Monday, September 30, 2013

Partial Atrophy of IPB - Lx - (lsh)

To identify the IPB structure & its morphologies, must be priority for a modern & advanced practitioner to practice. IPB indicates physical, psycho-emotional, hereditary, chromosomes & spinal vertebrae for a person.

Omega IPB, is a unique and solitary IPB sign located along the frontal inner pupillary border. It represents with overactivity of the immune system. It indicates the possibilities of:
- Current acute tonsillitis
- Personal predisposition & family medical history of tonsillitis
- Genetic tendency to Rheumatoid Arthritis
Please also take note that the major rays / radial furrows of 10' & 12' at topography of paranasal sinus areas and a local indentation of the collarette toward to embryological pupillary zone of tonsils area at Rx-iris.

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