Friday, January 04, 2019

Embryological Hypothalamus Sign at 360'

The Hypothalamus

1) Chronobiological clock resides in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the Hypothalamus
2) The Hypothalamus has central importance for all approaches in medicine, health & Iridology.
3) It regulates the varied interactions of PNEI – this verifies the mind-body connection in medicine.
4) By the 5th week of gestation the Hypothalamus has formed and the limbic system (emotional responses) is in place. The Hypothalamus is helping to control the endocrine system from this time, including the anterior pituitary.
5) The Hypothalamus is directly connected to the iris, pupil & IPB through micro neural pathways to and from the lateral geniculate bodies in the thalami.
6) Blood sugar, blood pressure, body temperature, pain, inflammation, immune function, hormonal balance, stress, intestinal peristalsis, etc are all regulated by the Hypothalamus. Endocrine glands act on instruction from the Hypothalamus.
7) Radial Furrow radiate from ciliary zone penetrated to pupillary zone toward to pupil at 360', suggests individual or genetic:
a) Hypothalamus stress, limbic system imbalance, possible depression and sleep disorder problems.
b) Pyruvic acid imbalance, possible blood sugar imbalance/ diabetes mellitus.
c) Experienced Birth Trauma or gestational trauma at 1st month, possible cause of adrenal stress and depression in later life.

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