Saturday, January 25, 2014

Common Practice in Modern Multidimensional Iridology - Rx - (irene)

Could you identify which iris sign can be group together that showing the same genetic weakness ? It will enhance an accuracy of the iris assessment and is common practice via applying Modern Multidimensional Iridology Models...please try !
Please explain the follow combination of iris signs that indicate a major vital inheritance deficiency for this person:
a) Squared IPB at frontal inner pupillary border plus Medial Nasal Pupil Flatness.
b) Inferior Temporal Pupil Flatness, Citric Acid Cycle sign at 80', Embryological sign at 270' Collarette Bridge, Linear Collarette & Classical Lacuna at 65'.
c) Lateral Temporal Flatness & Radial Furrow penetrated to the pupillary zone at 275' (multidimensional sign)
Please try to figure out the above answers ! This practice can broaden your view in observing an iris in different angles, levels & spaces no matter in classical, integrated, holistic, modern or multidimensional iridology approaches ! Learn how to combine, integrate & correlate them in proofing and enhancing the accuracy of findings & iris assessment skills !

We do one step further, please explain the above findings in emotional level as well! Consider the genetic psycho-emotional tendencies / emotional-epigenetic as follow:
- What is the Emotional Dynamics & Time Risk factors of Radial Furrow penetrated to the collarette at 270' ? 
- Could you calculate the Collarette Bridge in Time Risk or potential traumatic event happened at this point ? and what is the emotional imbalance tendency for collarette bridge formation ?
- What is the psycho-emotional tendency for Squared IPB ?
- Could you explain the above multiple pupil flatness in emotional level ?
- What are the major genetic physical/organs deficiency of the findings that could be related to the father or mother principle ?
- What is the emotional dynamics of crypt & lacuna located at classical topography areas of 215' & 65' ?

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