Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Modern Iridology Summary

Emphasis of Modern Iridology is on practitioner & Patient empowerment – identifies positive tendencies with inherent, possibly, latent abilities & talents.

Recognizes the importance of genetics, epigenetics & new sciences such as PNEI with nutrition, the cell and natural applications of medicine.

Recognizes the physiological & emotional interactions in health & disease.
Modern Iridology is a contemporary approach for the current age.

Modern iridology will be incorporating individual element tendencies, body clocks (chronobiology) & gene maps for optimal health which is homeostasis.

Recognizes that the same sign can carry multiple levels of meaning- both on an individual (personal) & genetic (family) formation.

Modern Iridology has Classical Iridology as a basis, so does not forget this; but builds a new foundation to an enriched future & improved understanding.

Establishes/identifies new signs or more relevant interpretation of older signs - modern iridology will often combine signs & systems of analysis together.

Has the Collarette, pupillary zone & inner pupillary border tissues central to any analysis on all levels - physical & emotional is a combination of both the scientific & intuitive process.

By John Andrews MH, Ir, FGNI

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