Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Iridology Analysis- 20

1) Cholesterol ring - indicates fatty liver.
2) Brown pigment, suggest a deficiency in liver function.
3) Potential of Pituitary, Hypothalamus and adrenal stress, indicates emotional and psychological stress and tension, headache and migraine. The deep ray of radial furrow crossing the kidney zone.
4) Contraction furrows, a tendency of emotional stress.

Closer view on brown pigment topolabile in the ciliary zone.

Another closer view on brown pigments topolabile located on the musculature zone.

1) Radial Furrows- a) Potential of parasite involvement. b) Stress Axis- emotional stress, headache and migraine.
2) Sectoral Heterochromia located in the heart and lung zone.
3) Sodium ring- Lipemic Diathesis
4) White patches- Possible of cholesterol patches.
5) Contraction Furrows.

Constricted and tight collarette- a) Introvert b) Intestines are narrowed c) Contraction and Stricture d) Constipative pattern from constriction.
According to John Andrews, the contracted collarette indicates a tendency to constipation and sluggishness of the intestines. it may also find stagnation of the lymphatic fluid around the intestines, within the great number of lymph nodes located on the exterior of the large intestine.

Sectoral Heterochromia - Means a section of colouration within the iris. According to John Andrews, the colour or pigment can be brown, red, yellow or orange. The size of pigmentation can vary from a few degrees to more than a 1/3 of the entire iris. It tends to be a genetic marking.
A sectoral heterochromia is often linked to birth defects or damage within the womb. It is an embryological marking, which remains from the formation of pigmentation in the iris in utero. The sectoral was located in the heart and lung zone, it indicate a potential of heart and lung problems.

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