Monday, September 30, 2013

Inner Pupillary Border - Standard Approach for Modern Iridologist - Rx- (osh)

There is a common practice for practitioner to observe and analyse lacunae & crypts attached on the  border of the collarette & ciliary zone. We should set priority to analyse an IPB structure and its morphologies, as it represents of our physical, psychological, genetic, chromosomes, space dimension, hereditary and space vertebrae or neuromuscular tension in our spinal cord. I hope this will become a standard and basic requirement for you as a modern Iridologist to practice. Obviously, a next step will be in embryological level at pupillary zone then to endocrine topographical areas of external border of the collarette. There is no much iris sign can be found in outer ciliary or peripheral iris zone, accept contraction furrow in Brown iris and ciliary transversal in Lymphatic & Mixed iris constitution. This will become a norm and I suggest a practitioner be ready for this trend, especially for those who had equipped with the Professional Iris Camera with Microscope. 

Could you identify and analyse these three local IPB structure ? What type of genetic weakness carried by them ?
a) Local absent of the IPB at 40' signify as Space Risk 5 & crypt at ciliary zone - 94', if we integrate both signs, what does it means to that individual, and which section areas of spinal cord is affected ? 
b) This is a globular IPB sign, if combine with the crypt located at pupillary zone - 218', again, what does it enhance to the genetic sign ?
c) I would suggest this extended inner pupillary border to pupillary zone as a local extroflession of the IPB, represent a space change and leading to a genetic deficiency of Space Risk 12. The Corneal Arcus is enhance the lipids levels of this space deficiency.

Crypts and small lacunae that attached to the external border of the collarette should be highlighted and analysed compared to normal shaped of lacunae. Small lacunae at 150' & 160', crypts at 230' & 218' at pupillary zone, they are set for priority to analyse. What about the lacuna at 185'  ? Shall we count on it ?If the crypts are combined with our findings at IPB shapes & structure then it can amplify the meaning of the identified genetic weakness and it relates to paternal DNA predominant ! Why ? Please define this collarette structure !

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