Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Healing the Human Energy Field

Everything in the universe is energy. You are an energy being consisting of six inner energy bodies that manifest as one outer matter body. All your physical, mental, and emotional issues are actually stored as patterns in your energy field . Your auric patterns can come from this life or can be carried over from prior existences. Stored patterns consist of disempowering thought forms, traumas, stress, beliefs, etc. These patterns can cause physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual disconnection. Healing these energy patterns in a timely manner can prevent these inner patterns from manifesting as outer illness and disease. Therefore, Energy Healing can assist with a wide variety of physical, mental, and emotional ailments because it works with the body's natural capacity for self healing. It works especially well in overcoming addictions, pain, anxiety, and phobias. It can provide excellent support during invasive treatments like radiation and chemotherapy as well aiding recovery from surgery by helping to reduce unpleasant side effects. It can also help with easing the process of dying.

The power of Energy Healing comes from the early identification of disruptions and disturbances at the level of energy BEFORE they can manifest in diseases and disorders at the level of matter. This gives you advance notice of problems and precious time to heal your issues before they can create serious illness. For only by healing your issues can you bring your life into balance and achieve vibrant health. Energy Healing helps by boosting your energy field with the life force present in universal energy. Usually Energy Healing is performed by a practitioner skilled in channeling the flow of universal energy into the fields of others. It is the energy which brings gentle balance into your body, mind, and emotions. It is not the practitioner's energy which does this: it is universal energy at work. It is your willingness to receive and integrate universal energy that creates the healing.

Energy Healing works only to the extent that you are truly open and ready to receive the energy and use it to heal your physical, mental, and/or emotional issues. The cellular intelligence of your body will use the energy to heal physical issues. The nurturing beliefs of your mind will allow the energy to heal mental issues. The wisdom of your emotions will allow the energy to heal emotional issues. You wil heal to the extent that you embrace healing energy. You will not heal to the extent you resist it. Your Higher Self actually directs the energy to where it is needed and can most be accepted at any moment. Energy Healing is very sensitive to what you want - what you really want - as communicated by your consistent actions, thoughts, and emotions. If you cannot/do not act, think, and feel in healthy ways, Traditional Medicine becomes a better choice for you.

Energy Healing is a ongoing process of maintaining vibrant health. Your need for healing depends upon your view of the role of medicine. Traditional medicine approaches healing from the standpoint of "sick care"... when you are sick, that is when you get care. Traditional medicine focuses on curing: once the illness is cured with some drug to handle symptoms the caring ends. Afterwards, there is no further contact with the practitioner until another problem arises. Sick Care is geared to produce repeat customers, not to solve problems. Alternative medicine approaches healing from the standpoint of "wellness"... health is viewed as a process requiring regular, ongoing maintenance to prevent sickness and promote health and vitality. Alternative medicine focuses on wellness: the only difference between health and illness is illness requires extra attention. Wellness is geared to transcend problems by healing them, unemploying the healer. Only you can decide when you need healing and how best to seek it.

The best thing you can do to assist the Energy Healing process is to have the burning desire to be healed. If you truly want to be healed, then traditional and alternative practitioners can help you. Sadly, many illnesses comes as answers to people's repeated prayers to leave a life that has become unendurable to them. If you do not want to be healed, then do not waste time or money on Energy Healing because your body, mind, and emotions will reject the healing energy. When you want to be healed, when you open yourself up to healing energy, and when you are ready to face your issues, only then will you be healed. Energy Healing works best when you are an active partner in your healing process.Partnership means working with the practitioner to heal your issues. It means following a course of treatment when the practitioner is not present. It means critically evaluating what they advise not just following blindly. It is your body, your mind, your emotions: take good care of them!

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