Sunday, October 20, 2013

IPB Morphologies, Pupil Flattening, Embryological Signs, Hypothalamus Stress & Collarette Structure - Lx - (otha)

Please observe an important sign of radial furrow co-sign with melanin pigment attached on the frontal external border of the collarette, the IPB morphologies & pupil flattening at frontal IPB section, multiple crypts located internal collarette border and collarette structure... 

1) Could you identify these three IPB morphologies ? The frontal pupil flatness enhance the meanings of the morphologies! I suggest N, S & A signs of IPB attached on the frontal section of the IPB, advice for further confirmation.
2) Radial furrow co-sign with brown pigment attached on the external border of the collarette - 360'/0'. This is a very important and significant sign for a practitioner to interpret in multidimensional levels.The frontal pupil flatness conjunction with this sign indicate a thorough investigation in physical, psycho-emotional & PNEI levels ! In term of Time Risk, I suggest the birth trauma was caused by inducement, as you can observe the type of Time Risk marking was radial furrow co-sign with melanin pigment ! Further consultation is recommended. 
3) Crypts located at internal collarette border - 77' & 90' indicates an embryological & Kreb's Cycle dysfunction. An embryological sign at 77' can be considered of family history of thyroid gland imbalance ! In Kreb's Cycle aspect, it associate with Aconitate acid imbalance, which tendency to stress when it is lower or high, the frontal pupil flatness and hypothalamus stress (radial furrow at 360') amplified this condition !
4) Certainly, you should know how to explain the ventral & linear collarette structure in this case !

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