Thursday, January 16, 2014

Amygdala Sign at 360', Space Risk 1 & Frontal Pupil Flatness in Psycho-Emotional Aspects- Rx - (para)

What is the most important iris sign can you identify in this iris sample ? Could you find a Time Risk marking ? In my opinion, this iris sample leading me to emphasize more on  psycho-emotional level than thinking on physical aspects ! Please try !
a) Minor ray at pupillary zone 360'/0' embryologically indicate Hypothalamus/Amygdala glands imbalance and in cellular level it relate to Krebs cycle deficiency.
b) Local indented IPB at 360' by this atrophy inner pupillary border tissues structure signify Space Risk 1 & frontal pupil flatness, they are genetically indicate depression, stress, headaches & migraines which enhance and amplify by The Stress axis - Hypothalamus-Pituitary- Adrenal
b) Local indentation of the collarette co-sign with radial furrow at 180' indicate adrenal stress. I would suggest the combination of embryological sign at 360' & local indented collarette at 180' technically fulfilled the establishment of The Stress axis - Hypothalamus, Amygdala, Pituitary & Adrenal glands ( eventhough the structural sign must attached on the frontal section of the collarette at 360')  The patient is experiencing accumulated an emotional imbalance of depression, stress, strain and fear condition. In addition,  please consider the Time Risk, Citric Acid Cycle & Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette associate with the local indented collarette co-sign with radial furrow at 180' !
c) What about the constricted collarette in this case study ? Explain in psycho-emotional aspect as it correlate with the above findings. In my opinion, the epigenetic factors carried by this client was inherited by maternal side !   

( An Illustration of The Combination of Embryological Sign, Space Risk 1 & Frontal Pupil Flatness)

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