Sunday, October 20, 2013

Thyroid & Blood Sugar Imbalance Signs - Rx - (otha)

She is affected by diabetes and having thyroid problem for more than 10 years, could you find any genetic signs showing on her Rx-iris ? Hints: Look for IPB, Pupil & Collarette structure. More to explore on her Lx-iris on next coming post..

I think the above iris signs - IPB shaped & linear collarette are straight forward to indicate this person is predisposition to thyroid gland dysfunction and blood sugar imbalance affected by her family genetic tendencies. I suggest a practitioner must learn to identify & interpret inner pupillary border tissues in its thickness, structure & shaped, and studying collarette structure in more advanced level, because both of them is link with genetic, epigenetic and epigenetic-emotional. Look beyond an iris in embryological, immunological, cellular & chromosomes levels. 

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