Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Flower Formula 5 - Nightshade "Imu-Ace"

Flower Formula 5 - Nightshade made from a blend of flower essences that vibrate on the colour Indigo 435nm The nightshade plants hold a special place in healing since it is the family that provides many vegetable foods such as tomato and potato. These foods contain vital anti oxidant nutrients such as Vitamins A C and E, zinc Germanium and selenium which are responsible for enabling the body to ward off bacteria . They nourish the body and enable the production of a vital co-enzyme ubiquinone, referred to as co enzyme Q10 which is essential for the transport of oxygen. research has shown how important CoEQ10 is for the health of the mouth and teeth .
The Nightshade flower formula can assist with the following situations
  • Not able to put one's thoughts into perspective    
  • Hot, bothered and angry,
  • Particularly suitable to give to babies when they are teething since they feel so wretched
  • Temper tantrums -
  • Pessimistic and gloomy
  • When you have had a frightening experience or waiting for the results of a test.
  • Natural pro-biotic
  • Used in combination with FF1 and FF10 to emotionally support you when sufferering with cancer
  • Jealousy/envy/sibling rivalry
  • May assist with the assimilation of anti-oxidant vitamins: A C and E and minerals Zinc germanium and Selenium   
  • Supports the assimilation of probiotic foods which help you to deal with candida albicans
  • Enables metabolism of the solanacea family potatoes, tomatoes, peppers etc
  • Supports the formation of co-enzyme Q10 ubiquinone vital for the transport of oxygen. This natural coenzyme is formed in the bone marrow of the jaw to protect the teeth from decay. COEQ10 is a catalyst to enable transport of oxygen
Flower Formula 5 - Nightshade contains a combination of 4 different flowers:

1. Black Nightshade - Black Nightshade can be helpful as a natural remedy for people who are oppressed by irrational thoughts. 

Latin Name:Solanum Nigrum Solanaceae
Collection Time:August to september

Summary:Black Nightshade can be helpful as a natural remedy for people who are oppressed by irrational thoughts.
Type of person black nightshade is suitable for:A person who is generally happy, calm and rational.

A person who is oppressed by irrational thoughts.
Emotional support for:When a person is oppressed by irrational thoughts which are difficult to put into perspective. When they are suffering from earache and ear infections. sudden onset of fever. sudden attack of high temperature. Anger headaches and high Blood pressure.

Especially valuable for children who when ill change from being happy and serene to having temper tantrums and convulsions.

Valuable for teething babies.

Hot angry headaches and measles.
Spiritual state black nightshade can assist in:When someone is in the state in which they have trouble thinking rationally and managing anger.

Black Nightshade may be used to assist the elimination of:Antidote to tomatoes, potatoes and all the solanaceae family of vegetables such as red and green peppers, capsicum and chilli.
2. Elderflower - Elderflower has been well documented throughout the centuries, as a valuable herbal remedy for fever, rheumatism, catarrh and as an eye wash and skin tonic. 

Latin Name:Sambucus Nigra
Collection Time:June to July

Summary:Elderflower has been well documented throughout the centuries, as a valuable herbal remedy for fever, rheumatism, catarrh and as an eye wash and skin tonic.
Type of person elderflower is suitable for:A person who is usually tolerant and well grounded

A person who is experiencing mood swings

A person who has been diagnosed as a manic depressive
Emotional support for:When a person is suffering from mood swings. Can support the limbic nervous system.

Immune Booster for all left drift viruses. particularly valuable for sufferers from Coxsackie A7, Candida Albicans and any other virus or poison which affects the limbic system.
Spiritual state elderflower can assist in:When someone is in the state in which they are having negative thought patterns.

Elderflower may be used to assist the elimination of:Candida Albicans, Coxsackie A7.
3. Maritime Campion - Maritime Campion can help treat resentful and jealous individuals. Can be a useful support for the glands and can help treat glandular fever. 

Latin Name:Silene Maritima Francineacae
Collection Time:May to July
Colour:Sapphire Blue

Summary:Maritime Campion can help treat resentful and jealous individuals. Can be a useful support for the glands and can help treat glandular fever.
Type of person maritime campion is suitable for:A person who is typically very fair, straight and honourable.

A person who has become resentful and jealous
Emotional support for:When a person is resentful and jealous. When they are suffering from problems with palatine, laryngeal and tubal tonsils.

Glandular fever and all the symptoms of swollen glands and fever.

This harmoniser has a stimulating action on the t4 cells of the thymus gland.
Spiritual state maritime campion can assist in:When someone is in the state in which they are finding it difficult to achieve a rational understanding of equality and fairness.

Maritime Campion may be used to assist the elimination of:Glandular fever, Epstein Barr Virus, Coxsackie A7.
4. Alium - Allium is a genus of monocotyledonous flowering plants that includes the cultivated oniongarlicscallionshallot and leek as well as chives and hundreds of other wild species.

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