Friday, February 24, 2006

Human Universal Energy

Introduction of Human Universal Energy

Universal Energy (U.E.) is not about black magic, nor involving any form of casting spells. Universal Energy is about natural energy, similar to cosmic rays, in the form of a wave-length like in electrical current in the air. Those who are able to harness this energy (practitioners) in their bodies will enjoy good health with an active immune system. Furthermore, they can also use or apply this energy to heal others. It can also be applied for gaining other benefits to improve conditions of life, depending on the practitioner's level of capability or skill.To study to become a practitioner of Universal Energy, or to receive this kind of healing, is not limited to any particular religion or race. It is available and applicable to all.In recent years, complementary medicine has played a critical role in certain areas of health care systems in the USA, as well as throughout the world. There have been situations where contemporary medicine alone could not cure the symptoms, and methods such as acupuncture, Chinese medicinal herbs, Chiropractic, Osteopathy, Homeopathy, etc, have been great complements.Among those alternative methods of treatment, there is a method called Universal Energy (UE) administrated by an organization called Spiritual Human Yoga (S.H.Y.). This S.H.Y. organization was founded, and has been developed by, Prof. Dr. Sir Albert Master Luong Minh Dang D.Ac.,MD.(T.M.), Ph.D., D.Sc., K.St.J. (Knight Commander) since 1989. S.H.Y. has many affiliates providing free spiritual healing to everyone throughout the world.In 1994, the Medicinal Alternative Institute, affiliated with the Open International University for Complementary Medicines, awarded Master Luong Minh Dang the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Medicine in Munich, Germany. The degree was granted to him for his tireless and unconditional assistance to mankind, and for his successful research and application of Spiritual Human Yoga techniques of treatment for over 25 years. The Open International University was established by the World Health Organization Alma Ata Declaration and was recognized by the General Assembly of United Nations.In 1996, due to the quality and the amazing results of Master Dang's works that he obtained through the practice of Universal Energy (UE) healing techniques, this University also decided to award him the title of Honorary Doctor of Science in Complementary Medicines. Master Dang accepted this title while addressing the World Congress in November 1997 in Colombo, Sri Lanka, which was participated by representatives from more than 100 countries.
Credit by UE- Thailand

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