Tuesday, February 28, 2006

UE Meditation - 5 Minutes

Why UE Meditation Is So Simple That But Still Is A Challenge !

  • Sometime I asked myself UE meditation is so simple that only 5 min or maximum 30 min, can I done it everyday ........... ?
  • The persistency of meditating 5 min in everyday is a challenge for our present busy life.
  • Is like every morning you must brushing teeth & taking shower......more than 5 min
  • I do missed & lazy to meditate......not even everyday !
  • If we cannot spend 5 min to make calm, refresh & re-charge to ourselves, why we should bother to spend 5 min for energy healing to others person !
  • The consistency of stay calm, patience & persistent of cultivating yourself through UE Meditation is a challenge.
  • Too much external distraction making us vague & having no time to understand ownself.
  • The attraction of materialistics enjoyment.
  • Feel "Nothing" instead of "Emptyness" ,
  • Difficult to concentrate, a lot of events passing through my mind while meditating.

Why ?.......................

We must learn how to LET GO.......

Learn to accept the ENDLESS CHANGE of the universe........

Nothing is static......so as our human life...from born to death......

Nothing to be worried, anxious & panic........all these come from our heart.......

The benefits of UE meditation ~

  • Be more calm, not easy to lost temper & more positive thinking.
  • Knowing your inner-self better.
  • Clearing of unnecessary doubts, worries & fears of the daily life.
  • Feel more relaxe & confidence.
  • Doing more right things than wrong.
  • The inner feel of growing compassion & forgiveness to others.

Through daily meditating, we accumulate our positive thoughts so as to achieve Calmness , Wisdom & Enlightenment.

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