Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Flower Formula 1 - Lotus "Vitality"

Flower formula FF1 Lotus 'Vitality' Emergency formula vibrates on white energy. Lotus supports you whenever you have had a shock such as tragic news, the loss of a loved one or a sepcial pet for example. This formula enhances the effect of all other flower formulas. it is made from a blend of sacred white flowers which have been collected from all over the world. Lotus is a timelessly old essence as Budha was reputed to drink the dew drops of the Lotus blossom to uplift his soul.

Flower formulas which Vibrate on white energy are referred to as star formulas and enhance the effect of all other flower formulas. Flower Formula 1 - Lotus formula may aid the digestion and assimilation of all nutrients and is very useful whenever a boost is required. 
Flower formula 1 Lotus ; 'Vitality' supports:
  • Emergencies
  • as first aid for any trauma
  • Shock: a traumatic experience or shocking news
  • Someone looking after an elderly or dying parent ; ;
  • Spiritual trauma - loss of a loved one
  • Loss of a beloved animal or pet
  • Emotions of ;miscarriage or abortion
  • When emotional crisis leads to ;lowered immunity
  • People who are run down - low vitality
  • Miasm harmonizer  
  • Shock and stress associated with a diagnosis of any form of serious illness
  • The shock of a diagnosis of Cancer
  • Supports the emotional issues caused by congenital disorders
  • Sufferers of fatigue syndromes such as ;ME who have impaired energy and therefore feel emotially drained and distressed
  • shock of an accident or operation ;
  • tissue pollution/toxicity
  • may assist with the ;assimilation of all nutrients.
FF1 is a blend of many flower essences including:
  1. Common HorsetailCommon Horsetail has been used for it's medicinal properties for many years and is rich in silicon, potassium and calcium. It can help to support people with flagging energy levels. 
    Latin Name:Equisetum arvense
    Collection Time:April to september. The horsetail family of plants is very primitive. they are some of the oldest recorded plants on the planet.

    Summary:Common Horsetail has been used for it's medicinal properties for many years and is rich in silicon, potassium and calcium. It can help to support people with flagging energy levels.
    Type of person common horsetail is suitable for:A person who is normally energetic and fun loving, the life and soul of the party or an active sports person.

    A person who is run down, exhausted and lacking vitality.
    Emotional support for:When a person is feeling lethargic and avoids opportunities to get involved with fun activities and exercises. All viral conditions and immune system disorders. Run down and with low vitality. lymphatic acne.
    Spiritual state common horsetail can assist in:It is important that we all make the most of our lives but it is easy to get bogged down occasionally. Common Horsetail can assist with a return to vitality and love of life.

    Common Horsetail may be used to assist the elimination of:Coxsackie, HIV, all immune system disorders.
  2. Lotus Blossom - Lotus Blossom is an emergency and rescue essence. It is extremely powerful and very significant when a deep trauma or shock has occured. It may aid with bringing harmony to you when you have been going through a stressful or shocking time in your life such as dealing with sudden and shocking news. Buddha was reputed to drink the dew drops of Lotus to keep himself spiritually balanced. 

    Summary:Lotus Blossom is an emergency and rescue essence. It is extremely powerful and very significant when a deep trauma or shock has occured. It may aid with bringing harmony to you when you have been going through a stressful or shocking time in your life such as dealing with sudden and shocking news.
    Buddha was reputed to drink the dew drops of Lotus to keep himself spiritually balanced.
    Type of person lotus blossom is suitable for:A person who is in need of a boost of vitality.
    Emotional support for:Lotus Blossom may aid the digestion and assimilation of all nutrients. When they are in need of a energy boost.
    Spiritual state lotus blossom can assist in:When someone needs spiritual support because of a terrible tragedy.

  3. White Narcissus -White Narcissus can support you when you have lost energy levels and are lacking motivation. Also good for helping to treat toxicity problems. 
    Latin Name:Narcissus Papyraceus
    Collection Time:April

    Summary:White Narcissus can support you when you have lost energy levels and are lacking motivation. Also good for helping to treat toxicity problems.
    Type of person white narcissus is suitable for:A person who is normally fit, active and sporty. Vibrant and full of life. Happy, strong and beautiful.

    A person who has become exhausted and bored, unable to motivate oneself and is feeling sluggish.
    Emotional support for:When a person is lacking motivation and the normal energy levels that they used to have. When they have acute conditions which occur as a result of toxicity in the tissues.
    Spiritual state white narcissus can assist in:When someone is in the state in which they need more energy and are fed up with feeling tired and negative. White Narcissus can support you in a return to your normal energetic self.

4. Shepherds Purse 

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