Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Flower Formula 4 - Thistle "Tranquility"

Thistle Flower Formula 4 Is made from a blend of Violet flower essences that vibrate on the frequency of 432nm. Violet is the highest vibration of colour and is the energy of mid day sunlight. FF4 helps to create relaxation and allows one to think clearly in emergencies and supports you when you are worrying a lot, unable to sleep because of anxiety about problems. Helps to protect you when suffering with stress about assets and on the verge of a nervous breakdown. 
Ff4 Thistle  vibrates on the frequency which supports the relationship of Father, my father or my male relationships. This is a very strong relationship and when there is a difficulty with your father for whatever reason: void or absence, or if your father is ill and you are concerned or worried about him. More seriously you may be grieving for the death of loss of father, or have been badly hurt by him, whatever the reason for the imbalance this energy is very healing and helps you to put your emotions into stable perspective.

Thistle can help in the following way:
  • Father/child relationship - anxiety about/death of/void of/abuse by father
  • Yang formula-carries other FF's to the right side of the body and left side of the brain
  • Takes all the other formulas into the CNS brain and spinal cord
  • Tranquility - dreams - nightmares - restlessness    
  • Troubled with frightening thoughts
  • Inability to sleep, disturbed sleeping patterns powerful tonic for the nervous system    
  • helps you to learn from past experiences
  • Circadian rhythm sleeping/waking patterns
  • Victim/rape/bitterness results in emotional paralysis    
  • Sexually insecure
  • Sensory organs - right eye
  • Heart attack
  • Syphilitic miasm right sided    
  • Spiritual trauma as a result of being bed-ridden/incapacitated because of Spine and paralysis - operations on the back - spinal lesions accidents etc.,
  •  jet lag
  • Assists the assimilation of Vitamin C, folic acid and potassium important electrolyte and amino acids glutamic acid and L-glycine.
Thistle Flower Formula 4 is a blend of violet flower essences:

1. Thistle - Thistle Melancholy Violet is a harmonizer helping to create relaxation and allow one to think clearly in emergencies. Can also be used to support the central nervous system. 

Latin Name:Cirsium helenioids Compositeae
Collection Time:June - August

Summary:Thistle Melancholy Violet is a harmoniser helping to create relaxation and allow one to think clearly in emergencies. Can also be used to support the central nervous system.
Type of person thistle melancholy violet is suitable for:A person who is stimulating and amusing, the life and soul of the party.

A person who has become self conscious and shy

A person who continually makes the same mistakes over and over again.
Emotional support for:When a person is suffering from sadness and wistful regret, self conscious and shy. Mid Brain, left Brain, Central nervous system. spinal cord.

This is a powerful tonic for the nervous system, it increases neurological response and it invigorates the synapses between nerve cells.

It is a valuable harmonizer for the treatment of herpes Zoster, shingles and any illness where the nervous system has been affected.

It negates the effect of silver poisoning. this harmoniser helps to stimulate brain function in parts of the brain which have not been used and is especially valuable if brain damage has occurred.

Valuable for concussion and for pain in conditions such as slipped disc or pain associated with the Central nervous system and for treatment of Multiple sclerosis.
Spiritual state thistle melancholy violet can assist in:This harmonizer helps to create relaxation and allows one to think clearly in emergencies.
Additional advice related to using this essence:For additional advice about this ingredient please contact your local Phytobiophysics practitioner.
Thistle Melancholy Violet may be used to assist the elimination of:Antidote to Gallium and Silver.

M.s., Herpes Zoster
2. Azalea - Do you have trouble with your sleep patterns or do you suffer from feeling restless and disturbed. 

Latin Name:Rhododendron Azalea Ericaceae
Collection Time:Jan to Feb

Summary:Do you have trouble with your sleep patterns or do you suffer from feeling restless and disturbed? Try Azalea Pink Violet
Type of person azalea pink violet is suitable for:A person who feels congested, frustrated or blocked.

A person who is tense and feeling traumatized.
Emotional support for:When a person is unable to relax and is troubled with frightening thoughts. When they are suffering from Insomnia and it can also be a valuable harmonizer for persons who are addicted to sleeping pills.
Spiritual state azalea pink violet can assist in:Expansion of consciousness. Alpha waves, deep meditation and trance.

Azalea Pink Violet may be used to assist the elimination of:sleeping pills
3. Foxglove - The Purple Foxglove can help to ease negative thought forms in cases of sexual abuse and also anxieties around the health of ones father. 

Latin Name:Digitalis purpurea
Collection Time:May - July
Colour:Violet / Purple

Summary:The Purple Foxglove can help to ease negative thought forms in cases of sexual abuse and also anxieties around the health of ones father.
Type of person purple foxglove is suitable for:A person who is emotional and who has a very strong relationship between father and child.

A person suffering from trauma or bitterness. Very hurt by past experience which leaves one in a state of emotional paralysis.
Emotional support for:When a person is mourning the loss of father or anxiety about the health of father.
Purple Foxglove can be valuable for rape victims or people who have been abused, become sexually insecure and are then unable to relate to members of the opposite sex.

For the left Brain, central nervous system, cerebellum and cerebral cortex and senility.
Spiritual state purple foxglove can assist in:When someone is spiritually traumatised by the death or loss of a father.

Purple Foxglove may be used to assist the elimination of:Erbium
4. Lavender - Drained of energy, lacklustre and fatigued, never able to bring a commitment to fruition and Lacking direction. 

Latin Name:Lavandula Labiatae

Summary:Drained of energy, lacklustre and fatigued, never able to bring a commitment to fruition and Lacking direction? Violet Lavender can support you.
Type of person violet lavender is suitable for:A person who is pioneering and forward thinking with a generally positive outlook.

A person who is sensitive to their surroundings.

A person who is fatigued and lacking energy.

A person who is over-sensitive to smells, sounds and sights.
Emotional support for:When a person is drained of energy, lacklustre and fatigued

When they are unable to bring a commitment to fruition. Lacking direction and easily put off.
When they have experienced or been witness to a shocking situation and need support.
Spiritual state violet lavender can assist in:When someone needs to re-discover their pioneering and adventurous spirit.
Additional advice related to using this essence:For additional advice about this ingredient please contact your local Phytobiophysics practitioner.
5. Pink Thrift - Pink Thrift is effective for the treatment of pain and loss of hope. Valuable to ease the stress of any illness which is incapacitating. 

Latin Name:Armeria Maritima Plumbaginaceae
Collection Time:July to September

Summary:Pink Thrift is effective for the treatment of pain and loss of hope. Valuable to ease the stress of any illness which is incapacitating
Type of person pink thrift / jersey sea pink is suitable for:Pink Thrift eases the stress of being an invalid or of being in a wheel chair.
Emotional support for:When a person is getting used to life as an invalid or being in a wheel chair. When there are problems with the central nervous system, occiput and pons Varoli.

The spine, the spinal column.

For the treatment of sufferers from poliomyelitis, spina Bifida and any illness associated with paralysis.

Back ache and back pain and any spinal operation.

The elderly who have lost the use of their legs. Accidents resulting in the loss of use of legs or for those who are bedridden.
Spiritual state pink thrift / jersey sea pink can assist in:Loss of hope of recovery from stroke or for paraplegics.

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