Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Foot Glyphology Analysis- 41

Skin depletion with white blemishes. The whitish patches was more topical on the foot's skin and thus potential linked with candida or fungus involvement in the tissue.
1) Mineral imbalance indicators, fine vertical lines in the stems of the four little toes on the left foot. Possible the mineral imbalance are the result of a) lack of organic vegetables in the diet or b) inclusion of mineral depleting items in the diet ( coffee, prescription drugs or alcohol).
2) Whitish patches located in the lung and sinus zone, indicates fungal involvement in the affected areas- lung stress and sinuses problem.

1) A source of callous indicate a potential of lymphatic congestion.
2) a)Bacterial involvement in the colon and spleen reflex zone. b) another callous was found in the spleen area.
3) Fungal involvement ( parallels line with perpendicular lining ) towards to small intestine and transverse colon areas.
4) Advanced stress line with star marks indicates parasites infestation in the pancreas crossing towards to stomach areas.
1) Multiple star marks stress lines located in the liver, gall bladder, adrenal and heart reflex zone.
2) Pancreas stress line indicates a deficiency in lipase enzyme. A disturbance in fat digesting.
3) Mineral imbalance as highlighted in the left foot. Both foot presented mineral imbalance problems.
4) Callous in big toe, indicates lymphatic congestion and potential sensitivity in dairy products.

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