Saturday, March 07, 2015

Multidimensional Approaches - Lx - (siv)

Female, 38
Stroke, Diabetes
Observe the above iris that I systematically breakdown the analysis steps starting from analyzing the inner pupillary borders tissues then seeing a multiple crypt at pupillary zone or internal collarette border, the collarette border structure and finally the signs at external collarette border.
Please present your answers as follow:
a) What are the major or core genetic weaknesses that presented on this iris ?
b) Which iris sign at different levels or zones that can be identified their correlations to support your first answer question-(a)
c) Identify the potential spinal stress by analyzing it inner pupillary border locations 
d) In embryological level, which pathological organ is related to your findings / signs at ciliary zone/external collarette border ?
e) Could you identify which Kreb's Cycle acid is imbalance that correlate with the Bridges & Ventral Linear Collarette ?
f) Could you identify which iris sign is indicate this person tendency to have prostate and testicle problems ?
g) Which embryological sign is showing the same indication of testicular imbalance ?
h) Which local absent of the IPB is enhanced the meaning of genetic sign at 190' ?
i) Could you explain what is the meaning an extroflession of the IPB ?
j) Please identify which iris sign can be allocated for Time Risk evaluation ?
k) In psychosomatic level, this person might experienced with low self-esteem, fear and loss of identity, which iris signs do you think are derived from the above mentioned ?

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