Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Flower Formula 2 - White Rose 'Recovery"

FF2 - White Rose 'Recovery' is a blend of white flowers which vibrate on the complete colour spectrum and relate to the five elements of traditional Chinese medicine, thereby creating harmony on all levels of consciousness. White flower essences are very powerful and support emotions to help us deal with the sad, painful and traumatic experiences that we all suffer with throughout our lives. White Rose 'Recovery' is specially for helping little children and remember that we were all children once. This formula is used with all the other formulas to help with recovery. we call it one of our helper formulas. It is also valuable to assist prior to conception, for the whole gestation period as well as supporting little babies throughout their growth. Offers gentle support whenever little babies are vulnerable such as when undergoing hospital procedures or inoculation. Emotions interfere with function which then creates physical imbalance. Through stabilizing the emotional issues in our lives, we may then recover from the physical manifestation. FF2 supports emotional recovery.

FF2 may assist with the assimilation of all proteins - Amino acids.  which are the building blocks of body tissues, hormones, enzymes and white blood cells for immune system, mucous for the sinuses and tonsils, and enzymes for the digestive system.

FF2 - White rose can be used as:
  • Yin formula - left sided disorders    
  • support for child during time of vaccination
  • Growth hormone: needed for foetal development, so given to pregnant mother and throughout breast feeding and during early years of child's life
  • Inability to have children
  • Single-parent families or those people suffering from isolation and lack of support
  • Nervous breakdown - inability to recover from trauma
  • Balances extremes of emotions
  • Enables the body to produce enzymes and supports natural hormonal function
  • Neuro-transmission between enzyme, hormone and assimilation of amino acids proteins
  • Enables the body to produce hormones for immune system, sinuses and tonsils, digestive system and assimilation of nutrients, supports the bodies natural steroid production
  • Trauma dating back to childhood, children who are made to grow up too soon/have been tampered with e.g war, abuse etc
  • Supports Childbirth and the first few months of the babies life
  • Enables the metabolizing of all amino acids proteins.
FF2 is a blend of many flower essences including:
  1. Crinum LilyCrinum Lily is a powerful flower which can aid recovery from traumatic situations or events.

    Summary:Crinum Lily is a powerful flower which can aid recovery from traumatic situations or events.
    Type of person crinum lily is suitable for:A person who has extremes of emotion from mild enjoyment to ecstasy, and from vague distaste to total emotional breakdown.

    A person who is unable to recover from traumatic situations.

    A person who has suffered/is suffering from sedation of movement, stroke and paralysis or a nervous breakdown.
    Emotional support for:When a person is recovering from a traumatic event or situation. When they are learning from painful experiences and need some support to advance through day to day life.
    Spiritual state crinum lily can assist in:When someone is in the state in which they are keen to start their recovery from a traumatic event or situation and is suffering from extremes of emotion.

  2.  Marvel of PeruParts of the Marvel of Peru may be used as a diuretic, purgative, and for wound healing. The root is believed to have aphrodisiac qualities. We have found that the Marvel of Peru can aid with forming personal connections. 
    Latin Name:Mirabilis jalapa

    Summary:Parts of the Marvel of Peru may be used as a diuretic, purgative, and for wound healing. The root is believed to have aphrodisiac qualities. We have found that the Marvel of Peru can aid with forming personal connections.
    Type of person marvel of peru is suitable for:A person who is in a spiritual vacuum.

    A person who has a lack of emotional support and has feelings of loneliness.
    Emotional support for:When a person is struggling as a single parent or has feelings of loneliness as a result of a break up or a divorce. Can aid digestion and assimilation of all proteins & amino acids.
    Spiritual state marvel of peru can assist in:When someone is in the state in which they have lost faith and need to re-connect with others around them.
  3.  Strawberry Tree - The Strawberry Arbutus tree is also called the compass tree. it is a very important tree found in Vancouver, Canada, as well as Europe. It is regarded as a barometer tree as it is slowly dying. This is significant as it indicates levels of pollution from toxic chemicals in the environment.
    This beautiful tree has delicious fruits which taste like strawberries and it is for this reason that it is nicknamed the Strawberry Tree. the bark is truly beautiful. 
    Latin Name:Arbutus
    Collection Time:Summer
    Summary:The Strawberry Arbutus tree is also called the compass tree. it is a very important tree found in Vancouver, Canada, as well as Europe. It is regarded as a barometer tree as it is slowly dying. This is significant as it indicates levels of pollution from toxic chemicals in the environment.
    This beautiful tree has delicious fruits which taste like strawberries and it is for this reason that it is nicknamed the Strawberry Tree. the bark is truly beautiful.
    Type of person strawberry tree is suitable for:Arbutus is a supportive tree for little children from the moment of conception throughout gestation and birth and also supportive of the first years of a child's life.

    The key emotion is the word 'recovery'. Flower formula 2 White rose formula is the formula that is regarded as the support for children and as such holds a remarkably important place in healing, especially since we were all children once and so often we can track our trauma back to sadness and tragedy as little children, which we have never fully recovered from.
    The type of person who needs the support of this essence is a loving, gentle but fragile person who may be a single parent or someone who feels lack of support in their lives. Maybe you have been badly let down and left to struggle on your own.
    No one to turn to or lean against in times of stress.
    Emotional support for:
    • Sadness, loneliness, sense of isolation, in need of recovery, no to trust, struggling on one's own, a feeling that you have been deserted and therefore you have lost faith.
    The fascinating relationship with emotional trauma is that the function of the body is impaired. Function is controlled by hormonal release through the endocrine system [hormones] and the endocrine system. [mucous, serums and enzymes] 
    When we suffer with emotional pain, we malfunction and so many of our natural functions become impaired. This may cause heart beat problems, anxiety, rapid pulse, hyper or hypo conditions in the ANS and serious digestive disorders as well as hormonal imbalance.
    Spiritual state strawberry tree can assist in:spiritual emotional issues
    Additional advice related to using this essence:this essence is powerful and can offer very important support to all of us as a key support for emotional trauma.
    \\arbutus may assist with protein metabolism and the complex assimilation of amino acids, particularly essential amino acids.
    Strawberry Tree may be used to assist the elimination of:This powerful essence helps to support you heal emotions
  4.  Thorn Apple BlossomBioflavonoids found in Thorn Apple Blossom Hawthorn include oligomeric procyanidins OPCc, vitexin, quercetin, and hyperoside. These compounds have been used to support the cardiovascular system. 
    Summary:Bioflavonoids found in Thorn Apple Blossom Hawthorn include oligomeric procyanidins OPCc, vitexin, quercetin, and hyperoside. These compounds have been used to support the cardiovascular system.
    Type of person thorn apple blossom is suitable for:A person who usually has a clear vision of what they want to achieve in life.

    A person who is disconnected and suffers from emotional insecurity.

    A person who suffers from cardiovascular complaints.
    Emotional support for:When a child has been forced to grow up too quickly, who has been through childhood suffering or a painful puberty. When children have been orphaned or grief-stricken. Children of broken homes and traumatic parental breakdown. Children who grow up in war zones.

    When a person is suffering from angina pectoris, atherosclerosis, congestive heart failure or hypertension high blood pressure.
    Spiritual state thorn apple blossom can assist in:When someone is in the state in which they need to develop their spiritual awareness.
  5.  White RoseThe White Rose has significant levels of vitamins and has been used as a food supplement. Roses have been used for stomach problems, and are being investigated for controlling cancer growth. White Rose is used in Phytobiophysics formulas to support emotional well being. 
    Latin Name:Rosa

    Summary:The White Rose has significant levels of vitamins and has been used as a food supplement. Roses have been used for stomach problems, and are being investigated for controlling cancer growth. White Rose is used in Phytobiophysics formulas to support emotional well being.
    Type of person white rose is suitable for:A person who is warm, emotional and loving as well as deeply sensitive.

    A person who is creative, gifted and artistic. Full of joy and passion.

    A person who has exquisite taste and love of all things beautiful.

    A person who has suffered as a result of a childhood illness, who has impaired senses and sensory organs.

    A person who is currently unable to achieve their full potential.
    Emotional support for:When a person is struggling to achieve their potential and is suffering from confusion and disorientation. Pregnancy/breast feeding and a healthy childhood.
    Spiritual state white rose can assist in:When someone is in a state in which they know that they could be achieving more but are unclear on exactly what to do. Re-discover a love of life and your sensitivity.

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