Friday, February 05, 2016

Superior Nasal Flatness, Radial Furrow, Extroflession of IPB at 360' & Phytobiophysics - Lx

Analyse the superior nasal flatness, radial furrow co-sign with extroflession of the IPB at 360' advice which tree &  flower formulas is recommended for this individual.

a) Radial Furrow adjacent/co-sign with the extroflession of the IPB at 360'  signify as hypothalamus stress and space deficiency at 360' or Space Risk 1 indicates tendencies:
- Migraines, vertigo, insomnia and  cause of depression.
- Therapy resistance - An individual has a chronic condition that is not responding to therapy.
- Limbic system imbalance : increased susceptibility and impact to stress or a deep & profound emotional trauma.
- Vaccination reaction.
- Impaired adaptability and greater amount of adverse reactions. 
- Time Risk : Birth Trauma (  Male or Female - Premature / Late Delivery / Voluntary Abortion / Separation from the Mother / Caesarian Section / Inducement)
b) Superior Nasal Flatness adjacent to the minor ray at pupillary zone - 330'  indicates tendencies :
-  Neuromuscular and spinal tensions at C3 to C7.
- Visual disturbances and memory loss.
- Cervical muscular tension, acne linked to liver congestion.
- Chronic sinusitis.
- Emotionally we need to look at emotional hypersensitivity, vertigo, skeptical,  Utopian fantasies and difficulties resolving childhood conflicts.

c) Kreb's Cycle sign at internal collarette border adjacent to SNF - 330' associated with Oxaloacetate imbalance which indicates low libido, lymphadenopathies, spleen -liver deficiency.

d) Phytobiophysics Treatment: HP2, SF2, SF3 , HF3 , HF4 , HF6 & HF12

1) HP2 Spiritual Calm
  • Tri-Cusped Constitution : The Spiritual Journey
  • Upper right quadrant : Fatherhood, Husband, Male
  • Power - Nobility - Integrity - Protection
  • CNS. Brain, Liver/ GB/Stomach/Pancreas Meridian.
  • Vibrates on the colour frequencies of ultra violet, violet and yellow.
  • Eucalyptus, Magnolia, Camellia, Yew, Thistle and Dandelion.
  • Supports:
  • The dominant and vital relationship of fatherhood.
  • Family unity, protection, providing father/ male love.
  • Recovery from:
  • Break down of family relationship with father/male/husband
  • Betrayal, loss of assets, problems, financial worries.
  • Trauma of change of circumstance.
  • Sleepless nights, Anxiety, Stress, ADHD and Panic.

2) Superfit Tree Formula 2 - Karm
Super Fit 2 - Karm is a natural remedy designed to help individual relax and to remain calm even in times of high stress. The main essence in SF2 is Eucalyptus tree. This essence vibrates on the frequency of 380nm which is the energy of the brain, the pituitary gland and the spinal cord Vitamins are found in sun ripened fresh fruit and vegetables and are essential for the health of the Central Nervous System and all brain and body function. Stress depletes the body of vitamins. At times of trauma it is essential to ensure that the levels of vitamins in the diet are sufficient. Chemicals which excite the nervous system and cause excessive anxiety, panic, stress and hyperactivity also deplete the vitamin balance. Super Fit 2 may assist with the uptake and assimilation of vitamins.
Essences in Super Fit 2 - Karm


Eucalyptus is a native tree of Australia. They grow in dry places where sunlight is intense. The leaves of the Eucalyptus have adapted to minimize water loss. They are protected by a waxy covering and contain oil secreting glands- the source of Eucalyptus Oil. The person who is supported by Eucalyptus is a high flyer, someone who strives to achieve but maybe stressed. A measure of calmness is needed even in the middle of strenuous exercise. essentially calmness implies a fully and correctly functioning nervous system. 
Balance, quick and effective nervous transmission and correct control of sensory capabilities is the best way to maintain confidence, assuredness and composure.
Spiritual state eucalyptus can assist in:Extreme spiritual trauma.
Psychic attack
Extreme experience which leads to change of circumstance such as parents remarrying
Spiritual thievery
Brain damage
Emotional support for:Stress
Anxiety and lack of calmness
Tension and trauma of change of circumstance
Puberty, cycles of the reproductive system
Panic attack
Epilepsy or stress related fitting
Bed wetting and frequent urination.

Pink Camellia

The Pink Camellia is a flower that can help people to cope with large changes and transitions in their life such as puberty and menopause.
Emotional support for:When a person is experiencing traumatic emotional change of circumstance.

When they are going through periods of change in the reproductive cycle such as puberty and menopause.
Spiritual state pink camellia can assist in:Camellia is a spiritual rescue harmoniser which supports people who are in a state where they are struggling to cope with a large change in their life circumstances.

3) Superfit Tree Formula 3 - Relax
Super Fit 3 - Relax is a natural remedy that has been produced using some of the most sacred trees and flowers on the planet. SF3 has the essence from the Magnolia tree. SF3 supports us with in life through enhancing our abilities for problem solving, strategy forming and managing responsibilities which all play a vital role in how we succeed in life. Stress, pressure and excessive worry about finances and life circumstances all conspire to interfere with deep and relaxed sleep. Serotonin, a brain hormone, is present in blood platelets and is responsible for clotting and healing which occurs during sleep. Phytobiophysics Super Fit 3 - Relax natural remedy can support relaxed sleeping by influencing the alpha waves. Serotonin controls the Circadian Rhythm which is a complex pattern of sleeping and waking and being energetic and successful in one's daily life. Cellular healing occurs during sleep.

When sleep evades us people become tense and stressed and often feel depressed and exhausted. Sleep is one of the most important natural phenomena for our well being.

Essences in Super Fit 3 - Relax

Azalea Pink Violet

Person has a  problem of  sleep patterns and suffer from feeling restless and disturbed.
Emotional support for:When a person is unable to relax and is troubled with frightening thoughts. When they are suffering from Insomnia and it can also be a valuable harmonizer for persons who are addicted to sleeping pills.
Spiritual state azalea pink violet can assist in:Expansion of consciousness. Alpha waves, deep meditation and trance.
Beech tree
The natural range extends from southern Sweden and Norway to central Italy, west to France, southern England, northern Portugal, and central Spain, and east to northwest Turkey.
It is used as an ornamental tree for parks and woodland but the wood is also used to make beautiful furniture.
Emotional support for:Breakdown of relationship with men such as father, particularly father son relationship.
Longing for a son.
Male family inheritance.
Male genes.

Divorce, separation.
Loss of partner through death. 
Spiritual state beech tree can assist in:The silver thread of procreation through the male line.
Spiritual Despair.
Disappointment with son betraying family, such as not following in fathers footsteps.
The black sheep of the family, the drop out.
The child who disappointing their parents
The daughter who sets out to achieve in order to make father proud especially where there is no son.
Choosing a partner who resembles father.
Rape and incest.
Inability to relate to male relationships.

Magnolia, a Chinese tree unrivaled among ornamental trees and depicted in ancient Chinese art. Recent Western medical research has shown that the seed pod of Magnolia has profound healing properties for the brain.

Magnolia's stunning purple blossoms vibrate on the frequency of the colour violet. 
Emotional support for:When a person has been betrayed by the people they trust. The betrayed or a person who has betrayed someone and feels ashamed by their actions.
Anxiety about father, loss of, void of, death of or absence of Father.
Loss of assets.
Anxiety and worry about money and security.
Not being able to provide for one's family.
Loss of responsibility. Loss of Power.
Being made redundant or losing one's job.
Inability to relax.
Insomnia and restless dreams, nightmares and excessive worry which impacts on the ability to sleep properly.
Headaches, concussion or head injury.
Not being able to pay your bills. Debt, bankruptcy.
Blood platelet disorders
Nervous breakdown.
Overpowered by responsibility.
Worry over money matters.
Feeling excessivly possessive.
A sense of control and anger.
Bitterness and anger and violent thoughts
Spiritual state magnolia can assist in:Betrayal. Betrayed by God through a tragedy - ie 'act of god'
Loss of Faith, no one to turn to.
Betrayed by someone you love and trusted.
Loss of assets leading to thoughts of suicide.
Fury and spiritual rage.
Inability to relax and sleep
4) Flower Formula 3 - Camellia "Spiritual Ease"
Flower Formula 3 - Pink Camellia vibrates on the frequency of 376nm Ultra Violet is beyond the visible colour spectrum and is a very high vibration energy. This energy appears pink and is the energy which we choose when we feel spiritually traumatized. This formula is for trauma of change of circumstance such as during times of puberty or the menopause, spiritual trauma and the 7 year cycles of life. Change of circumstance such as divorce, moving home or country, a new school, a new career or losing or changing a partner can all be very distressing and traumatic. Vortex energy changes occur every seventh year. If trauma occurs during a seventh year this emotional experience will echo every seventh year of our life, seven year cycles also relate to the endocrine changes which occur throughout our lives. We are usually more vulnerable during these periods.

Flower Formula 3 pink camellia contains the essences of:
  • Pink camellia - The Pink Camellia is a flower that can help people to cope with large changes and transitions in their life such as puberty and menopause
  • Herb Robert - The active ingredients of Herb Robert are tannins, bitters, and essential oils. It can be used as a treatment for migraines and hyperactivity
  • Common Fumitory Weasel's Snout - We use Common Fumitory Weasel's Snout to aid emotional balance and to help control stress.
  • Thyme - Thyme is a herb that is often used in cookery to flavour meats, soups and stews. Essence of Thyme has antiseptic as well as other medicinal qualities.
  • Red Campion -The crushed seeds of Red Campion have been used to cure snakebites. It can be very effective in helping the body to cleanse from toxins 
 5) Flower Formula 4 - Thistle "Tranquility"
Thistle Flower Formula 4 Is made from a blend of Violet flower essences that vibrate on the frequency of 432nm. Violet is the highest vibration of colour and is the energy of mid day sunlight. FF4 helps to create relaxation and allows one to think clearly in emergencies and supports you when you are worrying a lot, unable to sleep because of anxiety about problems. Helps to protect you when suffering with stress about assets and on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

Thistle Flower Formula 4 is a blend of violet flower essences:
  • Thistle - Thistle Melancholy Violet is a harmoniser helping to create relaxation and allow one to think clearly in emergencies. Can also be used to support the central nervous system
  • Azalea - Do you have trouble with your sleep patterns or do you suffer from feeling restless and disturbed? Try Azalea Pink Violet
  • Foxglove - The Purple Foxglove can help to ease negative thought forms in cases of sexual abuse and also anxieties around the health of ones father.
  • Lavender - Drained of energy, lacklustre and fatigued, never able to bring a commitment to fruition and Lacking direction? Violet Lavender can support you
  • Pink Thrift. - Pink Thrift is effective for the treatment of pain and loss of hope. Valuable to ease the stress of any illness which is incapacitating
6) Flower Formula 6 - Phacelia "Clear Senses"
Flower Formula 6 - Phacelia is a blend of essences that vibrate on the frequency of colour Indigo 436nm phacelia is a very beautiful flower which energises the land. When the body is under attack from bacteria and pollution, the sinuses and tonsils activate as a first line of defence. Increased atmospheric pollution causes congestion, which leads to pain and discomfort. Phacelia activates the sinuses and enables them to eliminate the atmospheric pollutants that cause irritation and inflammation.

Flower Formula 6 - Phacelia is a combination of 5 different flowers:
  • Phacelia - can be very helpful for the treatment of sinus problems and headaches as well as drug addiction and can also be used by people lacking in confidence
  • Maritime Campion - can help treat resentful and jealous individuals. Can be a useful support for the glands and can help treat glandular fever.
  • White Valerian - White Valerian can help when there are problems with the laryngeal tonsils, larynx and speech.
  • Elderflower - Elderflower has been well documented throughout the centuries, as a valuable herbal remedy for fever, rheumatism, catarrh and as an eye wash and skin tonic.
  • Borage - Borage has been used in the treatment of arthritis and rheumatism and can aid when people need uplifting and spiritually rejuvenating. 
7) Flower Formula 12 - Dandelion "D.tox"
Flower Formula 12 - Dandelion 'D.Tox'i s made from a blend of yellow flower essences that vibrate on the frequency of 580 nm. colour yellow The Liver/ gallbladder and stomach meridians FF12 Dandelion is the flower for emotionally strong and straightforward people who are happy, caring, cherishing and who respect and value another person's point of view. When traumatised they are prone to sudden outbursts of heated and irrational violent anger. Dandelion lessens the impact of the overbearing ego and softens attitudes. It is particularly valuable to calm anger and helps to deal with loss of temper and also calms the victim of someone who loses their temper.

Flower Formula 12 - Dandelion is a tri-cuspid constitutional formula which can support our bodies on the following levels:
  • Yang formula which primarily supports the right side of the body
  • Power and courage
  • Cleansing
  • Anxiety
  • Anger
  • Fragility and victim of anger
  • Elimination of heavy metals
  • Chemicals
  • Environmental poisons
  • Antidotes Mercury together with FF11
  • Antidotes Caffeine
  • Antidotes Alcohol
  • Liver is affected by anger or victim of anger
  • Gallbladder is affected by suppressed anger
  • Stomach is affected by fear and eating incorrectly
  • Helps alcoholics to deal with the craving
  • Dieting
  • Punishing oneself subconsciously particularly with eating disorders bulimia
  • Amay help elimination of : gold, silver, caffeine, cholecystits, alcohol, gluten
  • Manifests in T9 cross point - centrepoint of spine
  • Assimilation of B12
  • Assimilation of mineral Potassium
  • Uptake of Amino Acids l-Valine and l-Glutamine 
( Source :

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