Saturday, March 28, 2015

The Combination of Important Iris Signs - Rx - (pkw)

Male, 43
This iris covered with numerous lacunae, crypt and rarefaction of iris fibres around the ciliary zones., a constricted collarette and pupil flatness. Please identify which iris sign can be combined and indicate as major weakness for this individual ?

Combination of IPB Morphologies & Pupil Flattenings - Lx - (gak)

Female, 62
Base on the above presentation findings, please identify what are the major genetic weaknesses for this client ? ( also refer and compare with the previous post- Rx - (gak) )

Combination of the Iris Signs - Rx - (gak)

Female, 62
Cervical Stress, ovarian cysts, coccyx problems and family history of diabetes.
Please identify which combination of iris signs are indicated the above mentioned problems ? Consider the local absent of the IPB, pupil flattenings and crypts located at the external border of the collarette.

Solitary Sign - Lx - (cmh)

Male, 44
Please point out which local iris sign is important to set priority for analyse ?

Please analyse the above 2 iris signs :
a) Solitary defect / crypt located at the border of the collarette - 95' (important topography)
b) Bridge at mid-point - 265' ( explain it Physical & Time Risk factor)
c) Explain the common physical weaknesses for the Atrophy IPB structures of this iris sample 

Spinal Tensions - Pupil Flatness & Space Risk - Lx - (tch)

Could you identify the Space Risk of 262' which correlate with the Inferior Temporal Flatness at Rx ? and what are their common weaknesses ? Could you explain the major spinal tensions of  the Inferior Nasal Flatness conjunction to the Space Risk at 262' ? In this case, the Space Risk is amplified the spinal tension when conjunction with the local pupil flatness. 

Pupil Flatness in Physical, Spinal & Emotional - Rx - (tch)

Could you identify the local pupil flatness & explain it in physical, emotional & neuro-muscular tension at which spinal areas ? 

Multiple Crypts at Internal Collarette Border & Pupillary Zone Neuron Network - Rx - b

What is the major genetic deficiency if the pupillary zone neuron networks co-sign with multiple crypts located at internal collarette border - 90', 105' & 155' ?  Obviously, the neuron network can amplify the tendency of gastrointestinal disturbances if accompanied with the signs of (crypt, lacuna, transversal, pigment & defect signs) at pupillary zone.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Genetic Signs at External Collarette Border, Inside Collarette Border & Pupillary Zone - Rx - a

Observe the lacunae penetrated at the collarette border - a, crypts located at internal collarette border - b & inside lacuna at pupillary zone - c. Please analyse the above genetic conditions in Modern Iridology approaches.
1) In classical view, what are the genetic weaknesses of the above mentioned ?
2) Could you identify which genetic sign / lacuna is attached with unresolved emotional issues ? and when was this traumatic event happened ? 
3) What further information can be accessed if we apply the Embryology & Cellular Iridology Models ?
4) Which Kreb's Cycle Acid is imbalance under this condition ?
5) Could you identify the inheritance weaknesses under consideration of Dirk Hamer Syndrome ?

Saturday, March 07, 2015

Multidimensional Approaches - Lx - (siv)

Female, 38
Stroke, Diabetes
Observe the above iris that I systematically breakdown the analysis steps starting from analyzing the inner pupillary borders tissues then seeing a multiple crypt at pupillary zone or internal collarette border, the collarette border structure and finally the signs at external collarette border.
Please present your answers as follow:
a) What are the major or core genetic weaknesses that presented on this iris ?
b) Which iris sign at different levels or zones that can be identified their correlations to support your first answer question-(a)
c) Identify the potential spinal stress by analyzing it inner pupillary border locations 
d) In embryological level, which pathological organ is related to your findings / signs at ciliary zone/external collarette border ?
e) Could you identify which Kreb's Cycle acid is imbalance that correlate with the Bridges & Ventral Linear Collarette ?
f) Could you identify which iris sign is indicate this person tendency to have prostate and testicle problems ?
g) Which embryological sign is showing the same indication of testicular imbalance ?
h) Which local absent of the IPB is enhanced the meaning of genetic sign at 190' ?
i) Could you explain what is the meaning an extroflession of the IPB ?
j) Please identify which iris sign can be allocated for Time Risk evaluation ?
k) In psychosomatic level, this person might experienced with low self-esteem, fear and loss of identity, which iris signs do you think are derived from the above mentioned ?

Pupil Flattenings - Physical, Spinal Stress & Emotional Imbalances - Lx - (gak)

Please  identify the above multiple pupil flatness - a, b & c. Which pupil flatness indicate the potential of cervical stress the previous post of Rx-iris ? Please identify and explain in physical, spinal stress and psycho-emotional issues.

Tuesday, March 03, 2015

Cervical Sign - Rx - (gak)

Please identify which 2 iris signs are correlate with genetic tendency to cervical deficiency ?  Possible tendency to have cervical dysplasia.

Observe the defect sign located on the external border of the collarette - 165' & inferior nasal flatness, both of them are indicate tendency to cervical disturbances. 

Sunday, March 01, 2015

IPB Morphologies, IPB Spinal & Space Risk - Lx - (siv) - 2

Observe the IPB local shapes, structures and locations and try to identify which IPB tissue represents a pathology, hereditary weakness and spinal nerves deficiencies... 

a) An internal lacuna located at internal collarette border - 280' indicate as Malic acid imbalance, this represent a prediabetes tendency which is supported by M-sign IPB located at the frontal section of the inner pupillary border as blood sugar imbalance sign.
b) This is a Rectangular Wall IPB, gastrointestinal disturbances are the core tendency associate with this morphology. The local absent of the IPB at 205' & 230' signify as Space Risk 24 & 19, this 2 space deficiency correlate with this IPB deficiency ( Please refer Dr..Daniele Lo Rito's Space Risk article and chart)
c) If you observe carefully, there are 2 IPB tissues overlapped to each other, we named it as Double IPB, with this sign the Psycho-Emotional imbalance is enhanced by identified with any physical genetic weakness on this iris (e,g M-sign IPB & internal lacuna at 280' - blood sugar sign, Rectangular IPB - gastrointestinal disturbances) 
d) Please identify which spinal areas are affected by the local space deficiency at 190', 205' & 230' ?
e) This is a typical case study for Modern Iridologist to practice by identifying the correlation of IPB  Morphologies, Spinal & Space Risk that will enhance the accuracy of your iris assessment skills in these modern approaches, starting from the Central Nervous System reflex zones...

"Inside-Out" - Starting From Central Nervous System - Lx - (siv) - 1

Male, 36
Could you identify which iris signs represents the main genetic weakness on this iris, beside the crypts, lacunae and rarefaction of the iris fibres at inside pupillary zone, external of the collarette and ciliary zones...

Space Risk & Spinal Nerve Analysis - Rx - (siv) - 2

Could you assess the potential of physiological, pathological, psychological  weaknesses and spinal nerves tension by analyzing  the local absent of the IPB sections at 193', 226' & 240' ? The IPB represents our chromosomes, hereditary, psychological, physiological, neuro-endocrinology, spinal nerves and vertebrae in current, previous, static and dynamics conditions.