Friday, December 04, 2015

Atrophy IPB, Embryological, Citric Acid Cycle, Time Risk, Emotional Dynamics,CH, Linear, Bridge & Maternal DNA - Lx – 2

1) The IPB Diameters
a) Atrophy inner pupillary border tissues, the diameter is between 0 to 5 micron, in this case, the overall IPB tissues structure is approximate at 0 micron.
b) Common genetic weaknesses for this type of IPB are:
- Tonsillitis
- Headaches resulting from frontal sinusitis
- Constipation resulting from intestinal dysbiosis
-  Immnuno-depression from elevated cortisol levels
- Herniated vertebral disc
- Premature ageing due to oxidative stress
2) Time Risk
a) Major Ray / Deep Radial Furrow radiate from external border of the collarette to ciliary zone at 360'/0' typically signify as Time Risk sign. The traumas or stressors appear at the age of 60 or gestation during 9 months period is recorded as Birth Trauma. This type of marking can be explained traumatized by Inducement or Anaesthetic Reaction. In addition, it relates to Hypothalamus & Pituitary stress.
b) John Andrews explained that if that person did not experience a difficult birth, then if the patient is female it may relate to the birth of her own child. If it doe not relate to either of these, then a history of voluntary abortion should be considered. On the other hand, if is male and didn't not suffer a traumatic birth of this marking then the consideration of separation from the mother as a small infant is highly advised ! Check for the Medulla Oblongata and it's inherent survival instinct, is asthma !
c) The psychosomatic effects for this marking - Radial Furrows (Major Ray) as:
- The experience of a deep and profound trauma
- Deep evolution
- Extreme stress affecting the physical border
- Vaccination reaction
d) Collarette Bridge at the mid-point of 125', suggest possible traumatic event/ time risk at the age 12.5. Linear & Collarette bridge, physically  relate to blood sugar imbalance/diabetes mellitus
e) Major Radial Furrows at 40' & 340'  radiate from the edge of pupil crossing pupillary zone and heading to ciliary zone, that can be considered as Time Risk sign. This indicate a possible traumatic events happened at the age of 3.3 & 53  / gestation periods of beginning of 2 weeks and 8 months , further consultation is highly advised. All these traumatic chronological moments will take into consideration of Chronobiology study and Phytobiophysics therapy. 
3) Embryological Analysis 
a) Minor rays located at pupillary zone - 15', 30' ,40' & 50' indicates embryological weaknesses of pituitary gland, cardiovascular risk in family history and spleen deficiency.
b) Internal lacuna located at pupillary zone - 150' indicate duodenum stress and bladder/prostate deficiency.
4) Citric Acid Cycle Analysis
a) Kreb's Cycle imbalance signs located at pupillary zone / internal collarette border - 15', 30', 50', 150', 255' , 281' (340'&345') indicates tendencies to blood sugar imbalance, hepatic steatosis, insulin sensitivity, kidney & heart disease, gastrointestinal disturbances, prostate carcinoma (if the patient is male), lymphatic congestion, toxic neurological dysfunction, renal metabolism disturbances, fatigue, stress, impaired liver & spleen function and low libido.
5) Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette
a) Major Rays / Radial Furrows radiate at 360', 25', 40', 125' (collarette bridge) & 340'  attached with emotional blockages of limbic system imbalance, issues of forgiveness, self-limitation and acceptance.
6) Brown Center Heterochromia 
a) Brown CH  accompanied with atrophy pf the inner pupillary border then periodontal disease is a pronounced tendency.
b) Brown CH is combined with restricted collarette then we need to observe for possible degenerative diseases and immune dysfunction in the family history.
c) Tendency to constipation and bowel irregularity when under stress and stagnation of lymphatic fluids around of the intestines.
d) Holding on to fears in relation to releasing suppressed emotions.
e) Tendency for inner analysis and to be self-contained and fear of abandonment
f) Protection of inner vulnerability.
7) Contracted Collarette Structure
a) A tendency to constipation and sluggishness of the intestines and Bulimia.
b) Individuals with a contracted collarette tend to be very self-contained and can be inward-looking.
c) Psycho-emotional issues relates to feeling of insecurity, fear of "letting go" and fear of dependence.
d) Dominant inheritance of the Maternal DNA and biogenetics. This person will share a majority of his/her physical, physiological and personally traits with their mother/daughter/ or maternal side of the family.
e) Unresolved issues with father or predominant male figure within their life need to be explored and addressed.
8) Multiple Lacunae attached on the External Border of the Collarette - Observe the Smallest Lacunae, intercepted with Contraction Furrows and Indentation to the Collarette
a) Smallest Lacuna - 86', 142', 160' & 175' at topographical areas of heart, ovary/testes, cervix & kidney.
b) Indented Lacunae - 273' & 292' at reflexive areas of heart.
c) Intercepting with Lacunae - 97', 120' & 235' at reflex organs of heart & pancreas.
9) Mixed Biliary Constitution with Polyglandular  Structure 
 i) General disease tendencies- Mixed iris constitution:
a) Disturbances in the Liver-Gall bladder system.
b) Digestive disorder because of genetic enzyme deficiency.
c) Increased tendency to intestinal immune deficiency - Intestinal Dysbiosis
d) Blood sugar imbalance tendency.
e) Circulatory disorders.
ii) Polyglandular Weakness Type
a) Disease originates in the endocrine system
b) Diabetes Mellitus
c) Pituitary gland weakness
d) Adrenal gland weakness
e) Dysglycaemia
f) Thyroid gland dysfunction
10) In summary, the Core Inheritance Weaknesses 
a) Immunological System Imbalance
b) Endocrine System Deficiency
c) Cardiovascular System Imbalance
d) Digestive System Insufficiency
11) Chronobiology - Personal Biological Clocks 
a) Major Ray at 360' - 12am ( *important time)
b) Major Ray at 340' - 1.20am
c) Major Ray at 40' - 9.20pm
d) Collarette Bridge -Time Risk Mid-Point at 125' - 3.40pm
e) Recommended 3 times/ Day - 3.40pm, 9.20pm & 12am
12) Phytobiophysics Therapy - Heart Power, Superfit Trees Formulas & Flower Formulas
a) Heart Power 4 - Mitral Constitution, Emotional Journey, Tri-cuspid Definition
b) Superfit Trees Formulas - SF1, SF2 & SF4
c) Flower Formulas - HF1. HF3, HF11, HF15

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