Saturday, September 09, 2006

Happy Birthday to His Holiness Master Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj. T. U.

Mr.Murigiah & Caason taking photo with the picture of Master Sivanandaji, the founder of SivaSanta Clinic

Photo with Mr.Nathan, the clinic co-ordinator

Sister Bee Launched New UE Banner

Sister Bee was signing her signature on the new UE banner.

Signed with satisfaction & excitement of the UE growing with providing free healing service to the clinic.

Caason standing with new UE banner

Healing On Colour - White


Healing properties: White is the perfect color; for it is all colors, in perfect balance and harmony. It is the color of the awakened Spirit; the light of perfection; the light of the Cosmic Consciousness,the Divine Light.

Just about everyone has heard of surrounding people with the "White Light of Healing and Protection." White light raises the vibration of one's consciousness and the body, bringing harmony in all aspects of one's life. Directing white into to a part of the body that needs healing is one of the fastest ways to bring about healing.

Esoteric/magickal: Purification and cleaning on all levels, contact with higher self and spiritual helpers, (inner) peace, aura-healing, truth seeking, consecration, spiritual enlightenment, protection against negativity by raising your vibration, breaking curses, exorcism, meditation, divination, inspiration, clairvoyance, invoking spirits White can be a replacement for any other color your magick requires.

Preference for white: White points at innocence, purity, virginity, cleanliness, freshness, simplicity, nothingness, oneness and completion, truth. In certain cultures white is the color of death and mourning.

Aversion to white: A person who has an aversion to white color isforemost or solely interested in 'realistic' and tangible things, not in illusions or things that are beyond seeing or understanding. Knows and accepts the own imperfection and does not wish to achieve perfection.

Healing On Colour - Purple

Violet / Purple

Healing properties: These are colors of transformation. They heal melancholy, hysteria, delusions and alcohol addiction and bring spiritual insights and renewal. These colors slow down an over-active heart; stimulate the spleen and the white blood cells (immunity). Bring sleep. Soothe mental and emotional stress. Decrease sexual activity. Decrease sensitivity to pain. They help in detoxification.

Leonardo da Vinci proclaimed that you can increase the power of meditation ten-fold by meditating under the gentle rays of Violet, as found in Church windows.

Esoteric/magickal: Elemental spirit. Divination and prophecy. Angels. Psychic abilities, divination, counter-acting negativity/black magick, reversing curses, psychic healing, psychic power, inspiration, meditation, spirituality, spiritual power, astral projection, third eye, compassion, counter-acting depression.

Preference for violet/purple: Colors for meditation, contemplation, mysticism, spirituality and religion power. A longing to ascend and dissolve polarities (purple consists of the active red and passive blue), to improve the world. Reservation, mystery and dignity. Soft, sensitive people with often paranormal abilities.

Aversion to violet / purple: A person who has an aversion for violet / purple may have very serious attitude towards life; and may find it difficult to give dreams, fantasies, vague fears or memories a place in it. May have tendency to rejection everything he regards as unnatural or unrealistic.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Healing On Colour - Blue


Healing properties: Blue is cooling, electric, astringent. Dr. Edwin Babbitt, in his classic, "The Principles of Light and Color," states that "The Blue Ray is one of the greatest antiseptics in the world."

Cools down inflammations (don't forget rheumatic inflammations), fever, high blood pressure, stops bleedings, reliefs the bursting headaches, calms strong emotions like anger, aggression or hysteria. Brings tranquility. Anti-itching. Anti-irritation (for instance redness of the skin), anti-stress. Soothes suffering.

Blue can be used for any type of ailments associated with speech, communication, or the throat. Excellent forlaryngitis or inflammation of the larynx.

Blue links with and stimulates the throat chakra. The throat chakra is often referenced as the "power center" and "the greatest center in the body" because it is the primary center of expression and communication, through speech.

Esoteric/magickal: Elemental water and elemental air. Deities of the sea, truth and wisdom. Peace and tranquility, calmness, truth, wisdom, justice, counsel, guidance, understanding, patience, loyalty and honor, sincerity, devotion, healing, femininity, prophetic dreams, protection during sleep, astral projection.

Preference for blue: Cool and soothing, dreamy and magical. Peace and rest. For people who keep a certain distance, but give calm and practical help; they are faithful and loyal, have a sense for order, logic and rational thinking. Flying in day-dreaming, ideals or nostalgia when felt mis-understood. Dark blue is more severe and can be melancholic. Blue is also the color of truth.
Aversion to blue: A person who has an aversion to blue, may be very disciplined, strong career worker, with an aversion of commentary or restriction. He may have charted out a clear direction for his life and wants to follow that lacelike .

Healing On Colour - Green


Healing properties: Green is the color of Nature and the earth. It is balance and harmony in essence and possesses a soothing influence upon both mind and body. It is neither relaxing nor astringent in its impact. Green can be used for just about any condition in need of healing.

Green rings psychological and emotional harmony and balance.

Green links with and stimulates the heart chakra.Green affects blood pressure and all conditions of the heart. It has both an energizing effect and a moderating or soothing effect.

It cures hormonal imbalances. Stimulates growth hormone and rejuvenation. Cleans and purifies from germs, bacteria and rotting material. Harmonizes the digestion, stomach, liver, gall. Has a healing effect on kidneys. Increases immunity. Builds up muscles, bones and tissues. Stimulates inner peace. Strengthens the nervous system.

Esoteric/magickal: Elemental earth (dark green) and elemental water (blue-green). Nature, fertility, growth, rejuvenation, recovering, healing, harvest and abundance, prosperity, harmony, balance, peace, hope, mother earth, home, herbal magick, plants and animals, counteract greed and jealousy.

Preference for green: Green brings peace, rest, hope, comfort and nurturing, calmness and harmony. Interest in nature, plants, fellowmen, children and animals, health and healing, natural and plain life. Longing for a safe home and family-life. A dislike of conflicts.

Aversion to green: A person who has an aversion to green may be more interested in independence and self-development than in a warm family-life. May prefer to keep a certain distance in (sexual) relationships.

Healing On Colour - Yellow


Healing properties: Yellow helps strengthen the nerves and the mind. It helps awaken mental inspiration and stimulates higher mentality. Thus, it is an excellent color for nervous or nerve-related conditions or ailments. It also energizes the muscles. Dark yellow soothes pains in the nerves (shooting pains)

Yellow can be used for conditions of the stomach, liver, and intestines. Speeds up the digestion and assimilation, and the stool.

It helps the pores of the skin and aids scarred tissue in healing itself.

Yellow links with and stimulates the solar plexus, or psychic center. It can be used for psychic burnout or other psychic-related conditions or ailments. Activates and cheers up depressed and melancholic people. Gives lust for life.

Esoteric/magical: Elemental air. Deities for trade, travel, knowledge and magick. Life-force, vitality, change, progress, contact, communication, trade, commerce, to persuade with confidence, joy, cheerfulness, learning, knowledge, mental clarity, concentration, memorizing, tests, speaking and writing, traveling, affirmation, visualization.

Preference for yellow: The color of the sun, life-force, vividity, vitality and energy. The color of cheerfulness, curiosity, alternation, flexibility, progress, amusement, contact through traveling and communication, learning and practical knowledge. A feeling for writing and speaking.

Aversion to yellow: A person who has aversion to yellow may be emotionally disappointed and bitter.May have tendency to rationalize feelings, or to avoid the depth of life by often changing relationships, many superficial relationships and/or constant changing activities.

Healing On Colour - Orange


Healing properties: Orange is warm, cheering, non-constricting. Orange has a freeing action upon the body and mind, relieving repressions. Orange shows new possibilities and other options in life. Stimulates creative thinking and enthusiasm, and helps assimilate new ideas.It is also helpful in dealing with excess sexual expression.

Orange stimulates the lungs, the respiration and the digestion. Increases the activity of the thyroid. Reliefs muscle cramps and spasms. Increases the amount of mother milk.
Finally, orange links very strongly with the sacral chakra.

Esoteric/magickal: Deities of good luck and fortune. Attraction, charm, kindness, encouragement, stimulation, optimism, success, abundance, prosperity, feast and celebration, energy, achieving business-goals, investments, success in legal matters.

Preference for orange: Orange represents the warmth of the fire. It brings even more energy than yellow, celebration and great abundance, comfort, enjoyment of the senses. Warm, sociable, dynamic and independent people who dedicate themselves to whatever they do.

Aversion to orange: A person who has an aversion to orange may have suppressed sexual feelings or other difficulties with sensual enjoyment of life. The attitude can also be over-sensual, indulgent, or too materialistic.

Healing On Colour - Red


Healing properties: Brings warmth, energy and stimulation, therefore good for energy, fatigue, colds, chilly and passive people. Red energizes heart and blood circulation, it builds up the blood and heightens a low blood pressure. Energizes all organs and the senses hearing, smell, taste, vision and touch. Increases sexual desire and activity. Stimulates ovulation and menstruation. Never treat cancer with red, because this color will stimulate cell growth!

Red links with and stimulates the root chakra, at the base of the spine, causing the adrenal glands to release adrenalin. This results in greater strength. Red causes hemoglobin to multiply, thus increasing energy and raising body temperature. It is excellent for anemia and blood-related conditions. It loosens, opens up clogs, releases stiffness and constrictions. It is excellent for areas that have become stiffened or constricted.

Esoteric/magickal: Deities of love, passion, sexuality and war (to stimulate a healthy portion of assertiveness). Great energy, courage, will-power, determination, speed, assertiveness, aggression, masculinity, independence, physical strength, sports, competition, conflicts, health, sexual attraction and potency, love and passion, fertility.

Preference for red: Red is associated with passionate love, sex, great energy, impulse, action and stimulation, assertiveness and aggression, courage, strength and power, adventure, danger, warnings, revolt and revolution. Temperamental and ambitious people with a need for personal freedom.

Aversion to red: A person who has an aversion to red may be over-active, too impulsive, hot-tempered, aggressive and egocentric, or have difficulties with people with such characteristics. It can also symbolize deeply hidden fears and rejection of his own assertiveness.

To keep the body in good health is a duty, for otherwise we shall not be able to trim the lamp of wisdom, and keep our mind strong and clear. Water surrounds the lotus flower, but does not wet its petals

The Buddha

Healing Power of Colours

Chromotherapy (Colour Therapy)

Chromotherapy is a method of treatment of diseases by colour. It is best used as a supportive therapy along with other natural methods of preserving health such as correct diet, adequate rest and relaxation, exercise, yogic asanas and so on.

According to practitioners of chromotherapy, the cause of any disease can be traced to the lack of a particular colour in the human system. Colour therapy is a technique of restoring imbalance by means of applying coloured light to the body. It was a popular method of cure even in ancient times. Some 2,500 years ago, Pythagoras applied colour light therapeutically and ‘colour halls’ were used for healing in ancient Egypt, China and India.

The pioneer of modern colour therapy was Niels Finsen of Denmark. Following the discovery, in 1877, of the bactericidal action of solar ultra-violet energy, Finsen studied the possibility of assisting the healing of wounds with visible light. He subsequently used red light to inhibit the formation of smallpox scars and, in 1896, founded a Light Institute (now the Finsen Institute of Copenhagen) for the phototreatment of tuberculosis. In 1932, Gerrard and Hessay, two Californian psychologists, scientifically established that blue light had a calming effect and red a stimulating power on human beings.

Blue and red colours are considered at the two extremes with yellow representing the midpoint. These are also the three principal colours in a rainbow. A patient is first subjected to an examination to ascertain which colour he lacks. The deficiency is determined by observing the colour of the eyeballs, nails, urine and excrement. In cases of the lack of red the eyes and nails will be bluish, and the urine and excrement white or bluish. If there is a deficiency of the blue colour, the eyes and nails will be reddish and urine and excrement yellowish or red.

Every substance on earth contains colour. Even the rays cast on earth by celestial bodies contain colour in the form of white light. The rays of the sun contain seven different colours — violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red. These are natural colours which are highly beneficial to the maintenance of health and for healing diseases. According to Dr. Babbit, a well-known authority on chromotherapy, “sunlight is the principal curative agent in nature’s laboratory and where light cannot enter, disease does. Chlorosis, anaemia, leukaemia, emaciation, muscular debility, degeneration of heart and liver, dropsical effusion, softening of bones, nervous excitability, physical deformity, stunted growth and consumption are the result of excluding oneself from the beneficial effects of sunlight.”

Sunlight plays an important role in the recovery from chronic diseases. Judicious use of sunlight can be part of the curing process in almost every affliction. The rays of the sun improve digestion and nutrition, quicken blood and lymph circulation and increase the elimination of impurities through the skin.

Symbolic of heat, fire and anger. It is a stimulating and energising colour. It stimulates arterial blood and brings warmth to cool extremities. Used as a general tonic, it is very valuable in the treatment of diseases like low blood pressure, rheumatism, paralysis, anaemia and advanced cases of tuberculosis.

Symbolic of prosperity and pride, orange is useful for stimulating blood supply and energising the nerves. It is beneficial in the treatment of kidney and gallstones, hernia and appendicitis. It is also used to stimulate the milk producing action of breasts after childbirth.

Violet is beneficial in the treatment of nervous and emotional disturbances, arthritis, acute cases of consumption and insomnia.

Associated with joy and happiness, yellow is laxative and diuretic. It is a stimulant to the brain, the liver and the spleen. It is also effective in the treatment of diabetes, indigestion, kidney and liver disorders, constipation, eye and throat infections, syphilis and impotence.

Purple or indigo combines the blood-warming red and the cooling antiseptic blue. It is an excellent stimulant without being an irritant. It is beneficial in the treatment of advanced stages of constipation, hydrocle, leucorrhoea, many disorders of the stomach and womb, cataract, migraine and skin disorders. It exerts a soothing effect on the eyes, ears and the nervous system.

Made up of blue and yellow, green is regarded as a colour of harmony. It is a mild sedative. It is useful in the treatment of nervous conditions, hay fever, ulcers, influenza, malaria, colds, sexual disorders and cancer. It preserves and strengthens eyesight. Being highly medicinal and depressive, it is of great help in the treatment of inflammatory conditions.

Cool, soothing and sedative, blue alleviates pain, reducing bleeding and heals burns. It is beneficial in the treatment of dysentery, colic, asthma, respiratory disorders, high blood pressure and skin aberrations. In a study at the New England State Hospital in the United States, 25 members of staff with normal blood pressure were bathed in blue light for half an hour. It resulted in universal fall in blood pressure. The blood pressure rose when red light was applied.

Energy Flow

" Energy Follow Thought "
" Thought Follow Energy "

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Colour Therapy

Colour Therapy aims to balance and enhance our body's energy centres/chakras by using the seven colours of the light spectrum, which can help to stimulate our body's own healing process. Each of the seven colours resonates with one of the main seven chakras.

Colour Therapy uses colour to balance the Chakras of the body

Each of the spectrum colours is simply light of varying wavelengths, thus each colour has its own particular energy.

The energy relating to each of these spectrum colours resonates with the energy of each of the seven main chakras of the body.

If you can imagine the chakras/energy centres as a set of cogs/wheels, they are rather like the workings of a clock or an engine; each cog /wheel needs to move smoothly and at a similar speed for the clock/engine to work properly. Thus good health and well being is achieved by a balance of all these energies (or the smooth running of the cogs/wheels).

Colour therapy can help to re-balance these 'wheels' by applying the appropriate colour to the body and therefore re-balance our chakras. Listed below is each of the spectrum colours and the chakra which it relates to. Violet has the shortest wavelength and red the longest wavelength.

Violet relates to the crown chakra, and red the base chakra. Colour is absorbed by the eyes, skin and skull and the energy of colour can affect us on all levels, that is to say, physical, spiritual and emotional. Every cell in the body needs light energy - thus colour energy has widespread effects on the whole body.

Colour therapy can be shown to help on a physical level, which is perhaps easier to quantify, however there are deeper issues around the colours on the psychological and spiritual levels.

Our well being is not, of course, purely a physical issue. Fortunately, many more practitioners, both orthodox and complementary are now treating patients in an holistic manner. That is to say, we are body, mind and spirit and none of these areas function entirely alone; each has an effect upon the other. This is why Colour Therapy can be so helpful since colour addresses all levels of our being.

As babies we first experience colour in the womb where we are enveloped in a nurturing and comforting pink. Then as a child we associate with colour as part of our first learning processes. These first associations contribute to our consciousness. As we get older we attach many different feelings, memories and meanings to certain colours and this can then become a feature in our subconscious. We can build up prejudices to colours which have happy, sad, or frightening connotations for us.

All life experiences make an impression upon us. Some experiences will be positive and some negative. It is these negative experiences which can manifest themselves physically over time as dis-ease. As an example:- perhaps we have, over the years, been in a situation where we have felt unable, for one reason or another, to speak our mind, or to express our needs and feelings. This can manifest as a problem in the throat chakra. The throat chakra relates in the spiritual aspect to self expression. Thus, if our self expression has been blocked, the energy in this area will not be free flowing.

Working with the appropriate colour/colours can help to dispel negative feelings, free blocks and re-balance the body.

Colour Therapy is a totally holistic and non-invasive therapy and, really, colour should be a part of our everyday life, not just something we experience for an hour or two with a therapist.

Colour is all around us everywhere. This wonderful planet does not contain all the beautiful colours of the rainbow for no reason. Nothing on this earth is here just by chance, everything in nature is here for a purpose. Colour is no exception. All we need to do is to heighten our awareness of the energy of colour and how it can transform our lives.

The capacity for health and well being is within us all. is a totally holistic and non-invasive therapy and, really, colour should be a part of our everyday life, not just something we experience for an hour or two with a therapist. Colour is all around us everywhere. This wonderful planet does not contain all the beautiful colours of the rainbow for no reason. Nothing on this earth is here just by chance, everything in nature is here for a purpose. Colour is no exception. All we need to do is to heighten our awareness of the energy of colour and how it can transform our lives. A professional therapist will help you to do this. The capacity for health and well being is within us all.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Healing the Human Energy Field

Everything in the universe is energy. You are an energy being consisting of six inner energy bodies that manifest as one outer matter body. All your physical, mental, and emotional issues are actually stored as patterns in your energy field . Your auric patterns can come from this life or can be carried over from prior existences. Stored patterns consist of disempowering thought forms, traumas, stress, beliefs, etc. These patterns can cause physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual disconnection. Healing these energy patterns in a timely manner can prevent these inner patterns from manifesting as outer illness and disease. Therefore, Energy Healing can assist with a wide variety of physical, mental, and emotional ailments because it works with the body's natural capacity for self healing. It works especially well in overcoming addictions, pain, anxiety, and phobias. It can provide excellent support during invasive treatments like radiation and chemotherapy as well aiding recovery from surgery by helping to reduce unpleasant side effects. It can also help with easing the process of dying.

The power of Energy Healing comes from the early identification of disruptions and disturbances at the level of energy BEFORE they can manifest in diseases and disorders at the level of matter. This gives you advance notice of problems and precious time to heal your issues before they can create serious illness. For only by healing your issues can you bring your life into balance and achieve vibrant health. Energy Healing helps by boosting your energy field with the life force present in universal energy. Usually Energy Healing is performed by a practitioner skilled in channeling the flow of universal energy into the fields of others. It is the energy which brings gentle balance into your body, mind, and emotions. It is not the practitioner's energy which does this: it is universal energy at work. It is your willingness to receive and integrate universal energy that creates the healing.

Energy Healing works only to the extent that you are truly open and ready to receive the energy and use it to heal your physical, mental, and/or emotional issues. The cellular intelligence of your body will use the energy to heal physical issues. The nurturing beliefs of your mind will allow the energy to heal mental issues. The wisdom of your emotions will allow the energy to heal emotional issues. You wil heal to the extent that you embrace healing energy. You will not heal to the extent you resist it. Your Higher Self actually directs the energy to where it is needed and can most be accepted at any moment. Energy Healing is very sensitive to what you want - what you really want - as communicated by your consistent actions, thoughts, and emotions. If you cannot/do not act, think, and feel in healthy ways, Traditional Medicine becomes a better choice for you.

Energy Healing is a ongoing process of maintaining vibrant health. Your need for healing depends upon your view of the role of medicine. Traditional medicine approaches healing from the standpoint of "sick care"... when you are sick, that is when you get care. Traditional medicine focuses on curing: once the illness is cured with some drug to handle symptoms the caring ends. Afterwards, there is no further contact with the practitioner until another problem arises. Sick Care is geared to produce repeat customers, not to solve problems. Alternative medicine approaches healing from the standpoint of "wellness"... health is viewed as a process requiring regular, ongoing maintenance to prevent sickness and promote health and vitality. Alternative medicine focuses on wellness: the only difference between health and illness is illness requires extra attention. Wellness is geared to transcend problems by healing them, unemploying the healer. Only you can decide when you need healing and how best to seek it.

The best thing you can do to assist the Energy Healing process is to have the burning desire to be healed. If you truly want to be healed, then traditional and alternative practitioners can help you. Sadly, many illnesses comes as answers to people's repeated prayers to leave a life that has become unendurable to them. If you do not want to be healed, then do not waste time or money on Energy Healing because your body, mind, and emotions will reject the healing energy. When you want to be healed, when you open yourself up to healing energy, and when you are ready to face your issues, only then will you be healed. Energy Healing works best when you are an active partner in your healing process.Partnership means working with the practitioner to heal your issues. It means following a course of treatment when the practitioner is not present. It means critically evaluating what they advise not just following blindly. It is your body, your mind, your emotions: take good care of them!

The Energy Bodies

We have five layers of energy bodies. They are physical, etheric, emotional, mental and spiritual. Its outer shape appears egg shaped and normally extends out about two to three feet beyond the physical body, depending on the situation the person is experiencing. The following describes the five layers:

The PHYSICAL ENERGY BODY is the densest form of energy. The vibrational patterns of the physical body are of a frequency low enough to be experienced by everyone with our five senses.

The ETHERIC ENERGY BODY is the physical body’s blueprint. Traumas to the physical body are reflected into the etheric body. Energy therapy restores the etheric energy body back to its original vibrational pattern which existed prior to the trauma, enabling healing of the traumatic events to the physical body.

The EMOTIONAL ENERGY BODY contains the emotional patterns, feelings, and vibrations that determine our personality, and also how we feel about ourselves and interact with others. If we are consistently fearful, constantly angry or always feel helpless, these patterns or vibrations get locked in our emotional energy field and become a part of our personality.

The MENTAL ENERGY BODY contains the structure and patterns of all the thoughts and belief systems that we consider as true. There is a very strong connection between the mental and emotional bodies. Although a thought or idea can in itself be very powerful, our reactions to those thoughts carry even more energy. The emotional body records the intensity of the reaction to the thought stored in the mental body.

The SPIRITUAL ENERGY BODY contains all the information related to our experiences, and reflects our consciousness of all that has been learned and experienced. It contains our higher intentions, our sense of what is right and wrong, and our desire to increase our awareness of our purpose, place and mission for this lifetime.

The Energy Bodies In Their Common Unseen Unhealthy State

When perceived with a full range of supersensory perception each of us is an amazingly beautiful display of light, color, and energy. We are all divine beings of light! At the same time, our current time period subjects us to a variety of stresses that take their toll on our energy health. Since perception of these effects of stress is just beginning to awaken in most people, various deleterious conditions tend to accumulate in our nonphysical energy bodies without us knowing it. Over time such deleterious conditions of energy health become what is considered "normal" and are taken for granted. We forget the purity and wholeness that we had as a child, before such conditions accumulated.

The above image reveals conditions that are common for most people to have without them knowing it. Some people are beginning to sense that such conditions exist. Some people look better, some people look worse. Whatever conditions are present, they can be resolved.

While physical hygiene; taking baths, showers, etc.; is normal practice today, energetic hygiene is not. Who ever taught us to clean our Etheric Body, Emotional Body, or Mental Body? Imagine if you never took a bath or shower your entire life. Perhaps that is the case on energetic levels. Perhaps this is the case for nearly everyone.

The dark accumulations that appear on the physical body of the above image are not actually on the physical level. They are dense thought and emotional energies that have accumulated. They create blockages to vital/etheric health. These blockages can also accumulate in chakra energy centers. When this happens, internal organs and glands can be weakened. Blockages in the chakra energy centers can interfere with healthy mental and emotional functioning as well.

These accumulated dense energies also create weak areas in the Etheric/Vital Body that can then create holes in the etheric aura. Other causes of etheric holes are: traumas, many common electromagnetic appliances such as leaky microwave ovens and cellular phones, magnets, electric blankets, excess alcohol, certain drugs. These holes leak vital energies and allow unhealthy energies to get in from the environment.

The Emotional/Astral Body has accumulated darker colored energies, especially in the lower half of the aura. These are accumulated and sometimes deeply suppressed negative emotions.

The Emotional/Astral Body also has holes with vital energies (red streams) leaking out. Such holes are very common and can be caused by emotional loss, arguments, past trauma, excess alcohol, certain drugs. When Emotional/Astral holes are present, there is a lack of natural protection from negative emotional energies in the environment.

A long crack stretches from the upper right corner to the lower left corner. These are very common and are the result of some past trauma. The red energies along it are emotionally reactive patterns associated with the past event.

In the Mental/Intellectual Body there are generally horizontal zigzagging black and gray lines that are patterns of judgment and suppression. These interfere with accepting one's self and life, and living life to its fullest.

The black little tornados in the Mental/Intellectual Body are repetitive negative thoughts.

The gray stains in the Mental/Intellectual Body are negative thought energies that have accumulated.

The black slices in the Causal/Soul Body are not negative accumulations but rather vacancies - areas or types of consciousness that need to be developed. This is the fundamental cause of all the other deleterious conditions - the need for more consciousness. If you have sufficient consciousness, you can handle any kind of stressful experience with ease and remain free of any negative effects.

The above is just a sampling of various common deleterious conditions that can be perceived with a full range of supersensory abilities. There are a wide variety of other conditions that can also be seen in people, that are unique to each person.


Sunday, September 03, 2006

Happy Gathering

UE members & Mr. Murugiah having lunch at Woodlands restaurant

( From left) : Yu Min, Daniel Pau, Seow Ean, Sister Bee, Murugiah, & Bro Sut

Caason with Sister Bee & Bro sut

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Spiritual Progress

One's Spritual progress can be judged by one's to Love, to Serve , to Adjust and to Adapt

His Holiness Swami Shantanand Saraswathi

I am Nothing

The Greatest Acquisition Of Power is The Realisation

I Am Nothing

By His Holiness Swami Shantanand Saraswathi

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

What is Spirituality

What makes us human? Is it the ability to walk on two feet and think? Is it the complexity of emotion that permeates our lives like an ocean fog? Who are we really? Even when we define ourselves as a soul, what are we talking about? Is it some mysterious connection with an inner self that few human beings have access to while others simply live their lives in robotic imitation or denial?

We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, said somebody once, but spiritual beings having a human experience. Most of us have had peak experiences in our lives where we can identify with this spiritual being , but few of us feel able to sustain this awareness. Meanwhile, all kinds of dogmas, rituals, and religions have grown up around this awareness of our inner self, which have unfortunately done more to clutter than to illuminate the truth, leading to a painful disconnection from our inner being, with each other, and with all life on Mother Earth.

In this short essay, I wish to define spirituality in a multi-dimensional, evolutionary context. Who we are is a vast ocean of awareness seeking to find a reflection of itself in physical form. Whether we call this atman, soul, essence, spirit, being, monad, or divine spark, we are awesome beings eternally powerful and self-aware. At a certain point, we chose to experiment with physical matter, created physical bodies for self-expression, and entered the playground of form. It was a delicate operation, for while the potential existed for a greater exploration of diversity in the incredible beauty of physical form, there was also the danger that we would somehow get lost in matter. It was rather like a pearl diver plunging into the ocean depths hunting for pearls and finding that his lifeline had become tangled in the weeds.

From an evolutionary perspective, it is the DNA of our physical form that holds the memories of who we are, as well as the potential of what we can become. Our DNA was imprinted as a perfect reflection of spirit in the worlds of form. At a certain point in history, for reasons that I won�t elaborate at this point, our DNA experienced distortions, and our lifeline was broken. We experienced ourselves as marooned in bodies of matter, disconnected from the worlds of our origins. We became lost in matter, and experienced separation from our vast identity as spirit. We became identified ourselves with our bodies, with our brief sojourn in matter. Our minds, instead of serving as a link to the infinite worlds of multi-dimensional expression, became locked into a rigid sense of separate material identity. Disconnected from the truth of our inner being, we fragmented ourselves, and our bodies began to age, suffer, and die.

How do we reverse this sad state of affairs? In order to discover again who we truly are, we first need to recognize who we are not. We are NOT this sorry excuse for humanity that clothes itself in pathetically narrow religious, cultural, or historical identities. We are NOT a cancerous, murderous species out to devour the world. We are NOT the static within our minds that keeps us hooked into a pointless robotic existence. We are NOT bodies separate from our souls, nor hearts disconnected from our minds. And we are NOT alone in the universe.

The great Indian freedom-fighter, yogi, and avatar, Sri Aurobindo, spoke about a new force that is beginning to move through human affairs. The Divine that we are in our true essence is beginning to move towards the fractured divinity of our embodied form. He referred to this as the supramental descent. It is a unifying force that is beginning to permeate our collective human drama, reverse our distorted identification with physical form, and awaken our true potential within the fields of matter. It is a new evolutionary force that is here to create a new species of humanity as different from humans today as we are from the apes. It is a Divine Force that is re-splicing the very basis of our DNA so that we can fully express our Infinite Universal Self within transformed bodies of light capable of multi-dimensional access.

What we refer to as enlightenment is the first step in this journey. It is a neurophysiological process whereby the mind is linked with heart, which, yoked together, link with the dimensions of soul. It is only the first step, however. As our DNA begins to respond to these linkages, the physical body begins to mutate. The cells begin to absorb nourishment directly from the cosmos, the mind allows increasing access to higher dimensions, and the soul finds fuller expression in body of purified matter. Eventually the body becomes a clear, perfect reflection for the intent of spirit, and soul can incarnate fully within the body. Some call this process ascension. (Perhaps a more appropriate term would be "descension"!)

For the masses of humanity, this is still to come, however. It may not be till certain shifts take place in the energetic balance of Earth that we become fully capable of living as limitless spiritual beings in human bodies. As we come closer to the end of linear time as reflected in the Mayan calendar, the energetic balance on Earth will go through a profound shift. Until then, we can begin with contemplating our true potential, and awakening from the illusions of who we are not. Once we recognize who we are not, our souls can work more directly to illumine our bodies and minds. Although the mass enlightenment and ascension of humanity may not happen until later, each of us can begin our individual journey here and now.

For long eons, humanity has slumbered in unconsciousness, and has come close to destroying forever its own habitat. We have wandered deep into a prison of our own making, and have tried desperately to cut off all traces of our true origins and destiny. Our DNA has been distorted, and we have genetically engineered ourselves almost to extinction. However, we are at a moment in time when we are preparing to awaken from this deep slumber and take our place as fully conscious, mature, spiritual beings in the vast playground of created universes. After all our wanderings, we are preparing to finally come home to ourselves, and to truly know that place for the first time. May we journey well!

By Kiara Windrider

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Aura Balancing

Sometimes known as aura therapy this is a type of energy work where the practitioner perceives some imbalance in the aura, sometimes using various equipment, and places their hands on or near the patient in an attempt to redress it. A few use their own energy but it is much more usual to channel energy from healersexternal source such as the earth, God etc. as used in Spiritual healing . This has the dual advantages of not depleting the practitioner and lessening the chance of the practitioner taking on any of the negative energy of the patient. Another method of balancing the aura is for the therapist to use his or her powers of visualisation. The therapist might visualise a ‘soothing blue’ going into and transforming an ‘angry red’ in a client’s aura or simple visualising energy flooding into the patient and ‘shoring up’ any week spots.

In much esoteric literature the human body is made up of various bodies in addition to the physical body. The four ‘densest’ of these, the ‘astral’, ‘etheric’, mental and emotional bodies overlap the physical body slightly and it might be these that are the main constituents of the aura or ‘energy field’ around a person’s body. There also seems to be a direct connection between the aura and the chakras, so for instance if someone’s aura appeared to be somewhat ‘top heavy’ it might indicate that they were ‘insufficiently grounded’ or had an underactive or blocked root chakra’

Even those who cannot see the aura can sometimes be aware of it. If you have just met someone and feel an instant dislike for them this could be from picking something up from their auras. There are also various aids to seeing the auras such as aura goggles, which are really just coloured glasses, aura photography, a relatively new development involving a camera and a personal computer, and kirlian photography. If you are trying to see auras for the first time it can help to put someone a few feet away from a plain background and squint at them in semi-darkness paying particular attention to an area from 6 inches to a foot away from them. Failing that many people claim to be able to feel the aura. Simply running your fingers at various distances around a person’s, or animal’s, outline and ‘tuning in’ is the normal method.

The aura is said to be influenced by many things but mostly your physical health and mental state. In fact it has been suggested that this might be a mechanism for how one’s mental state might affect the physical body. For example if someone’s lifestyle were particularly mentally stressful, that stress would directly affect the mental body, since it would be overworked, and the emotional body, which would be fed up about it. This could cause an energy imbalance which would feed back to the physical body, leading to illness. Other things that are said to affect the aura are diet, environment, spirituality and even the earth’s magnetic field.

An aura balancer or therapist could detect an imbalance and diffuse it before it had a chance to harm the body, or correct the imbalance and strengthen that part of the aura that was vulnerable. Needless to say the cause of the stress should be looked at or you would only be deferring the problem. Imbalances in the aura can be perceived in many ways. The various colours of the aura all tell a tale. The various associations of the colours are generally those used in colour therapy other than lighter colours in an aura would be preferable to darker ones. A dull or dark coloured patch in the aura could be indicative of some form physical ailment. A raggedy edged aura might indicate an emotional exhaustion or a giving too much of oneself. A particularly hard edged aura could suggest that the patient might be overly defensive. Shoots of light, normally coming from the head, could indicate anger or hysteria. In her book ‘hands of light’ Barbara Ann Brennan has many pictures of auras in various imbalanced states. An important point to note, however, is that not everyone perceives the aura in exactly the same way. Furthermore, the mental state of the viewer can not only affect how he or she perceives the aura but can directly affect the patient’s aura itself.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Redirecting Stressful Energy

Stress is energy without direction.

Taking the undirected energy of stress and applying it useful relieves stressful feelings.

At the first sign of distress we can take a moment to breathe in deeply and then let go while relaxing on the out-breath. Controlled breathing cuts the edge off agitation.

Next, change activity and surroundings. Focusing the mind on another activity redirects stressful energy. Choosing to live for the highest good directs our energy in a positive manner

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

The Timeline of Healing

As we close in on Reality, we see that the Healer and healed are one. That our thoughts of love for others heal us during the very process of caring.

This self-healing by the Self of All happens when we are energized by joy. Joy felt in meditation. Joy felt in loving unconditionally. Joy felt in each moment of personal radiance.

Healing is usually an ongoing process over what we experience as a time line. And with each of us the time line is longer or shorter according to what we pack into each moment. According to the degree of love in attitude, thought, and action that we pack into each moment.

When we love all with the same unconditional love we feel for ourselves we are healed.

Healing occurs when we love with full vibrancy Purging away remaining traces to experiencing Oneness with the Healer Oneness with our Creator-Sustainer-Healer.

By Susan Kramer

Monday, July 31, 2006

Sogyal Rinpoche

Biography: Born in Kham in Eastern Tibet, Sogyal Rinpoche was recognized as the incarnation of Lerab Lingpa Tertön Sogyal, a teacher to the thirteenth Dalai Lama, by Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö, one of the most outstanding masters of the twentieth century. Jamyang Khyentse supervised Rinpoche's training and raised him like his own son. n 1971, Rinpoche went to England where he studied Comparative Religion at Cambridge University. He went on to study with many other masters, of all schools of Tibetan Buddhism, especially Kyabjé Dudjom Rinpoche and Kyabjé Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, serving as their translator and aide. With his remarkable gift for presenting the essence of Tibetan Buddhism in a way that is both authentic and profoundly relevant to the modern mind, Sogyal Rinpoche is one of the most renowned teachers of our time.

Rinpoche has been teaching for over 25 years and continues to travel widely in Europe, America, Australia, and Asia, where he addresses thousands of people on his teaching tours and is a frequent speaker at major conferences. In 1993, Rinpoche founded the Spiritual Care Program which, under his guidance, aims to bring the wisdom and compassion of these teachings to professional and trained volunteer caregivers who work in end of life care.

Particular teachings: Spiritual Care Program, the aim of which is to demonstrate practical ways in which the compassion and wisdom of the Buddhist teachings can help those facing illness or death, their families, and medical caregivers. Based on the teachings of Sogyal Rinpoche and The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, together with insights drawn from hospice experience, we offer an integrated approach for people from diverse cultural and religious backgrounds.

Book: The Tibetan Book ofSogyal Rinpoche is the author of the highly-acclaimed and ground breaking book, The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying. Over 1.6 million copies of this spiritual classic have been printed, in 27 languages and 54 countries. It has been adopted by colleges, groups and institutions, both medical and religious, and is used extensively by nurses, doctors and health care professionals.

Main Website:


" Meditation practice is simply about how to release habitual attitudes, it's not about anything else"
Tsoknyi Rinpoche

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Mastering Healing

All pain and disease is a result of a lack of vibrational harmony in the body. This results in vibrational dissonance. This dissonance may manifest on any, or all levels in the body - physical, emotional, mental, etc.

The chief characteristic of this dissonance is resistance. And what we resist, persists. This resistance causes us to see our bodies, the circumstances of our lives, our environment, our relationships, and the world, from the perspective of being at the effect of these conditions and our perception of reality, rather than seeing ourselves at the cause and the source of our reality.

Mastering healing involves going to the source and core of our awareness so that with complete self-honesty and clarity of intention, we may first identify areas of resistance within ourselves. Then without self-judgement, consciously choose resonance instead of resistance, thereby, taking more empowered action and responsibility for our life, health and happiness. This practice also brings the issues that we then transmute and release from resistance to a higher and healthier, resonant vibration.

Now, in order for this healing process to sustain, build and integrate into our bodies' full awareness, it is vitally important to understand the power of commitment and its relationship to intention and love.

Commitment ot our values, ideals, beliefs, principles, spiritual practices, God and self, creates the foundation on which not only our character, but our vibrational health and awareness is built.

Commitment to our word and to the people in our lives (all of whom mirror every issue that needs healing within us) extends and expands the limitless healing potential of our relationships with ourselves and with others.

This intention to commitment then brings the quality of love within these relationships to the optimal harmony and healing experience.

In summary, our life, love, relationships and healing will be successful in direct proportion to the agreements and commitments that we make and keep with ourselves and others; and according to the level and clarity of our intention.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Energy Medicine

Energy Medicine is a new concept to many and often is confusing due to varying definitions of the term “energy,” along with limiting understandings of the concept of medicine. The intent of this article is to shed some light on the meaning of energy medicine.

Energy is commonly understood from a scientific point of view, for example understanding how to harness electrical energy or the energy of a chemical reaction, or having sufficient caloric intake to fuel our bodies as we go about our daily activities. In “new age” circles, the term is used frequently but the meaning is often vague and unclear.

Medicine has come to be associated with chemical substances prescribed by medical doctors. Usually it has been used to refer to a pill or liquid to treat a specific illness or health concern. However, medicine is much more than a pill or other chemical substance and energy is much more than the calories needed to function at peak performance and maintain health.

Like with the term “Laughter is the best medicine,” medicine is anything that warms the heart and brings about a sense of wholeness and satisfaction. When I laugh I feel good, and in that moment in which I let go and laugh, I connect to the part of myself that exists beyond whatever stress or thoughts were in my mind beforehand. Medicine can be a walk in the woods, playing with a beloved cat or dog, or singing in the shower. Medicine is anything that can assist in the feeling of contentment by facilitating our connection to that part of ourselves that is happy, at peace and part of the larger picture of life beyond our everyday concerns.

Energy is a term to refer to the building block of life, both of the material world and the Source of the material world which is often unseen. Some may call this Source God/Goddess, some may call it the Great Mystery. I believe we are all gods and goddesses waiting to remember our creative, divine power to manifest. As gods and goddesses we are the mothers and fathers of our reality. Our thoughts, actions, emotions, even our very breath itself are all part of how we create in the world and as such are also energy. Energy is the unseen “stuff” that we create with, and it is also that which we create.

Using these definitions, Energy Medicine can be defined as the use of our creative/manifestation abilities to experience the connection to our wholeness and fulfillment. And because we are all connected via something beyond our everyday sense of self, Energy Medicine also benefits the world around us as we create better lives for ourselves.

Energy medicine, therefore, can include anything that helps us become aware of our ability to create via our thoughts, actions, emotions, etc. and provides a format for us to use our creative ability. Some examples are affirmations, prayer, mantras, meditation, healing modalities such as Reiki & Universal Energy Healing . This is by no means a complete list; the expressions of energy medicine are as endless as our awareness and imagination.

Energy medicine is a wholistic approach in that it goes beyond treating the symptoms of illness or unhappiness to take in the larger picture of health. We are more than just physical bodies with symptoms that need to be suppressed/treated, we are complex beings who exist as part of a larger whole. Our identity includes the whole picture of creation.

Energy medicine helps us to access our wholeness for a greater connection to ourselves and the world around us, opening us up to our innate, infinite healing potential. Healing is remembering and becoming our holi-ness, our wholeness. Energy medicine addresses healing by showing us the path to the empowered healer/creator within.

by Linda White Dove

Negative Energies

Every thought, emotion, chemical, metal, gas, sound, color, planet, toxin, everything in this Universe is energy that is alive and intelligent. Energies from these sources can be positive or negative. Parasites, worms, viruses, infectious bacteria, candida overgrowth, other types of fungus and mold overgrowths can create negative energies within you. Psychic attacks are flows of negative energy that can lodge in your body or energetic system around and in your body. Entities and negative spirits are energies that create blockages in your auras, eventually weakening you and causing physical behavior problems. The earth itself releases negative and toxic energies at times that can have a serious effect on your health.

Each individual can create negative energies within themselves through continued negative thinking, feeling, and behavior. These self-created energies can lodge in the auras or energy systems in physical body.

Once negative energies lodge within your physical and energetic bodies, they just sit there until they are released. However they are alive and will create harm as long as they are lodged in your physical body or energy system.

Negative energies can fill a room, an office, a car, and an individual. They easily flip from one person’s aura into another person’s aura. You can absorb negative energies from others simply by being in a room, meeting or grocery store when those around you have negative energies within them. Negative energies are all around us.

Energy can be positive or life giving and enforcing, or it can be negative and harmful for humans. The positive energies strengthen and energize you. The negative energies create blockages in your auras, chakras and create fatigue, confusion, a slower pace of thinking and acting, depression, weaken you, and eventually create real physical illness. They create blockages in your inner energetic system called the meridian system.

The process of ageing is accelerated through the accumulation of negative energies in your auras, meridian system, and all energy systems within you and around you. Negative energies slow down your physical systems and energetic systems lowering the rates of vibration, which then allows other negative invaders to enter and stay in your body. Keeping yourself free of negative energies will assist you in living a longer and happier life.

Psychic attack energy leaves holes and openings in your auras. Holes in your auras make you feel threatened, mistrustful, uneasy, nervous, fearful, and physically drained and fatigued. If you believe you have holes in your auras, ask an energy healer to close your auras so that they are tight and fully closed.