Saturday, September 08, 2018

Straight Beak Lacuna & Radial Furrow Co-Sign with Brown Pigment - Lx - (kjn)

a) Straight beak lacuna penetrated the collarette border - 95' indicates the high risk of heart & intestinal related problem in the family medical history. You may analyse the Time Risk and Emotional Dynamics for this location.
b) Brown pigment co-sign with radial furrow located on collarette border and pupillary zone at 55', indicates deep seated emotional issues with suppressed anger & resentment, abundance, conflict & stress with family member issues.
c) Time Risk sign for experienced deep seated emotional imbalance / trauma at the aged 50.6 or during the gestation month of 7.60 ( this person or his/her mother pregnancy).
d) Embryological predisposition to blood sugar imbalance.
e) Citric acid imbalance associated with fatigue, digestion disturbances. allergy tendency, cholesterol problems and renal metabolism disturbances.

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