Saturday, February 06, 2016

Multidimensional Iridology, Personal Chronobiological Time & Phytobiophysics Treatment - Rx - 5

a) Core Genetic Weaknesses ( assessment results from post 1 to 4 )

-  Immunological & Neurological System Disturbances.
- Cardiovascular Risk / Emotional Heart Problem / Family Medical History of Heart & Breast Disease.
- Kidney ,Urinary, Uterine, Thyroid,  Liver & Pancreatic Stress Involvement.
- Headaches, Migraines, Depression Unresolved Grief, Suppression of Expression, Anger & Resentment.
- Conflict of Mother Relationship
- Neuromuscular Tension at Various Areas of  Spinal Cord

b) Personal Biological Time for best taking tree & flower formulas

- Major Ray penetration to the collarette - 15' - Limbic System - 11pm
- Local indentation of the collarette - 90' - Thyroid - 6pm
- Local Indentation of the Collarette - 185' - Kidney - 11.20am
- Pancreas lacuna attached on the collarette - 250' - 7.20am
- Heart lacuna attached on the collarette - 283' -  5.32am
- Suggest time for taking  flower & tree  flower formulas - 5.32am, 7.20am, 11.20am & 11pm
- HP4, SF2, SF4 & SF5 : 3 times/day - 5.32am, 11.20am & 11pm
- HF8, HF11 & HF16 : 4 times/day - 5.32am, 7.20am, 11.20am & 6pm

c) Phytobiophysics Flowers & Trees Formulas Treatment - HP4, SF2, SF4, SF5, HF8, HF11 & HF16

 HP4 Emotional Imun.T

  • Mitral Constitution : The Emotional Journey
  • Upper left quadrant : Motherhood/Maturity/Wife
  • Function ANS, Immune System, Heart meridian.
  • Essences of Redwood, Rose, Orchid, Rosemary and Hawthorn.
  • Vibrates on the colour frequencies of Indigo Blue and Brown.
  • Unconditional love.
  • Motherhood: Loving, kind, warm, generous and giving. Conception,
  • Generosity of spirit, loving kindness. Care and nurture
  • Sorrow, sadness, divorce, emotional depression, bereavement and
  • deep grief. Emotional trauma often leads to a breakdown of the
  • immune system, emotional depression and loss of memory

 Superfit 2 - Karm - Super Fit 2 - Karm is a natural remedy designed to help you relax and to remain calm even in times of high stress. The main essence in SF2 is Eucalyptus tree. This essence vibrates on the frequency of 380nm which is the energy of the brain, the pituitry gland and the spinal cord Vitamins are found in sun ripened fresh fruit and vegetables and are essential for the health of the Central Nervous System and all brain and body function. Stress depletes the body of vitamins. At times of trauma it is essential to ensure that the levels of vitamins in the diet are sufficient. Chemicals which excite the nervous system and cause excessive anxiety, panic, stress and hyperactivity also deplete the vitamin balance. Super Fit 2 may assist with the uptake and assimilation of vitamins.

Super Fit 2 - Karm contains many natural plant essences which vibrate on a frequency of ultra-violet. Ultra-Violet is the highest vibration of sunlight and is responsible for ripening fruit and ensuring a rich supply of vitamins.
Ultra violet energy is depleted by stress, anxiety, hyperactivity, panic attacks and a lack of calm, which are all disturbing factors in modern society.
Super Fit 2 supports trauma  of change of circumstance,  anxiety and tension.

Essences in Super Fit 2:

1) Eucalyptus

Eucalyptus is a native tree of Australia. They grow in dry places where sunlight is intense. The leaves of the Eucalyptus have adapted to minimise water loss. They are protected by a waxy covering and contain oil secreting glands- the source of Eucalyptus Oil 

2) Pink Camellia

The Pink Camellia is a flower that can help people to cope with large changes and transitions in their life such as puberty and menopause.,
Superfit  4  Imun.T -  is made with essences of Red Wood. This is the tallest tree in the world and has been used as a symbol of healing and independence by the Cherokee Indians. This powerful tree vibrates on the colour frequency of 460nm which is Indigo and Blue. May assist with the assimilation of: -Anti Oxidant nutrients -Vitamins: A, C and E -Minerals Selenium, Germanium and Zinc -Essential Co Enzyme Ubiquinone- Co E Q10.

Essences in Superfit 4:

1) Redwood Tree

The Giant Sequoia or Redwood, is the tallest tree species in the world> A symbol of wisdom, independence and communication by the Cherokee Indians. Fossils of Redwood spread across Northern America, Canada and the arctic.
This powerful tree vibrates on the frequency of the colour Blue and is supportive of the Nervous system [ANS] and the Immune system. 

2) Temple Tree Frangipani

Frangipani blossom is heavily scented and very beautiful. It is often used in ceremonies of marriage and fertility and can be helpful with emotional trauma. 
Superfit 5 Breath -  is a natural remedy that uses essence of the Deodar Cedrus, the sacred Tree of God . This Phytobiophysics formula vibrates on a colour frequency of 512nm which is green, the colour of life and trees, the breathing of the planet This remedy is primarily beneficial for the lung meridian. May assist with the assimilation of :- - Vitamins: B2 Riboflavin vital for the activation of the Krebs Cycle - Essential Amino acids: L-Leucine vital for the formation of Haemoglobin - L-Isoleucine vital for the formation of Thymopoetin found in meat and green vegetables - GABA, which is essential for oxygen uptake.

Essences in Superfit 5:

1) Deodar Cedar

Deodar Cedrus , the Indian Tree of God. The sacred, Divine healing tree of India is mentioned in the ancient Sanskit texts as the most powerful healing tree. This tree has powerful religious associations but is the healer of the heart. The pine cone which is heavenly scented , clears the sinuses and allows deep inhalation.
Every aspect of life is supported by Oxygen, fresh air and exercise. Breathing correctly is fundamental to support life, vitlaity and health. Loss of love and rejection can affect our ability to breath properly.
Flower Formula 8 Rosemary "Uplift" -  is made from a blend of Flower essences which vibrate on colour Indigo 453nm Indigo flowers promote a feeling of joy and pleasure. The Herb Rosemary is well documented for its wonderful properties of uplifting and stimulating the mind. Depression may be caused by sad and unhappy circumstances which would lead to sedation of the autonomic nervous system, lack of clarity and loss of memory. Environmental toxins and metal toxicity and hydrochloride chemicals such as anaesthetic may also sedate the nervous system. Enabling the elimination of harmful toxins will enable the autonomic system to function in harmony and sadness and depression will lift. FF8 rosemary may aid the assimilation of Vit A/D and amino acids: l-tryptophan and l-histidine. FF8 rosemary may aid the assimilation of essential fatty acids such as oil of evening primrose and fish oils.

Essences in Flower Formula 8:

1) Dead Nettle - Dead Nettle can be used to help stabilize blood pressure as well as help to deal with motion sickness and the limbic nervous system.

2) Rosemary - Rosemary can help with tension & stress, premature balding and is a valuable harmonizer for the symptoms of hypoglycaemia, anaemia and parasites.

3) Sage - Sage can help to relax the nervous system and allow a general release of tension and rigidity. Can also be of benefit with cases of asthma. Sage essence supports people who have difficulty with Low emission radiation and electro-magnetic field forces, such as living near power stations and WiFI masts. 

4) Strawberry Flower - Strawberry Flower can assist with problems with the limbic nervous system and memory control. When a person is forgetful, clumsy, un-coordinated, scruffy and absent minded.

Flower Formula 11 - Hawthorn "heartache" Hawthorn 'Heartache' is made from a blend of flower essences which vibrate on the frequency of the colour green 520nm Hawthorn referred to as May Blossom symbolises love and marriage. Hawthorn is a flower for the heart and for love and the person who needs this formula is a special person, loving and kind often giving all they have to the people they love. Generous, beautiful and open hearted. Spiritually reliable and strong. When feeling sad and heavy hearted and suffering with spiritual loss this formula conforts one on a deep level and helps to ease the grief of heartache and bereavement. FF11 Hawthorn formula can aid the assimilation of Vitamin E and amino acids l-methionine l-carnitine and glumatic acid. FF11 may also aid the digestion of wholegrain, nuts and seeds.

Chickweed - Chickweed can be an effective treatment for AIDS, cancer or any`incurable illness’ or for those nursing a chronically sick loved one.

Essences in Flower Formula 11:

1) FatHen - Fat Hen is a very valuable harmoniser to assist in the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome. And for the treatment of dysbiosis, diphtheria, cancer of the lungs and breasts. 

2) Hawthorn Blossom - Hawthorn Blossom is valuable for any heart conditions, particularly angina pains. Also useful for when you are overtired, overworked and exhausted. 

3) Ivy Flower - Ivy Flower can be used for problems relating to the heart such as heart block, fibrillation. For Stenosis and valve incompetence, infective endocarditis, angina and stitch.

4) Lily of the Valley - Lily of the Valley is a sedative, cardiotonic and diuretic and can be used for conditions relating to the heart and the arteries. 

Snowdrop - Snowdrop can be effective when a person becomes tense, anxious, highly-strung and quick-tempered, it can be used for those suffering from high blood pressure.

Flower Formula 16 - Daisy 'repro' - is made from a blend of orange flower essences that vibrate on the colour orange frequency 615nm. Left Bladder Meridian Spleen meridian. 'Hope' FF16 Daisy is supportive of childhood and puberty and all the complex emotions which arise at this time in one's life.We were alll children once so if we were hurt at this time in our lives this may repercuss throughout our lives. in modern society we are constantly aware that our children's innocence is being undermined with quite catastrophic impact. This formula is required whenever any trauma occurs during the pubescent years. The child of divorcing parents. Unhappy childhood memories which create trauma in later life. loss of innocence. We offer this formula to support pregnancy together with FF2 'Emotional Recovery' It is effective for a range of concerns experienced during puberty, childbirth or the menopause. FF16 is for supporting happiness in Childhood and puberty.

Essences Flower Formula 16:

1) Camomile - Camomile is effective when there are problems with the reproductive organs, ovaries, uterus/gonads and testes. Also for PMT and sleeplessness. 

2) Daisy - Daisy is an effective flower when there are complaints associated with the reproductive organs. During puberty and for those who have received an injury during puberty.

3) Marigold - Marigold is effective in helping with emotional mood swings during transitional periods such as the menopause. It is helpful for prostate & genito/urinary system issues.

4) Stinging Nettle - Stinging nettle can be used for all physical aspects of sexual intercourse. Pain during sexual intercourse, vaginal thrush. hives and urticara. 

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