Saturday, December 15, 2018

Misshapen Collarette - Time Risk, Gestational Stress, Emotional Dynamics & Parental Conflict - ayn - Rx

Analyse the below genetic signs in classical, physical, emotional trauma & embryological approaches :
a) Indented lacuna at 275 & local indentation of the collarette at 90'
b) Pigment located pupillary zone - colon areas - 40'
c) Local linear collarette at 120'-140'
d) The physical & psycho-emotional characteristics of misshapen collarette  

* Which sign indicate tendency to blood sugar imbalance ?
* Which sign indicate family history of cardiovascular risk ?
* The Gestational Stress / Time Risk located at 275' ( gestation month of 2nd & 3rd ) and local indented collarette at 90', identify what are both indicates the same genetic weakness ? 
* Identify the Emotional Dynamics  / Emotional Trauma experienced by this person

( Please refer  to John Andrews latest articles & research on Gestational Trauma, Linear Collarette & Emotional and PNEI Network Gastrointestinal  Dynamics - 2016 & 2017)

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