Sunday, January 06, 2019

Embryological Hypothalamus Co-Sign with Orange Pigment at 360' & Hcys Sign - Lx - 1

Embryological Hypothalamus sign (radial furrow)at 360' is a very important multidimensional sign as explained in previous case study. The Hypothalamus stress co-sign with orange pigment indicates this person's limbic system imbalance. has a very deep-seated, unresolved and suppression of emotional block / trauma issues in relation with feeling of rejection, bitterness, resentment, fear, the experience of violence and extreme stress  with physical pain. In Modern Iridology,  the solitary orange pigment located at external border of the collarette at 360' represent multidimensional & multiple meanings of interpretations, suggests this person experience:
a) Experience in Birth Trauma/ Time Risk at the gestation period of 1st month that will cause Gestational Trauma with physical pain, depression, sleep disorder problem, fear and adrenal stress in later life.
b) In Neurotransmitters approach, the disruption to the Melatonin cycle and hence the sleep/wake cycle and circadian rhythm can seriously impair normal functioning and even depressed. In fact, it is one of the cause of depression. Deficiency (orange pigment) in this hormone can bring about sleep disturbances, lowered immunity and a higher susceptibility to illnesses, lowered ability to cope with stress and depression tendency ( amplified by Hypothalamus stress at 360' !)
c) Solitary small iris pigment ( brown/orange/yellow/black) may highlight the individual significance of any cardiac/heart /HCYS sign in classical topography, in this case, cardiac lacuna indented at 100' !) - (This is called "Homocysteine in Modern Iridology" latest research by John Andrews). In classical approach, orange pigment predisposition to blood sugar disturbances

d) The indentation of the collarette with heart lacuna at 100' is another multidimensional sign for Modern Iridologist to seriously focus for assessment. If you are familiar with John Andrews works, you should know how to apply the appropriate  Modern Iridology models to analyze this genetic situation...

* Coming case studies (2,3 & 4) details analysis  support the accuracy findings in relation to Emotional,  Neurotransmitters  & Immune Cell levels.

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