Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Important Iris Sign in Modern Iridology Approaches - Rx

Please identify which structural sign is vital and takes priority to analyse over other iris signs. This sign could be represent as multidimensional iris sign leading to multilevel of meanings, interpretations and approaches ! 

The stress in hypothalamus indicate poor adaptability to all situations. This is a hypothalamic embryological sign, patients who found with this sign tendency to have Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). 
1)Classical & Embryological it indicates - increase susceptibility to stress, gastrointestinal function disturbances, greater amount of adverse reactions and impaired adaptability.
 2) The great depth of radial furrow at 360', correspond to "Time Risk" sign which relate to " Birth Trauma" - an experienced of premature or late delivery are concerned. If she did not experienced the difficult birth it may relate to her own children. The experience of deep and profound trauma is recorded ! 
3) In cellular level, it associate with Pyruvic acid imbalance , it will have chronic disease tendency, blood sugar imbalance and hepatic steatosis. We will determine these genetic deficiencies support by other iris signs !! 
4) Embryological hypothalamus penetrated the collarette border and ending at the edge of IPB, indicate the patient experience a great emotional impact leading to limbic system imbalance
5) Holistically, misalignment of the integration of spiritual, mental, emotional and physical, nerve depletion, loss of vitality.. We will looking at other important iris signs that support, integrate and enhance our findings ! The following is to access the Inner Pupillary Border tissues. Stay tune !!

a) The radial furrow at 360' co-sign with local absent of the inner pupillary border at 358' signify Space Risk 1 this enhance the tendencies of limbic system deficiency, emotional imbalance, feeling of detachment, tendency to depression, psychological instability, insomnia, vertigo and migraines.
b) The External Cat's Claw IPB indicate tendency to Hypothalamus progesterone deficiency, low resistance to stress with emotional imbalance and  migraines tendency.
By combining the iris signs of Hypothalamus stress at 360' , Space Risk 1 & External cat's Claw IPB, that showed her core inheritance weaknesses. Next step is to link and compare the results with other iris signs at pupillary zone, internal & external collarette border and ciliary zone.

a) In Modern Iridology, lacunae located at internal collarette border - 70', 85' & 140' consider  in Citric Acid Cycle, its associate with Cis-aconitate & Succinyl-CoA acid imbalance, indicate tendency to stress, diabetes tendency, oxidative stress and cardiac function problems.
b) Crypt located at internal collarette border - 226', this sign can be explained in classical embryological & CAC approaches, indicating duodenum stress, blood sugar imbalance and tendency to heart problem.
c) Small lacunae located at external collarette border - 150' & 155' significantly indicate uterus stress and possible as uterus fibroid.
d) Take note that the Inferior Temporal Pupil  Flatness adjacent to multidimensional sign (crypt ) at 226' mutually indicate predisposition to pancreatic dysfunction, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome ( please refer to the Hypothalamus stress at 360' by Radial Furrow !) and  impaired hepatic hormonal clearance. Neck & shoulder tension is concerned.
e) Contraction Furrows breaks and terminate at heart lacuna topography areas - 270' indicate high cardiovascular risk which also confirmed and supported by numerous findings via applying MI approaches !
f) Ferrum Chromatosis or punctate pigments, tendency to liver compromise , enzymatic disruption and dysbiosis.
g) Collarette bridge indicate progesterone deficiency, enhanced by Cat's Claw IPB, blood sugar imbalance tendency and sensitivity to stress, triggered by hypothalamus stress.

In summary, she need therapeutic support on emotional imbalance issues and further medical checking on her blood sugar, ovary and uterus condition. Tracing her family members with medical history of heart disease, diabetes mellitus and hepatic related problems is recommended.

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