Friday, February 24, 2006

The Method of Healing by using Universal Energy

The process of transferring and integrating U.E. into the patients' bodies is to re-establish a new balance to the damaged cells in their bodies. People get sick due to imbalances of energy in the human organs /systems. Therefore, after the patient has received the energy transfer from the U.E. practitioner, the new balance is re-established; the patients' health is then restored. Each transfer time for U.E. takes not more than 5 minutes (depending on the practitioner's level of study), and usually only one time per day.
This treatment requires the practitioner to have THOUGHTS and CHARACTERS listed below.

1. The practitioner always exercises thought to achieve SELF-CONTROL in all activities, from the smallest family duty to the highest position in the society. This is the extremely difficult GODLIKE SELF-CULTIVATION the practitioner must ATTAIN. Although time and space last endlessly the practitioner should do one's utmost to achieve self-cultivation. When we attain that result, only then can we truly bring the source of happiness to all PATIENTS.

2. The practitioner and his or her family or his fiancees or her fiancees must endure every social trial and accept every circumstance occurring to his or her family even though that circumstance is considered the worst. The more we try to endure, the more rapidly our karma will cease. When we endure, our psychic perspicacity reach a higher level. When we attain a high level, our body will be easily able to attract UNIVERSAL ENERGY. In only such cases do we truly have sufficient capacity to TREAT all PATIENTS coming to us, though those people have several DIFFICULT-TO-TREAT ILLNESSES.

3. Placing the LOVE OF PATIENTS on an equal footing with the LOVE OF FAMILY , we should not discriminate against any person.

4. During treatment, our THOUGHT must always be directed toward the PATIENT. We must not be distracted by the external environment.

5. This method requires the practitioner to sacrifice his or her personal interests, denying FAME, AMBITION, and LOVE. Fame should be brought to one's native land, ambition should be sacrificed to interest in one's people, and love should be extended to everyone.

6. There are 7 main points in our body. After they are opened, we will help other people with great deal. After brothers and sisters have practiced self-cultivation for a certain period of time with results, we will help them to clear six points, so that they may get used to practicing TREATMENT. After that, if the occasion occurs, we will open the seventh grand point. At that time, the brothers and sisters will be equal to us, and also have opportunities to realize those cherished wishes they have to help mankind.

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