Sunday, December 06, 2015

Embryological Hypothalamus Stress, Hypertrophy IPB, Pupil Flatness, Time Risk, Contraction Furrows, Lateral Distention & Local Indentation of the Collarette - Rx – 1

Preliminary Iris Assessments
a) Embryological Hypothalamus & Pyruvic Acid signs located internal collarette border.
b) Introflession & Extroflession of the inner pupillary border at 80' & 85'.
c) Frontal Pupil Flattening & Inferior Nasal Flatness
d) Observe multiple minor rays and crypts located at inner pupillary zone / internal collarette border.
e) Observe Major Rays / Radial Furrows radiate from the pupillary zone to limbus.
f) Temporal Distension of the collarette structure.
g) Local Indentation of the collarette at 270'.
h) Multiple lacunae attached at the external border of the collarette.
i) Multiple brown pigments at ciliary zone and intercept with contraction furrows.
j) Identify the patterns of the Contraction Furrows
k) Brown Center Heterochromia around the pupillary zone and collarette border.

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