Friday, January 17, 2014

Hypothalamus/Amygdala, Yellow Central Heterochromia/Pigmented, Hypertrophy & Zig-Zag Collarette - Rx - (lynd)

( Source : Lynda)

In this iris sample, we can start to analyse on emotional level and then to physical level. A practitioner should be realized the most vital iris sign is a minor ray located at pupillary zone - 360'/0', it should be set priority to analyse as it enhance the meanings for overall findings on this iris ! This iris consist a lot of genetic information for practitioner to explore and interpret in physical, emotional, epigenetic and embryological levels starting from the pupillary zone, internal & external of the collarette, ciliary till extending to limbus zones. Let get some starting points...
a) A vital important of minor ray located at pupillary zone - 360'/0', this is an embryological sign which concern with stress in hypothalamus & amygdala glands. Explain the potential deficiency for these 2 glands ?
The Hypothalamus & Amygdala are the main components of the emotional centers of the limbic system. According to John Andrews, the importance of  hypothalamus & amygdala signs at pupillary zone indicate tendencies of :
- Increased susceptibility to stress & impaired adaptability.
- Greater amount of adverse reactions & Mitochondrial disease.
- Dysmetabolic mesenchymia.
- PNEI interaction & limbic system imbalance.
- Immune system dysfunction.
- Depression, stress & anxiety.
- Eating disorders
b) Explain the Yellow Central Heterochromia, Yellow Pigmented, Hypertrophy & Zig-Zag Collarette in physical & emotional levels, they are linking with epigenetic aspect.
A yellow central heterochromia / inside pupillary zone & around the collarette border indicates a high tendency to intestinal dysbiosis, renal insufficiency, impaired hepatic & gall bladder functions, eating disorder ( amplified by amygdala stress), fear, constipation & bowel imbalance when under stress. The hypertrophy & zig-zag formation of the collarette, physically concerns gastrointestinal disturbances - intestinal dysbiosis. On a psycho-emotional aspect, it relates with a tendency to mood swings, stress, anxiety, unresolved resentment, issues of self-esteem & containment and fear of abandonment. The above emotional epigenetic problems is amplified by the stress in limbic system of hypothalamus & amygdala glands.
c) Identify a structural sign located at internal collarette border and explain it in Embryological & Citric Acid Cycle levels. 
- The minor ray located at pupillary zone - 360' also indicate Krebs Cycle imbalance (CAC) which associate with Pyruvic acid imbalance that signify diabetes mellitus tendency.
- Crypt located internal collarette border - 235' on a embryological level it relate to blood sugar imbalance and cellular level concern with Coenzyme Q imbalance.
d) Identify the local indented collarette & co-sign with lacuna along the collarette border and explain in Classical, Emotional Dynamics & Time Risk levels.
- Multiple indented collarette by lacunae at 90' & 270' indicates a family history of thyroid  glands dysfunction and heart disease tendency. 
- On the emotional level, concerned with unresolved of grief and conflict with paternal issues. The experienced of these traumatic events/ emotional issues possible happened at the age of 15 & 44.8 (45).
- If the client have a family history of breast related problems, then earlier & regular of breast checking is recommended ! ( consideration of embryological sign at 270')
-  Prediabates or Diabetes Mellitus tendency ( consideration of Citric Acid Cycle sign associate with Malic acid imbalance at 270' )  
e)  Identify the small structural signs located at external border of the collarette.
- Small crypt located at external border of the collarette - 250' indicate family history of blood sugar imbalance tendency ( correlate with Citric acid signs at 360', 270' & 235' and embryological sign at 235') 
- Multiple lacunae located at external collarette border - 112' & 145' indicates possible of thymus gland imbalance and uterus stress.
f) Observe a transversal horizontally crossing the ciliary zone at 220'-250'. What type of  this transversal and it carried what genetic impact to this person in physical & emotional levels ?
- I would classified as Hepatic Transversal, the possibilities medical history of liver congestion, hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, portal hypertension and cystic formation in the liver or breast ( please take note the indented collarette co-sign with lacuna at 270' as embryological sign indicative of breast related problems).
- A person with hepatic transversal, positively tends to be a very motivated person and extremely driven type of personality !
g) Identify multiple tiny melanin / brown pigments located at ciliary zone which co-sign with yellow pigmented Brushfield's spots. Please explain it in physical & psycho-emotional levels.
- Brown pigment genetically indicate a tendency to liver and gall bladder disturbances ( correlate & amplified by liver transversal and overall yellow pigmented collarette)
- Psycho-emotional it show anger and resentment !
- Yellow pigment Brushfield's Spots are a genetic marking, which indicate of lymphatic congestion, with resultant immune compromise and sensitivities.

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