Border - A big sectoral absence of the IPB.Pituitary and Pineal stress with closed lacunae in the cerebrum areas.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Iridology Analysis-21

1) Contraction Furrows.
2) Black colour in elimination layer indicate skin disorder.
3) Closed lacuna in the heart zone, potential of heart stress.
4) Closed lacuna in the pancreas zone, suggest blood sugar checking.
5) Radii solaris in the brain zone.
6) Closed lacuna in the bronchus area, possible bronchitis problem.
7) Closed lacuna in the adrenal zone, exhausted in adrenal gland.

1) Crypt located in the prostate/uterus zone, indicates a deficiency function.
2) Deficiency in elimination layer, indicate skin disorder. Accumulated cholesterol with white sign around the limbus.
3) Possible of sinusitis problem.
4) Pituitary stress.
5) Potential of pancreas imbalance.
6) Closed lacunae located in the heart zone. Potential of cardiovascular stress.
7) Contraction furrows.
8) Stress in pancreas tail.
9) Loose fiber in kidney reflex zone.

Closer View :
1) Closed lacunae located in the pancreas and heart zone.
2) Contraction Furrows.
3) Black limbus surrounded by sodium ring

Rarification fiber structure in the kidney reflex zone, indicate a low resiliency and resistance to illness.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Iridology Analysis- 20

1) Cholesterol ring - indicates fatty liver.
2) Brown pigment, suggest a deficiency in liver function.
3) Potential of Pituitary, Hypothalamus and adrenal stress, indicates emotional and psychological stress and tension, headache and migraine. The deep ray of radial furrow crossing the kidney zone.
4) Contraction furrows, a tendency of emotional stress.

Closer view on brown pigment topolabile in the ciliary zone.

Another closer view on brown pigments topolabile located on the musculature zone.

1) Radial Furrows- a) Potential of parasite involvement. b) Stress Axis- emotional stress, headache and migraine.
2) Sectoral Heterochromia located in the heart and lung zone.
3) Sodium ring- Lipemic Diathesis
4) White patches- Possible of cholesterol patches.
5) Contraction Furrows.

Constricted and tight collarette- a) Introvert b) Intestines are narrowed c) Contraction and Stricture d) Constipative pattern from constriction.
According to John Andrews, the contracted collarette indicates a tendency to constipation and sluggishness of the intestines. it may also find stagnation of the lymphatic fluid around the intestines, within the great number of lymph nodes located on the exterior of the large intestine.

Sectoral Heterochromia - Means a section of colouration within the iris. According to John Andrews, the colour or pigment can be brown, red, yellow or orange. The size of pigmentation can vary from a few degrees to more than a 1/3 of the entire iris. It tends to be a genetic marking.
A sectoral heterochromia is often linked to birth defects or damage within the womb. It is an embryological marking, which remains from the formation of pigmentation in the iris in utero. The sectoral was located in the heart and lung zone, it indicate a potential of heart and lung problems.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Iridology Analysis- 19

1) a) Adrenal stress with potential of over-exhausted- emotional stress and tension. b) Small brown pigment - liver stress !
2) a) Closed lacunae ( included 1) located inside the collarette, indicates a tendency of poor digestion and absorption. b) suggest Prostate\Uterus stress also need to be concerned.

Iridology Analysis- 18

Brown Pigments - According to John Andrews, Brown Pigments show a tendency to liver and gall bladder disturbances. They can vary in size and density. The liver deals with hundreds of vital processes- endocrine regulation, detoxification, immunity, digestion, enzyme balance, blood sugar balance, nutritional storage and metabolism, emotional balance, protein, fat and cholesterol metabolism. Like all iris pigments liver and gall bladder granulations can either be topolabile or topostabile.

Sclerology Analysis-5

Left Sclera
1) Pituitary and Pineal stress.
2) An advanced stress which concentrated in the nerve fray. Both 1)& 2) indicates dizziness, vertigo and poor concentration.
3) A stress line located exactly in the middle of the brain zone, indicates a stress in the Vital Force. A Potential of emotional imbalance, psychologically blockage, digestive disturbances, low energy and resiliency in resistance of physical, mental and emotional stress.
4) Potential of sinusitis problems.

Sclerology Analysis-4

1) Pituitary and Pineal stress - inidcates an emotional stress, poor concentration, vertigo or diziness.
2) 2 black dots indicate blockages in the bridge of emotional and digestion. An emotional digestion problems.
3) An encapsulate stress which indicate a potential of sinus problem.

Sclerology Analysis-3

1),2) and 3) - An encapsulation stress with the shape of the semi-circle in the colon reflex zone, indicate the tendency of parasites infestation in the gastrointestinal tract.

Sclerology Analysis-2

An advanced stress with Y-fork sign, indicates a thyroid stress and a tendency of chronic coughing.

Iridology Analysis- 17

1) Crypt located in the pituitary area- indicates a potential of emtional stress, headache, migrain or sleep disorder problem.
2) Small crypts gathering in the humoral zone of sinus reflex zone- A tendency of sinusitis problem.
3) Open lacuna in the pancreas zone- suggest checking of blood sugar level.
4) Sodium ring- tendency to high cholesterol and fatty liver.
5) Contraction furrows- Potential of emotional stress and tension !
6) Sign of lacuna which distention out of the collarette- Potential of cradiovascular stress.
7) Closed deep lacuna inside with black shading fiber structure, indicates a chronic sign and over-exhausted of adrenal gland.

Angle of Fuch's

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Iridology Analysis- 16

1) Closed lacunae in the pancreas- suggest checking blood sugar level and digestive system.
2) Closed lacunae inside the collarette- indicates a digestion and absorption problems.
3) Short contraction furrows in the thyroid- Potential disturbance in thyroid function.
4) Pancreas stress.
5) Potential of kidney stress.
6) Tendency of low abdomen stress- Possible stress in groin and pelvis.
7) Cholesterol ring.
8) Small crytp in heart zone- Potential of heart stress.
Angle of Fuch's - The collarette is raised and it means that there is a difficult in assimilation and absorption in digestion system.

1) Pancreas crytp.
2) Possible lung stress with the sign of short contraction furrows.
3) Cholesterol ring.
4) Closed lacunae located inside the collarette with a tendency of digestive deficiency and a disturbance in pelvis area.
5) Adrenal stress.
6) Pontential of prostate deficiency.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Foot Glyphology Analysis- 41

Skin depletion with white blemishes. The whitish patches was more topical on the foot's skin and thus potential linked with candida or fungus involvement in the tissue.
1) Mineral imbalance indicators, fine vertical lines in the stems of the four little toes on the left foot. Possible the mineral imbalance are the result of a) lack of organic vegetables in the diet or b) inclusion of mineral depleting items in the diet ( coffee, prescription drugs or alcohol).
2) Whitish patches located in the lung and sinus zone, indicates fungal involvement in the affected areas- lung stress and sinuses problem.

1) A source of callous indicate a potential of lymphatic congestion.
2) a)Bacterial involvement in the colon and spleen reflex zone. b) another callous was found in the spleen area.
3) Fungal involvement ( parallels line with perpendicular lining ) towards to small intestine and transverse colon areas.
4) Advanced stress line with star marks indicates parasites infestation in the pancreas crossing towards to stomach areas.
1) Multiple star marks stress lines located in the liver, gall bladder, adrenal and heart reflex zone.
2) Pancreas stress line indicates a deficiency in lipase enzyme. A disturbance in fat digesting.
3) Mineral imbalance as highlighted in the left foot. Both foot presented mineral imbalance problems.
4) Callous in big toe, indicates lymphatic congestion and potential sensitivity in dairy products.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Iridology & Foot Glyphology Analysis-4

1) Scurf rim- indicate an elimination system disturbance or skin disorder problems.
2) Closed lacunae located in the bronchus area, suggest a bronchitis problem.
3) A fatty "blob" in the conjunctiva. this indicates that the body is not handling fats or lipids properly.
4) A disturbances in urinary bladder
5) Large lacunae seated in the kidney, hip, knee foot and groin reflex zone, indicate a disturbance in the low abdomen parts.
6) Potential of fatty liver which conjuction with high lipids content.
7) Heart stress- Blood circulation problem.
8) Lung stress - Possible of asthma.

1) Several lacunae located in the heart area- a potential of cardiovascular risk.
2) Scurf rim with black colour surrounded the limbus, indicates a skin allergy problems.
3) A rarification fiber structure in the lung zone- indicate a lung stress.
4) Several closed lacunae located in the low abdomen areas- Potential of pelvis and groin pain.
5) A mild cholesterol ring circulate around the layer 6 & 7.
6) Liver stress with closed lacuna.
7) 2 big closed lacunae in the thyroid area, indicates a thyroid stress.
8) Pancreas stress which highlighted with 3 red rectangular boxes, suggest check blood sugar level.
9) Loose fiber structure in the kidney area, potential of kidney dificiency and a closed lacuna in the adrenal area.
10)Possible of urinary bladder deficiency.
11)A tendency of stress/pain in the lumbar and sacrum spinal areas. As the IPB shown not flatten sign, a further confirmation is required.

The above 2 iris was Hematogenic Constitution under Polyglandular Iris subtype

Small crypts in the brain zone, indicates glandular function insufficiency in pituitary and pineal glands. Also, the collarette is extremely raised, it means that there is diffficult assimilation, absoprtion and putrefaction.
Parasities infestation in the small intestine and colon areas. ( right foot ).
Parasites infestation in the GI-Tract (left foot).

Monday, October 12, 2009

Iridology & Foot Glyphology Analysis-3

Gender: Male
Age: 54
1) A deep radial furrow located in the pancreas, suggest checking blood sugar level.
6) Radial furrow located in the middle of the brain zone or Animation of life, suggest checking memory, concentration and emotional status. The radial furrows surrounded the collarette, indicates a digestion disturbances and potential of parasites involvement in the digestive tract.
3) Radial ray crossing the liver zone, indicates a potential of liver stress
4) A brown pigment topolabile located in the nutrition zone, indicates a stress in the liver function.
5) Small crytps with whitish fiber in the pancreas, suggest an irritation activities in that gland.
2) Sodium ring surrounded the limbus area, suggest a high cholesterol level and fatty liver. Pay attention to the heart and blood circulation. 1) Radial furrows crossing the brain reflex zone- pituitary stress.
2) Brain pigment inside the collarette- liver dificiency.
3) Radial ray located in the spleen area- a deficiency in immune system.
4) Cholesterol ring- fatty liver, heart and blood circulation problem.
1) Stomach stress.
2) Bacterial involvement in the small intestine area.
3) Parasites involvement in the colon area.

1) An advanced stress and bacterials involvement in the pancreas reflex zone.
2) Bacterial infestation in the areas of small intestine, kidney and colon.
3) Parasites involvement in the GI-Tract.

White blemishes, inidcates zinc deficiency or fungal involvement.