Thursday, March 26, 2015

Genetic Signs at External Collarette Border, Inside Collarette Border & Pupillary Zone - Rx - a

Observe the lacunae penetrated at the collarette border - a, crypts located at internal collarette border - b & inside lacuna at pupillary zone - c. Please analyse the above genetic conditions in Modern Iridology approaches.
1) In classical view, what are the genetic weaknesses of the above mentioned ?
2) Could you identify which genetic sign / lacuna is attached with unresolved emotional issues ? and when was this traumatic event happened ? 
3) What further information can be accessed if we apply the Embryology & Cellular Iridology Models ?
4) Which Kreb's Cycle Acid is imbalance under this condition ?
5) Could you identify the inheritance weaknesses under consideration of Dirk Hamer Syndrome ?

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