Saturday, December 15, 2018

Pigments Located at Inside, Outside & On the Collarette Border - gby - Lx

Different location indicate different interpretation of the pigment. 
a) Pigment located at collarette border tendency to have psychological challenges, possible experienced emotional trauma in gestational periods or time risk by his/her mother that will influence future growth. 
b) Pigment located internal collarette border or pupillary zone refer to have Embryological stress and Citric Acid Imbalance in gestational time. 
c) Pigment located within pupillary zone - stomach & gastrointestinal reflexive areas indicate tendency to  PNEI system imbalance or emotional challenges & Parental Conflict issues.
d)  Pigment located outside collarette border or scattered in ciliary zone, refer to general genetic characteristic weakness for colour itself. 
e) If the pigment located nearest or attached to the inner pupillary border, what does it mean ?

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