Tuesday, February 28, 2006

An Experience of Remote Healing via Using Chakra 6

For L5.1 and above, all the healing process is using your own Chakra 6 or so called "Third Eye" to transmit UE energy to the receiver. The below is my experience via transferred energy through the use of Chakra 6.

  • When activating C6 connected to C7 for 30 sec, the body is feeling warm.
  • The warm feeling was initiated from the head and through the whole body.
  • When placing hands on the patient's chakra point via C6 transferred energy, the own body is also getting warm & sweating.
  • Both hands also feel warm while transferring energy to the patient.
  • The beginning of 30 sec ( C6 + C7) chakras activation is important for refreshing our mind & body.
  • The two entities ( UE Practitioner vs Receiver) was connected & channeled via remote transferred universal energy to the receiver.
  • A believing of remote healing via using chakra 6 was based on the patient healing result.
  • A good recovered from the illness is a positive feedback for an effective remote healing.
  • I always believed that, the important of " Continuous UE Treatment" for each of every patients is a must, then only the result will be revealed.

UE Meditation - 5 Minutes

Why UE Meditation Is So Simple That But Still Is A Challenge !

  • Sometime I asked myself UE meditation is so simple that only 5 min or maximum 30 min, can I done it everyday ........... ?
  • The persistency of meditating 5 min in everyday is a challenge for our present busy life.
  • Is like every morning you must brushing teeth & taking shower......more than 5 min
  • I do missed & lazy to meditate......not even everyday !
  • If we cannot spend 5 min to make calm, refresh & re-charge to ourselves, why we should bother to spend 5 min for energy healing to others person !
  • The consistency of stay calm, patience & persistent of cultivating yourself through UE Meditation is a challenge.
  • Too much external distraction making us vague & having no time to understand ownself.
  • The attraction of materialistics enjoyment.
  • Feel "Nothing" instead of "Emptyness" ,
  • Difficult to concentrate, a lot of events passing through my mind while meditating.

Why ?.......................

We must learn how to LET GO.......

Learn to accept the ENDLESS CHANGE of the universe........

Nothing is static......so as our human life...from born to death......

Nothing to be worried, anxious & panic........all these come from our heart.......

The benefits of UE meditation ~

  • Be more calm, not easy to lost temper & more positive thinking.
  • Knowing your inner-self better.
  • Clearing of unnecessary doubts, worries & fears of the daily life.
  • Feel more relaxe & confidence.
  • Doing more right things than wrong.
  • The inner feel of growing compassion & forgiveness to others.

Through daily meditating, we accumulate our positive thoughts so as to achieve Calmness , Wisdom & Enlightenment.

Monday, February 27, 2006

The 3C for UE Practitioner

The Pillars of 3C : Compassion, Confidence & Concentration

For UE Practitioner , the transfer of UE energy shall accompany with love & Care to the patient or receiver. When a patient feedback is getting well after receiving the UE energy and get healed, the result is come from the power of compassion. The source of energy is originated from the sharing of secrat love & care with giving concern, sympathy & kind via transmitting UE energy to the receiver. That is why the UE Practitioner must use Chackra 4 to spread our UE love to the mankind.

The confidence level is come from the healing experiences. UE pratitioner must always have a 100% confidence to transmit energy to the patient. Whenever activated the C6 & C7 and with the heart of love, the UE energy is 100% transmit to the receiver.

Sometimes, the patient might claimed that they feel nothing with your transferred energy ?

In my experienced, the complementary therapy is a continuous improvement process treatment instead of getting instant result. Both parties( UE practitioner & patient ) must building a channel of trust & confidence then only the incremental improvement will be revealed. The feeling of this subtle energy is not restricted to the physical but in term of psychological & spiritual - Calmness is an important healing energy to the patient.

Feeling relaxe is a way of building concentration via transmitting UE energy to the patient. As for L5.2 Practitioner, transferring energy via using chakra 6, the concentration of own mind & thought is vital. A 5 minutes of meditation prior doing any UE treatment is a must, and make sure the healing environment is minimal to the external distraction.

In our HUE school actually allows the practitioners to 'transfer energy' from one place to another place or one human to another human being for the sake of 'health' and 'wisdom'. We are actually a 'channel' that allows energy to flow from one to another after being prepared by our Master physically, so that we can handle the energy flowing through our body.

We DO NOT HEAL anyone, even though people think that we are healers.
There are many testimonials that receivers of energy has recovered from many illnesses, too many to be covered, yet please note, it is the receiver of energy that allows their body to heal themselves.

We are Channels for Universal Energy.
We only channel the energy from the universe to anyone who needs the energy.

The receiver of the energy is the one that 'actually heal' themselves.

By Sister Bee Via http://www.mel.com.my/

Our human body is an amazing organism that is able to produce any sort of chemicals within the body to heal itself, provided that it has the 'energy' to do so. When our energy is low on energy, it lacks the ability to produce the chemicals in the body to repair it self, but when we, the HUE practitioners channel the energy across to the receiver, it gives the receiver an 'energy boost', this energy boost allows the body to 'make the chemical within the body' so that it can heal itself and on accelerate its recovery.

In conclusion, the UE practitioner must possess of loving & caring heart with a self-confidence and a relaxing mind with concentrating on transmitting energy to the patient's chakras points

The Meaning of MEL Logo

The parts that created the M.E.L. logo are including: two circles, one dragon, one phoenix, three triangles representing the three pyramids, and the light blue background. According to its separate meaning of each part is:

1. The big circle represents the sun, the smaller circle is the moon, when these two circles are line-up to each other, which means the sun and the moon are united, according to the old Vietnamese language means Minh (Minh means light, bright, or intelligent). Minh here means bright, when one is always bright regardless of space or time, then that is Wisdom. When a clergy has wisdom, he reaches nirvana. When an ordinary person has wisdom, he feels that he has united with the body of God, and then he will not have any division or distinction among human being.

From there, the hidden intention and the heartfelt wish of Mankind Enlightenment Love’s founder is to take humankind’s ’spirituality to the true Wisdom. In fact, that place is a heaven on earth. The word Minh also indicates a clairvoyant King- A clairvoyant King is the King who loves his citizen as his children.

2. The Dragon: In the oriental culture, Dragon is one of the four holy animal and utmost important. In ranking Dragon is the first one: Dragon, Unicorn, Tortoise, and Phoenix. According to mythology novel, Dragon has a long body; it can curve and fly very quickly. Sometimes, it dives into ocean, other times it is up in the cloud, sometimes it creates lightning, vibrates the earth and sky. Artists draw it according to the surmise of people.

Therefore, Dragon has different shapes, but in general, they are alike. However, the mysterious point that we need to pay attention to be that the Dragon has 81 scales. The number 81 means 9 times 9, and the number 9 represents for prosperous in positive pole. Therefore, Dragon represents for bravery and masculine, speaking of color, Dragon has 5 different kinds: black, white, blue, red, and golden. The golden Dragon is a chief of the other four dragons, the golden Dragon usually travels by itself, and the other four usually travel in four different direction. The appearance of golden Dragon means there will be a coming Saint to ease the suffering of life.

3. The Phoenix is the Queen of all birds, and its feather has five beautiful colors. It only likes to land on the cornfield of High Mountain. The phoenix lays travel in pair, when the male crows, the female accompanies along. According to history, whenever this kind of bird appears, then there will be a delivery of righteous King. Therefore, the Phoenix represents for true peace and happiness, and represents for an elegant beauty and noble.
In all the meanings above, let us know that is the sign of a transformation period into a new one. The period of which the spiritual level of humanity is at the high point, and many people call it The Golden Age.

4. The three triangles represent for the three pyramids in Mankind Enlightenment Love faculty, this is the key of all Universal Energy practitioners, and the clergy people call it the secret method. This key cannot be open-up to a jewel treasure, but it will open-up to the wisdom and enlightenment for humanity (Understanding this meaning, I hope all Universal Energy practitioners remember to practice it regularly, because it will bring light and happiness to us, and we can use it to help others). Another meaning of these 3 pyramids is the indication of Heaven–Earth–Humanity and the smallest pyramid represents humanity.

The pyramid has 3 faces, and the 3 angles are meeting at the top point, the 3 faces manifesting the three spiritual forms on this earth, which are Buddha, Christ, and Fairy. The three angles indicate the division of the three major religions. Although humanity at different religions, whenever their spiritual evolution reaches a high point, it will take them to the top of the pyramid. Here, humanity do-not divide themselves anymore, no more prejudice, that is The Unity and that is also the goal of Mankind Enlightenment Love faculty.

Written by Luan Truong , Translated by Ricky Tran Via MEL Magazine

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Attaining UE Level 6 Seminar & Open Chakra in SivaSanta

On 26-3-06, the UE Level 6 will be conducted by Sis Bee in Penang. This is an Intermediate level for praparing to the level of 7 & 7 Special.

The content of UE Level 6 :

The method of meditation is changed, it now requires mediation with the assistance of a "Double Pyramid" on a daily basis. This is a self-help system where we build the strength and stamina of our pineal gland.
Time of HUE transfer is now shortened to only 30 seconds via remote, with full effectiveness of lower levels.

Master Dang will transfer energy to all the participations. After attaining the seminar, the L6 UE pratitioners can open chakra to the people or patient who is needed to learn L1 & L2, and preparing to extend learing to L3, L4 & L5.

An idea of our Bro.James that planning to conduct a class for open chakra & teaching UE meditation to our SivaSanta's patients, is a further extention of spreading UE seeds for those patients who not only come for UE treatment but learning the goodness of how to self-healing & UE meditation.

A proposal for the above-mentioned will be discussed with the Coordinator of SivaSanta clinic on next Tuesday.

Why Learning UE ?

The Reasons of Learning UE..........

  • Maybe is continuing from my past life......which I learned & practised before......and is time to continue serving this life time.
  • Always believed that whatever you having now, is a result from the past, and now is time to plant & accumulate whatever good things u done for your present & future......
  • To plant for good karma......
  • More realistic is like to help people who need help, no just in monetary term but in a spiritual way
  • The spirit of UE & Master thoughts influence me to learn further & serve mankind
  • Interest to develop own spiritual path, looking for self-actualization & wisdom enlightenment.
  • The respect of our Sister Tan & Sister Bee who are sacrified their time & effort to promote UE in Penang as well as a whole country regions.
  • Feel satisfaction when the feedback is positive from the patient.
  • UE need us to spread, to promote & continue to helping people as much as we can.
  • The respect of our UE pratitioners Bro.Daniel, James, Ooi & Sis.Jasmine their endless contribution to UE.
  • A wish of promoting & let people know more about the benefits of learning UE

Every Tuesday & Friday, I have to cross a Penang bridge to SivaSanta Clinic, most of the time the traffic is jam, bumper to bumper crawl, but when thinking of helping people is worth it.

The Feeling of Transfer UE energy

The feeling of transferring Universal Energy to the patient.......

  • When activicating my own chakra 6 & 7 , the body is started to feel warm
  • Sending energy via C6 & placing hands to the patient's chakras, the body is getting warm
  • Sweating but won't feel tired
  • The matching of UE high frequency with the pateint's physical & mentality frequency was a subtle feeling.
  • I'm not just transfer UE energy but transferring with love, compassion & care to the patient
  • The comprising of physiological consultation, physical treatment , positive mentality & the focus of right spiritual to the patient is vital.
  • I love UE , caused UE can supplement them the complementary medicine & the values which money cannot buy.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

An Introduction Of The 7 Grand Point In The Human Body- Chakras

CHAKRA 1: The most secret position of the body is the place between the anus and the genitalia, the residence of a mass of extremely special divine fire.
When this mass of fire "goes up" or "run" up the hollow spinal canal, SUHUMMA, as it is called in Sanskrit, goes up directly to the brain like a long fire snake. Therefore, it is called FIRE SNAKE. When the fire snake goes up easily, the person is possessed by spirits. On the contrary, if the yogi understands clearly the cause of this danger and takes precautions beforehand by practicing the purge of impurities making his body clean and light and automatically freeing himself from obstructions of energy channels and point networks or if the yogi is informed by a knowledgeable person who opens chakras for him, then this danger no longer exists. After having overcome this difficult phase, the yogi still will have to face other trials; however, with perseverance and modesty and by listening to reason, he can attain his goal.

CHAKRA 2: The position lies on the coccyx. This chakra regulates and strongly affects health, as well as the inner strength of the human being. If we incline toward banal pleasures and lusts of the flesh, naturally our strength will be wasted with no means of being replenished. Our body will be gradually weakened. On the contrary, if we know how to conserve that vital energy, this chakra will develop strongly, bringing our energy up to the brain and helping it to progress and to become more and more refined every day until the level of perfect enlightenment with the thorough knowledge of the truth inherent in everything is reached. It is only by attaining this level that the veil of obscurity can be destroyed.

CHAKRA 3: This chakra lies on the spine at the waistline. This grand point controls all functions of digestion, excretion, creation of new blood to nourish the body and also utilization of the energy from the daily food intake to enrich the inner strength, or the vital energy.
This chakra regulates the caloric energy in the body and the activities of the stomach, kidneys, liver, spleen, and intestines. If this regulation is weakened, the illness, especially CANCER, of internal organs occurs very easily.

CHAKRA 4: This chakra lies on the spine at the heart level. This chakra directs the Spiritual qualities of compassion, philanthropy, purity, nobility perfection, tolerance, forgiveness, and especially the vast love that embraces the universe. This chakra is the Buddhist character.
When this Grand Point is unblocked, the chakra spins at an extremely rapid speed. All the cells of our body vibrate to such a high degree that we can express our LOVE and COMPASSION to all mankind. If this chakra is not cleared to become effective and though we talk about compassion, it is only lip service, having no real impact.
If we know how to express our love and compassion, which is accompanied by an extremely high level of vibration then this love and compassion can free mankind from a great number of their karma.

CHAKRA 5: This chakra directs the respiratory organs, such as the nose, lungs, throat and skin. When this Chakra is unblocked, the respiratory afflictions will be diminished very much, including asthma.
Asthma is generally caused by impurities. The more impurities are removed, the more the asthma is alleviated. Some persons suffer serious asthma because of karma from past lives. This illness due to karma can be cured only when the subject takes pains to practice godlike self-cultivation, is conscious of his karma, and repents.

CHAKRA 6: Lying approximately two centimeters below the hairline in the center of the forehead is the Divine Eye; the third eye, or the divine Clairvoyance. To use the Divine Eye, one must have abundant inner strength; therefore, first of all, we must clear the Chakras, purge impurities, and exercise to increase inner strength. The Divine Eye can see psychic images from the past, the present, and the future concerning person. It is able to understand clearly astrology and geomancy. The Divine Eye can also uses Supernatural Light like an extremely powerful searchlight to sweep out all impurities, discern disasters in certain locations, or save an area from catastrophes. The efficiency of the Divine Eye varies depending on a person's destiny and karma, but this third eye is indeed an extremely precious gem for the practitioner of godlike self-cultivation.

CHAKRA 7: This Chakra lies on top of the head. When we evolve to an extremely high level, this Chakra becomes a dazzling yellow color, extremely beautiful, looking like a thousand-petal lotus covering all the upper half of the head. Ordinarily we see only opaque white, gray, brown or black colors around people's heads; those colors result from impurities in their brain. If when we encounter people with an awfully "black" color around their head, we should not talk about faith with them. If we preach moral principles to them, it is useless, unless they beg us to save them and when we have enough Inner Strength and an extremely Supernatural Light to "burn out" some of their impurities. In case they sincerely persevere in their wish to improve their ways, it is because of their moral conscience and we should try to save them. We should not refuse, because to refuse, to avoid "saving" those who have a Moral Conscience, is also to cause a karma of selfishness and lack of compassion for saving others. The Supreme Being may also refuse to save us. However, if by using the Divine Eye we can see the bad intentions of bad people who have no "moral conscience" or who want only to test us and to disturb the serenity of our godlike self-cultivation, then we should skillfully avoid them.

If we want to achieve the serenity of our MORAL CONSCIENCE, we must cultivate ourselves to achieve the calmness and the tranquillity of godlike self-cultivation. We should not let our mind be disturbed or agitated, and especially we should not compete with others to win or to lose, belittle others, or "boast" of ourselves as being skilled or clever. Let us close our eyes, stop our ears, and not let worldly talk disturb us.

After the Grand Point Chakra 7 has been opened. This Grand Point becomes an invisible aperture (not a cranial crack) to receive Divine Thoughts, Supernatural Light and the Vital Energy of the universe, and sometimes to receive Cosmic Rays and Cosmic Radiation without being burnt to ashes although the temperature of cosmic radiation is extremely hot. We have learned about these things in order to broaden our knowledge, but we have not yet reached the level to practice them. Kundalini is also a kind of cosmic fire, extremely hot and containing only positive charges.

Chakra 7 controls perceptions, the mind, intelligence, knowledge, thoughts, the subconscious, the conscious, the will, and reasoning. Chakra 7 is also supported by special brain cells called ultra micro cells.

From the time that mankind sank deeply into Vicious Evils, karma of arrogance, haughtiness and vanity, they fell farther and farther away from the happy life of the psyche, CONSCIOUS MIND, unselfish LOVE and the COMPASSION of God. Mankind also has "completely forgotten" these ultra micro cells and no longer remembers them nor how to use them. Besides being the MAJOR POINT on top of the head, chakra 7 also includes all the ultra micro cells of the brain; therefore, when we have evolved highly, chakra 7 and the ultra micro cells shine brightly with a dazzling yellow color and have a highly intense vibration. The power of this vibration will spread to every cell, making our whole body "vibrate" with stronger and higher intensity until it reach the climax that we call Nirvana, Heaven, or Paradise. These ultra micro cells have a very special characteristic that we temporarily call Cells that Create Photoelectric images. Those cells accompany immortal and imperishable soul, and when a soul reincarnate to a certain body, those cells enter the brain of that body.

MEDITATION is also reflection that helps us to use the ULTRA MICRO CELLS correctly, and does not involve long hours of sitting, making our legs numb, making us "resemble" the statue of Buddha, or making us "see" this or that. In fact, with the ultra micro cells that we already have in our possession, we are supposed to be extremely intelligent and wise, with an immense knowledge and with sublime and transcendent thoughts. However, the reason we are too weak, stupid, selfish, arrogant, greedy, and cruel to use them is that dense and inky-black impurities have covered the ultra micro cells during the existence of millions of lives. That is the black veil of darkness that has made us degenerate and undergo samsara, eternally in the anguish of reincarnations.

We need not "study" useless, absolutely empty but seemingly melodious theories and easily understood thoughts written by "others" because they belong to other persons and not to us. On the contrary, when we take pains consciously to clean impurities from our body, then illnesses will diminish and bad habits will also decrease. Naturally we will be more intelligent, more lucid, and more refined every day, because we already possess a "store-house" full of wisdom and wise experiences in our subconscious and in our ultra micro cells.

Credit by UE-Thailand

The Temple Of Fine Arts Malaysia - klinik Derma SivaSanta

The temple of Fine arts is a cultural and service organisation and it is our belief that art and welfare are inseparable. Klinik Derma SivaSanta was established as a charitable medical clinic to provide free medical consultation and treatment to the needy, irrrespective of racial or economic background.

The In-house view of the clinic & a "little box" for volunteery donation

The Memorial of the Klinik Derma SivaSanta's Founder

The Doctors who serve here are General Practitioners and Specialists, all of whom are volunteers. Medication and medical equipment have been contributed by kind donors.

Doctors in attendance will refer patinets to Penang General Hospital when necessary. Blood Sugar & Blood Pressure testing is also avaliable as part of the clinic service to patients

Alternative & Complementary Healing Therepies : Chinese Acupuncture & UE Healing

* Services offered by Chinese Physician & Acupunturist - Mr. G.C Cheng every Tuesday 7.00pm to 9.00pm.

* Universal Energy Healing - Bro. Daniel, James & Caason Tan, Sister Jasmine.

Klinik Derma SivaSanta is open every Thursday & Friday from 7.00pm TO 9.00pm
Location : No.11, River Road, Penang
Tel: 016-4449246 or 012-4710357

UE in Sivasanta - Part 1

Brother James is transfer UE energy to the patient in Sivasanta Clinic. Posted by Picasa

From UE Point of view, the UE practitioner must activate their own C7 & C6 for 30sec, then only start to do healing with the patient. By placing hands on the Chakra points means transfer energy through each of designated chakras with maximun 30 sec.

Friday, February 24, 2006

The Method of Healing by using Universal Energy

The process of transferring and integrating U.E. into the patients' bodies is to re-establish a new balance to the damaged cells in their bodies. People get sick due to imbalances of energy in the human organs /systems. Therefore, after the patient has received the energy transfer from the U.E. practitioner, the new balance is re-established; the patients' health is then restored. Each transfer time for U.E. takes not more than 5 minutes (depending on the practitioner's level of study), and usually only one time per day.
This treatment requires the practitioner to have THOUGHTS and CHARACTERS listed below.

1. The practitioner always exercises thought to achieve SELF-CONTROL in all activities, from the smallest family duty to the highest position in the society. This is the extremely difficult GODLIKE SELF-CULTIVATION the practitioner must ATTAIN. Although time and space last endlessly the practitioner should do one's utmost to achieve self-cultivation. When we attain that result, only then can we truly bring the source of happiness to all PATIENTS.

2. The practitioner and his or her family or his fiancees or her fiancees must endure every social trial and accept every circumstance occurring to his or her family even though that circumstance is considered the worst. The more we try to endure, the more rapidly our karma will cease. When we endure, our psychic perspicacity reach a higher level. When we attain a high level, our body will be easily able to attract UNIVERSAL ENERGY. In only such cases do we truly have sufficient capacity to TREAT all PATIENTS coming to us, though those people have several DIFFICULT-TO-TREAT ILLNESSES.

3. Placing the LOVE OF PATIENTS on an equal footing with the LOVE OF FAMILY , we should not discriminate against any person.

4. During treatment, our THOUGHT must always be directed toward the PATIENT. We must not be distracted by the external environment.

5. This method requires the practitioner to sacrifice his or her personal interests, denying FAME, AMBITION, and LOVE. Fame should be brought to one's native land, ambition should be sacrificed to interest in one's people, and love should be extended to everyone.

6. There are 7 main points in our body. After they are opened, we will help other people with great deal. After brothers and sisters have practiced self-cultivation for a certain period of time with results, we will help them to clear six points, so that they may get used to practicing TREATMENT. After that, if the occasion occurs, we will open the seventh grand point. At that time, the brothers and sisters will be equal to us, and also have opportunities to realize those cherished wishes they have to help mankind.

Human Universal Energy

Introduction of Human Universal Energy

Universal Energy (U.E.) is not about black magic, nor involving any form of casting spells. Universal Energy is about natural energy, similar to cosmic rays, in the form of a wave-length like in electrical current in the air. Those who are able to harness this energy (practitioners) in their bodies will enjoy good health with an active immune system. Furthermore, they can also use or apply this energy to heal others. It can also be applied for gaining other benefits to improve conditions of life, depending on the practitioner's level of capability or skill.To study to become a practitioner of Universal Energy, or to receive this kind of healing, is not limited to any particular religion or race. It is available and applicable to all.In recent years, complementary medicine has played a critical role in certain areas of health care systems in the USA, as well as throughout the world. There have been situations where contemporary medicine alone could not cure the symptoms, and methods such as acupuncture, Chinese medicinal herbs, Chiropractic, Osteopathy, Homeopathy, etc, have been great complements.Among those alternative methods of treatment, there is a method called Universal Energy (UE) administrated by an organization called Spiritual Human Yoga (S.H.Y.). This S.H.Y. organization was founded, and has been developed by, Prof. Dr. Sir Albert Master Luong Minh Dang D.Ac.,MD.(T.M.), Ph.D., D.Sc., K.St.J. (Knight Commander) since 1989. S.H.Y. has many affiliates providing free spiritual healing to everyone throughout the world.In 1994, the Medicinal Alternative Institute, affiliated with the Open International University for Complementary Medicines, awarded Master Luong Minh Dang the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Medicine in Munich, Germany. The degree was granted to him for his tireless and unconditional assistance to mankind, and for his successful research and application of Spiritual Human Yoga techniques of treatment for over 25 years. The Open International University was established by the World Health Organization Alma Ata Declaration and was recognized by the General Assembly of United Nations.In 1996, due to the quality and the amazing results of Master Dang's works that he obtained through the practice of Universal Energy (UE) healing techniques, this University also decided to award him the title of Honorary Doctor of Science in Complementary Medicines. Master Dang accepted this title while addressing the World Congress in November 1997 in Colombo, Sri Lanka, which was participated by representatives from more than 100 countries.
Credit by UE- Thailand