Monday, October 08, 2018

Gestational Stress/ Prenatal Trauma,Time Risk & Emotional Dynamics Signs on the Misshapen Collarette Border - Rx - (cd)

Which sign can be identified as Gestation Stress , Time Risk & Emotional Dynamics and physical genetic weaknesses fort his person ? 

According to John Andrews  stated that:
a) Our gestational development & prenatal experience form a physical & psycho-emotional perspective.
b) Positive or negative / traumatic / stress events can imprint a tenden top future behaviors & personality & future health condition ( chronic disease for example).
c) Hundred of studies have examined the impact of prenatal stress both in term of the future psycho-emotional, social and physical disease & epigenetic impact in future juvenile, adolescent and adult life.
d) Prenatal stress / trauma impact for adult life.

1) Gestational / Prenatal stress signs (lacunae) at 310', 240', 210' 68' & 47' indented and attached on the border of the collarette represent in the 1, 4  & 8 months ( Time Risk) in utero could trigger this genetic experience tendency to depression, blood sugar imbalance & stomach disturbance in later / adult life
2) The Emotional Dynamics can be analyzed and is correlate with prenatal trauma signs at external border of the collarette - 310', 240', 210' 68' & 47'. Observe the indentation of the collarette co-sign with lacunae ( indented lacunae) at 310', 240', 210', 68' & 47' which have greater impact in physical & emotional levels for this client.
3) In physical / classical  approach, these 4 lacunae predisposition to pancreas, ovary/testes & tonsils disturbances.
4) The 4 signs of Time Risk & Gestational trauma in emotional level relates to feeling of injustice, betrayal, anger, trauma in violence & emotional barriers.
5) Linear Collarette at lateral temporal section indicate predisposition to blood sugar imbalance in medical history of family.
6) In summary, medical attention for blood sugar imbalance, digestion disturbances & reproduction organs and complementary therapy ( Bach Flower Remedies)  for negative emotions / trauma is recommended !

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