Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Modern Iridology Summary

Emphasis of Modern Iridology is on practitioner & Patient empowerment – identifies positive tendencies with inherent, possibly, latent abilities & talents.

Recognizes the importance of genetics, epigenetics & new sciences such as PNEI with nutrition, the cell and natural applications of medicine.

Recognizes the physiological & emotional interactions in health & disease.
Modern Iridology is a contemporary approach for the current age.

Modern iridology will be incorporating individual element tendencies, body clocks (chronobiology) & gene maps for optimal health which is homeostasis.

Recognizes that the same sign can carry multiple levels of meaning- both on an individual (personal) & genetic (family) formation.

Modern Iridology has Classical Iridology as a basis, so does not forget this; but builds a new foundation to an enriched future & improved understanding.

Establishes/identifies new signs or more relevant interpretation of older signs - modern iridology will often combine signs & systems of analysis together.

Has the Collarette, pupillary zone & inner pupillary border tissues central to any analysis on all levels - physical & emotional is a combination of both the scientific & intuitive process.

By John Andrews MH, Ir, FGNI

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Crypts / Lacunae at Internal & External Border of the Collarette in Modern Iridology - (lx) - (mc6) - 1

Observe the lacunae located at internal & external border of the collarette, they are multidimensional & epigenetic signs in Modern Iridology, which can be analyzed in Physical, Emotional Anatomy/ Dynamics ( Collarette/ gastrointestinal), Embryological, Citric Acid Cycle, PNEI System, Time Risk, Personal Chronobiological & Gestational Stress/ Prenatal Trauma & Adult Chronic Disease approaches. (refer to John Andrews latest research in Modern Iridology, 2011 - 2017)

Friday, September 14, 2018

Frontal Cat's Earsl Linear & Collarette Gap - Rx - (mc4) - 1

a) Explain it genetic predisposition for  Frontal Cat's Ears Collarette - 288' - - - 30'
b) Observe lacunae located at internal collarette border - 275', 308' & 200'.
c) Collarette Gap at 85' to 100' refer to as Time Risk, Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette & Gestational Experience & Adult PNEI Network & Chronic Disease Collarette sign.
d) Linear at the frontal & medial nasal  section of the collarette.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Small Crypts located Internal & External Border of the Collarette in Modern Iridology - Lx- (wa3)

a) Small crypts located at external & internal border of the collarette (a,b,d), the smaller the shape the greater genetic impact to this person..In Modern Iridology, this correlate with  Embryological, Citric Acid Cycle, Emotional Dynamics of GI & Gestational Experience & Adult PNEI Network & Chronic Disease Collarette ( new research of prenatal trauma by John Andrews, 2017).
b) Observe small lacuna located at external border of the collarette - (c) - Analyse in Physical, Time Risk & Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette is recommended.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Introflession of the IPB & Pupil Flatness - Rx - (ma1)

Observe an introflession of the inner pupillary border signify as Space Risk evaluation - physical & spinal stress. Medial Nasal Flatness adjacent to this Space Risk !

Monday, September 10, 2018

ITF, Yellow Pigmented Collarette, Brown Pigment, Lacunae at Internal & External Border of the Collarette - Rx - (mc) - 1

a) Explain the yellow pigmented frontal section of the collarette. This concern with an inheritance of emotional conflicts and possibilities of  incorrect diet. 
b) Genetic weakness for brown pigment and it located on the external border of the collarette - 95'. Explain it with multiple levels of meanings, such as Time Risk & Emotional Dynamics of the collarette.
c) Explain the genetic weaknesses for inferior temporal pupil flatness in physical & emotional levels. Which also correlate with the genetic weakness of brown pigment, kidney/adrenal lacuna at 180' & pancreas/heart lacuna at 280'. What are the emotional anatomy for these 2 lacunae ?
d) Embryological lacuna located at internal collarette border - 300' indicates predisposition to gall bladder disturbances which also amplified by brown pigment & inferior temporal flatness ! It associated with Malic acid imbalance and have tendencies of blood sugar imbalance and chronic fatigue syndrome.

Multiple Pupil Flatness & Space Risk - Lx - 2

Identify the local absent of the IPB - 215' & 165' as Space Risk 22 & 25 relates to uro-genital insufficiency & sacroiliac joint pain amplified by inferior temporal pupil flatness. Thoracic vertebrae irritations from T8 to T12 and lumbar irritations from L1 to L2 could also be possibilities.

Orange Pigment at Pupillary Zone Adjacent to IPB Edge- 165' - Lx

Orange pigment located at pupillary zone adjacent to the IPB edge - 165' signify to Space Risk 25 &, blood sugar imbalance, embryological predisposition to thymus gland imbalance.

Emotional Dynamics of the Crypts at Descending Colon - Lx

Refer John Andrews latest research on Gastrointestinal & PNEI System in Modern Iridology. The multiple crypts located in this descending colon areas indicates this person possible have conflict or stress with family members such as his/her children or grandchildren, experience with crystallization of emotional stress & conflict, also known as "energy cyst" (crypts).

Structural Signs in Time Risk - Lx - (dq8) - 2

Hypothalamus sign is predominant to identify and analyze ! For Time Risk identify those signs are sharp indentation & penetration to the pupil edge are considered as priority ! 

Structural Signs & Emotional Dynamics in Time Risk - Lx - (dq8) - 1

The iris signs for Time Risk as shown above as follow:
a) Radial Furrows extending from ciliary penetrating to pupillary zone towards to pupil edge at 352' & 344'
b) Collarette bridge at 225'
c) Local indentation of the collarette at 200'
d) Small radial located at pupillary zone at 360' does not consider Time Risk sign, is vital sign for indicating Hypothalamus & Amygdala stress, compromise in limbic system imbalance.
e) Heart lacuna located at external border of the collarette - 70'

Each structural signs or markings have carry different meanings of negative emotions !

Space Risk 13, LTF & Lacuna at 107' - Heart / Lung Deficiencies Signs - Lx - (ae7)

Local absent of the IPB at 75' as Space Risk 10, lacuna located at external border of the collarette at 107' and lateral temporal pupil flatness, they are indicate predisposition to circulatory problems, lung insufficiency & possible emotional heart problems.

Sunday, September 09, 2018

Multiple Lacunae (Polyglandular Type) & Pupil Flattenings - Lx - (ce6)

This is advice to analyze the pupil flatness first combine with the findings of genetic lacunae located at topographical areas of collarette border..which type, topographical location or shape is more significant then others and why ? Differentiation concept of using classical or modern iridology approaches...
Consider the below conditions: 
a) Find the smallest lacuna the greatest important in regard to its topographical location on the collarette.
b) Sharp indentation to the pupil ( Time Risk & Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette).
c) Co-sign with pigment or transversal.
d) Correlation with other iris layers of findings - IPB, Pupil Flatness, Embryology & Citric Acid Cycle & PNEI System.

Restricted Collarette - Maternal DNA Predominance - Rx - (ce5)

A restricted collarette shows an embryological, physical and emotional inheritance from the maternal genetics...

HAH Stress, Limbic System Imbalance, Depression & Cardiovascular Risk - Rx - (ie4) - 1

a) Radial furrow located at 360' penetrating pupillary zone towards to pupil adjacent to Frontal Pupil Flatness, indicates Hypothalamus-Amygdala-Hippocampus (HAH) stress, limbic system imbalance possible experience trauma , depression, sleep disorder, predisposition to blood sugar imbalance associated with Pyruvic acid imbalance.
b) MNF is a vital sign for indicates this person possible have family medical history of heart related problems, thyroid gland imbalances and breathing difficulties tendencies. 

Lacuna at 270', Lateral Temporal Flatness & Radial Furrow at Pupillary Zone at 10' - Heart, Circulatory Problems & Breathing Disturbances Signs - Rx -(ie3) - 2

The combination for these 3 iris signs indicates predisposition to heart related problems, breathing difficulties, bronchitis disturbances tendencies.

Frontal Flatness, Ventral Flatness & Radial Furrow at Pupillary Zone - 10' - Rx - (ie3)

a) Explain the genetic tendencies of Frontal Pupil Flatness adjacent with radial furrow located at pupillary zone - 10'
b) Explain the radial furrow at pupillary zone - 10' in Embryological, CAC & Emotional Dynamics located at transverse colon.
c) Explain the Ventral Pupil Flatness it physical & emotional levels.
d) Why not a Time Risk sign ?

Brown Pigment at Ciliary Zone, Pupillary Zone, Collarette Border & Linear Co-sign with Lacuna - Lx - (ei) - 3

a) Explain the meaning of brown pigment stayed topolabile at ciliary zone in physical & emotional levels - 255'.
b) Linear pigment co-sign with pancreas lacuna at 230', what does it mean ?
c) Pigment located on the external border of the collarette at 135', explain the Psycho-Emotional and Time Risk impact on this situation.
d) Pigment located at internal collarette border / pupillary zone, this is a multidimensional sign can analyze and explain in multiple level of meanings - Embryological, CAC, Emotional Dynamics of GI System & Classical approaches.

The smaller the pigment the more important  with the greater the suppression of that emotion !

Cardiovascular Risk, Blood Sugar & Limbic System Imbalance Signs - Lx - (ei) - 2

Identify which iris sign is considered predisposition to heart related problems, blood sugar disturbances and limbic system imbalance tendencies...

Distended & Linear Collarette - Paternal DNA Dominance, Insulin Resistance & Hyperprolactinaemia Tendencies - Lx - (ei) - 1

Distended collarette indicates the dominant inheritance to Paternal DNA, this person predisposition to blood sugar imbalance, insulin resistance & hyperprolactinaemia tendencies inherited by his/her father side...

Sharp Indentation Lacuna at 70' - Multidimensional Sign - Lx

Sharp indentation of the lacuna - 70' indicates:
a) Genetic weakness to lung or heart deficiencies.
b) Time risk at age of 48.
c) Trauma / Time Risk at 7.25th month of gestation. 
d) Possible experience childhood trauma.
e) Possible experience  negative emotions related to family issues, feeling of grief, loneliness and fear of vulnerability.
f) In Chronobiology aspect, best time to take medical treatment is 7.20pm.

Saturday, September 08, 2018

Radial Furrow at External, Internal & Penetrated towards Pupil - Rx

Identify which radial furrow can be considered as Time Risk & Emotional Dynamics signs ? How to prioritize those signs if under these 2 perspectives ? Such as..
a) Deep penetrating to pupil.
b) Adjacent to pupil flatness.
c) Adjacent to Hypertrophy of IPB or  Morphology.
d) Adjacent to Neuroendocrine Frontal IPB Structure.
e) Co-sign with pigment & sharp indentation with the collarette.

Protuberance, Linear & Frontal indentation of the Collarette - Rx - (rmk)

Identify which local collarette area is above mentioned and explain it genetic weakness...

Time Risk Signs - Lx - (rmk)

Which iris sign is more significant to Time Risk evaluation and why ?

Straight Beak Lacuna & Radial Furrow Co-Sign with Brown Pigment - Lx - (kjn)

a) Straight beak lacuna penetrated the collarette border - 95' indicates the high risk of heart & intestinal related problem in the family medical history. You may analyse the Time Risk and Emotional Dynamics for this location.
b) Brown pigment co-sign with radial furrow located on collarette border and pupillary zone at 55', indicates deep seated emotional issues with suppressed anger & resentment, abundance, conflict & stress with family member issues.
c) Time Risk sign for experienced deep seated emotional imbalance / trauma at the aged 50.6 or during the gestation month of 7.60 ( this person or his/her mother pregnancy).
d) Embryological predisposition to blood sugar imbalance.
e) Citric acid imbalance associated with fatigue, digestion disturbances. allergy tendency, cholesterol problems and renal metabolism disturbances.

Multiple Radial Furrows in Multidimensional Approaches - Rx - (kjn)

What type of radial furrow represent the most for applying Multidimensional Iridology ?
a) Find the most (deep) indenting to the collarette towards to pupil ! 
b) HPA axis.
c) Hypothalamus / Amygdala/ Hippocampus - HAH Embryological areas.
d) Co-sign with pigment, lacuna & crypt ( external, internal & pupillary zones).
e) Pupil flatness adjacent areas.

Solitary Lacuna Penetrate to External Border of the Collarette - 263' - Rx - (ds) - 2

Observe the solitary lacuna penetrated to the external border of the collarette at 263', this is a vital sign for analyse in multidimensional levels...which iris analysis techniques do you apply for this situation ? 
a) Family medical history of cardiovascular risk.
b) Possible experienced traumatic event at the aged of 16.6.
c) The traumatic event was associated with negative emotion with sadness...possible related with family issue...
d) In personal chronobiology approach, best time to take medicine is  6.28am ( e.g heart disease).

INF & ITF - Rx - (ds) - 2

Identify & explain the genetic predisposition of  inferior nasal flatness & inferior temporal flatness of this pupil structure.
What is their physical weakness, psycho-emotional imbalance, muscular tension or spinal changes for these 2 pupil flatness ? 

Stairstep Lacuna & Crypts located at Internal Collarette Border - Lx - (ds)

Crypts, lacunae, radial furrows, pigment & defect signs located at internal collarette border is an important multidimensional signs, they have carry multi-levels of genetic meanings to Modern Iridology...