Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Iridology & Foot Glyphology Analysis-4

1) Scurf rim- indicate an elimination system disturbance or skin disorder problems.
2) Closed lacunae located in the bronchus area, suggest a bronchitis problem.
3) A fatty "blob" in the conjunctiva. this indicates that the body is not handling fats or lipids properly.
4) A disturbances in urinary bladder
5) Large lacunae seated in the kidney, hip, knee foot and groin reflex zone, indicate a disturbance in the low abdomen parts.
6) Potential of fatty liver which conjuction with high lipids content.
7) Heart stress- Blood circulation problem.
8) Lung stress - Possible of asthma.

1) Several lacunae located in the heart area- a potential of cardiovascular risk.
2) Scurf rim with black colour surrounded the limbus, indicates a skin allergy problems.
3) A rarification fiber structure in the lung zone- indicate a lung stress.
4) Several closed lacunae located in the low abdomen areas- Potential of pelvis and groin pain.
5) A mild cholesterol ring circulate around the layer 6 & 7.
6) Liver stress with closed lacuna.
7) 2 big closed lacunae in the thyroid area, indicates a thyroid stress.
8) Pancreas stress which highlighted with 3 red rectangular boxes, suggest check blood sugar level.
9) Loose fiber structure in the kidney area, potential of kidney dificiency and a closed lacuna in the adrenal area.
10)Possible of urinary bladder deficiency.
11)A tendency of stress/pain in the lumbar and sacrum spinal areas. As the IPB shown not flatten sign, a further confirmation is required.

The above 2 iris was Hematogenic Constitution under Polyglandular Iris subtype

Small crypts in the brain zone, indicates glandular function insufficiency in pituitary and pineal glands. Also, the collarette is extremely raised, it means that there is diffficult assimilation, absoprtion and putrefaction.
Parasities infestation in the small intestine and colon areas. ( right foot ).
Parasites infestation in the GI-Tract (left foot).

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