Thursday, January 23, 2014

Neuromuscular Tension in Spinal Cord on Inner Pupillary Border Tissues & Pupil Tonus - Rx - (chong)

Spinal coccyx injured due to fall down
Constipation problem
a) Could you find a vital important iris sign located at frontal section of the collarette & pupillary zone which indicate Hypothalamus/Amygdala & Time Risk markings ? This shall first be analyse !
b) Could you identify this client's DNA is predominant affected by maternal or paternal side ?
c) Which part of the pupil flatness is indicated of spinal coccyx problem ?
d) Which IPB morphology or shape is telling you her spinal cord is experiencing a severe problem and leading to generation & inflammation condition due to the injuries of the spine ?
e) Could you identify a unique IPB Archeology / shaped on the inner pupillary border tissues ?
f) Can you explain the above findings on emotional level ?
The case study is to examine the understanding & flexibility of applying modern multidimensional iris analysis techniques in pupillary & inner pupillary border zones !

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