Monday, May 12, 2014

Vascularized Intestinal Transversal Co-Sign with Indented Lacuna at 90' - Lx

Observe the Vascularized Intestinal Transversal radiate from the ciliary zone crossing collarette border, pupillary zone toward to the edge of IPB. This relate to autoimmune problems indicate Ulcerative Colitis tendency. In addition, it can link to embryological analysis depend on it location at pupillary zone - 100'-105' relates to a deficiency of the kidneys and adrenals. Predominantly, is the transversal co-sign with indented lacuna at 90' indicate genetic predisposition to heart disease and  family history of high tendency of cardiovascular risk. Time Risk & Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette evaluation for local indentation of this heart lacuna is recommended !

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