Monday, September 30, 2013

Space Dimension Deficiency - Local Absent of IPB - Lx - (psp)

How to identify a space deficiency or space risk under this partial atrophy inner pupillary border structure ?

Space Risk is measured in various range of 5', 8', or 10' and above degree along with inner pupillary border tissues. A sectional absence of inner pupillary border tissues, where the gap or space dimension is more than 10' and local absent is within 10', both condition can be counted as Space Risk. We have to make sure that a local or sectional IPB, the micron or diameter must be in zero degree so as to fulfill the Space Risk requirement. We will explore more about Space Risk in term of local or sectional introflession, extroflession of IPB.

Inner Pupillary Border - Standard Approach for Modern Iridologist - Lx - (osh)

Please identify and interpret the multiple local absence of the IPB correlates with Space Risk & IPB Spinal evaluation and the highlighted lacunae attached on the border of the collarette.

Inner Pupillary Border - Standard Approach for Modern Iridologist - Rx- (osh)

There is a common practice for practitioner to observe and analyse lacunae & crypts attached on the  border of the collarette & ciliary zone. We should set priority to analyse an IPB structure and its morphologies, as it represents of our physical, psychological, genetic, chromosomes, space dimension, hereditary and space vertebrae or neuromuscular tension in our spinal cord. I hope this will become a standard and basic requirement for you as a modern Iridologist to practice. Obviously, a next step will be in embryological level at pupillary zone then to endocrine topographical areas of external border of the collarette. There is no much iris sign can be found in outer ciliary or peripheral iris zone, accept contraction furrow in Brown iris and ciliary transversal in Lymphatic & Mixed iris constitution. This will become a norm and I suggest a practitioner be ready for this trend, especially for those who had equipped with the Professional Iris Camera with Microscope. 

Could you identify and analyse these three local IPB structure ? What type of genetic weakness carried by them ?
a) Local absent of the IPB at 40' signify as Space Risk 5 & crypt at ciliary zone - 94', if we integrate both signs, what does it means to that individual, and which section areas of spinal cord is affected ? 
b) This is a globular IPB sign, if combine with the crypt located at pupillary zone - 218', again, what does it enhance to the genetic sign ?
c) I would suggest this extended inner pupillary border to pupillary zone as a local extroflession of the IPB, represent a space change and leading to a genetic deficiency of Space Risk 12. The Corneal Arcus is enhance the lipids levels of this space deficiency.

Crypts and small lacunae that attached to the external border of the collarette should be highlighted and analysed compared to normal shaped of lacunae. Small lacunae at 150' & 160', crypts at 230' & 218' at pupillary zone, they are set for priority to analyse. What about the lacuna at 185'  ? Shall we count on it ?If the crypts are combined with our findings at IPB shapes & structure then it can amplify the meaning of the identified genetic weakness and it relates to paternal DNA predominant ! Why ? Please define this collarette structure !

Partial Atrophy of IPB - Lx - (lsh)

To identify the IPB structure & its morphologies, must be priority for a modern & advanced practitioner to practice. IPB indicates physical, psycho-emotional, hereditary, chromosomes & spinal vertebrae for a person.

Omega IPB, is a unique and solitary IPB sign located along the frontal inner pupillary border. It represents with overactivity of the immune system. It indicates the possibilities of:
- Current acute tonsillitis
- Personal predisposition & family medical history of tonsillitis
- Genetic tendency to Rheumatoid Arthritis
Please also take note that the major rays / radial furrows of 10' & 12' at topography of paranasal sinus areas and a local indentation of the collarette toward to embryological pupillary zone of tonsils area at Rx-iris.

IPB, Pupillary Zone & Collarette - In Multidimensional Iridology Views - Rx - (lsc)

Female, 71
Observe this IPB structure, pupil flattenings, signs at pupillary zone, internal & external border of the collarette and it collarette structure. Please try... 

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Local Introflession at the Partial Atrophy of the IPB at - Lx - (lbp)

Could you identify a local inner pupillary border tissue is in a form of introflession of IPB ? What does it space dimension deficiency means to a practitioner in term of  physiological, emotional, hereditary & spinal vertebrae ?

A local indented absent of the IPB at 275', this indicate a space deficiency of inner pupillary border and it signify Space Risk 12, which represent predisposition to liver deficiency. This space dimension deficiency amplified by formation of Cornea Arcus at limbus zone 

Collarette Structure in Modern Iridological Approach - Lx - (lbp)

Observe this lateral temporal section of the collarette structure, what does it means to a practitioner ? What genetic information can we retrieve from this collarette structure ? Please try... 

Hypertrophy, linear, raised and multibridged formation along the external border of the collarette structure, it indicates a tendency to progesterone deficiency and predisposition to blood sugar imbalance. In addition, take & measure the mid-point of the bridge as Time Risk sign ! From this sample, we can take the bridge with an even internal or external arc as Time Risk- 1 & 2 to measure the traumatic time/events ! I suggest the Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette can also be take into account !

Saturday, September 28, 2013

IPB, Pupil, Pupillary Zone, Internal & External Border of the Collarette - Multidimensional Views - Lx - (Azlee)

Please analyse this Lx-iris , the sequence of this iris assessment as follow:

Obviously, the above inner pupillary border tissues some are absent or missing in local areas, protrude out to pupillary zone and other extend internally to the pupillary margin of iris. In Space Risk, it means:
a) & b) Local absent of the IPB at 150' & 250' signify Space Risk 23 & 16, they are indicate prostate & adrenal insufficiency tendency. Refer to Rx-iris analysed results, the prostate & adrenal imbalance enhanced by Citrate acid imbalance ( closed lacuna at pupillary zone - 60').
c) Extroflession of the IPB at 305' signify Space Risk 7 indicate predisposition to thyroid gland dysfunction, again it was enhanced by Squared IPB at Rx-iris !
d) Introflession of the IPB at 322' signify Space Risk 5 indicate potential of tonsillitis, pharyngitis & laryngitis problems.

Lateral Temporal Flatness indicates predisposition to circulatory problems, asthma and emotional heart problems. Take note the Space risk 5 at Lx-iris and heart lacuna -270' , Space Risk 1 and frontal pupil flatness at Rx-iris.

The hypothalamus stress as radial furrow at 0' or 360' is set priority to analyse, as it enhance the meaning of overall genetic weaknesses found in this iris. Please try to interpret the identified iris signs at pupillary zone, the collarette structure, endocrine signs attached at the border of the collarette plus compare it with Rx-iris ! I hope these two case studies - Rx & Lx will instigate you to study and learn the advanced & modern iridological approaches so as to enhance, sharpen & broaden your iris analysis skills & techniques there is applying Multidimensional Iridology. You may pay less attention where a sign located at limbus zone, e.g Contraction Furrow are peripheral signs, it contribute mild level of genetic effect to an individual, they are consider normal, genetic origin, natural drainage channels for excess fluid within the structure of the frontal eye. Nevertheless, we have pay attention to where they break or terminate will be the focus for stress. Draw you attention much on the IPB structures, Pupil Dynamics, Pupillary Zone, Internal & External Border of the Collarette. Look for iris sign in unique, small, solitary, combination and correlation sign within and both irises in embryological, epigenetic and cellular levels.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

IPB, Pupil, Pupillary Zone, Internal & External Border of the Collarette - Multidimensional Views - Rx - (Azlee)

Male, 50
Please observe and analyse the above Rx-iris, this is a typical and good iris sample for practitioner to practice for using an advanced and modern multidimensional iridological approaches to identify this person genetic inheritance deficiency and his family genetic history of weaknesses via analyzing its IPB shapes & structure, pupillary dynamics, embryological pupillary zone, internal collarette border, the dynamics of the collarette and endocrine imbalance signs attached on the external border of the collarette. This person is a smoker and claimed that is very healthy, he said no ideas about his family medical history and a bit feeling of reluctant to hear about his potential genetic weaknesses when I explained to him... could you please identify what major type of  inheritance weakness will be incurred for this man ? You can start at any iris zones as you feel comfortable, but for Modern Iridologist, I think should start on analyzing the inner pupillary border tissues first. How about these...or you can start to analyse the structure of the collarette, what types of collarette structure ? What does it means to you ? How is a distance from the pupillary edge to internal border of the collarette ? could it be a paternal or maternal DNA predominance ? What can we see about his spinal cord condition ? Any emotional imbalance, stress & traumatic events occurred in his life path ?  embryological level, immunological & endocrine system imbalance ? and what type of space dimensional deficiency in term of physical & emotional levels ? Take note that, we are dealing with a genetic inheritance weakness for this person, also tracing his family medical history up to 4th generations.
I would like to highlight the importance iris signs of this Rx-iris as follow:

1) Let begin on analyzing the inner pupillary border tissues -
a) Squared IPB at the frontal section of inner pupillary border tissue, it obviously indicate this person has a family medical history of thyroid gland imbalance.
b) A space dimension deficiency or local absent at the ventral section of IPB - 193'  it represent Space Risk 25 concerns with arthritis and joint pains. It also highlight about a neuromuscular tension at coccyx areas.
c) I suggest it  form as U-shaped IPB. ( please refer Dr. Daniele Lo Rito's textbook)
d) A small local absent of IPB at 358' signify Space Risk 1 and it conjunction with frontal flattening of pupil, it could indicate this person has a hypothalamus stress, headache, migraine, vertigo, sleep disorder problem, fatigue, emotional imbalance, possible experiencing of bipolar depression in his family health history.

2) Multiple Pupil flattenings -
a) Frontal pupil flattening, please refer to the above explanation.
b) Superior Temporal Flatness indicate hearing and balance problems, vertigo and possible muscular tension in neck and shoulder.
c) Inferior Temporal Flatness indicate potential of  liver, gall bladder and pancreas deficiency. Checking for diabetes or hypoglycemia in his family members and medical history.

3) Pupillary Zone - Internal Collarette Border -
a) Closed lacuna located at internal collarette border - 60' signify embryological & kreb's cycle analysis. Embryologically it indicate family history of blood sugar imbalance tendency. In CAC aspect, it associate with Citrate acid imbalance indicating fatigue, prostate & testosterone imbalance, neurological dysfunction, acid-base balance  & renal metabolism disturbances.
b) Crypts at 75' & 100' can be analysed as Cis-aconitate & Alpha-Ketoglutarate acid imbalance. Please refer to John Andrews's Citric Acid Cycle research for further explanation.
c) Crypt at 215', embryological & CAC relates to testicular deficiency and Succinate acid imbalance with Diabetes Mellitus tendency.

4) The Local / Sectional Collarette Structure -
a) This is a squared collarette with multiple linear formation of the collarette, it indicates a family history of Autoimmune Diabetes Mellitus, and they may have a tendency to erratic blood sugar levels with dysglycaemia and potential of compromised adrenal function, anxiety syndromes and poor absorption of nutrients plus alteration in the MALT. We had numerous evidences indicated that  this person was genetically inherited blood sugar imbalance by looking at embryological & CAC signs at pupillary zone and  pupil tonus ! 
b) Multiple linear collarette formation at 20'~55', 125'~153' & 155'~190' are fulfill to consider The Immune Cell & PNEI analysis !
c) A deep level indentation of the collarette by closed lacuna at 67' & 308' viewed as an important multidimensional iridological signs, it can be presented as:
- Classical views as pancreas dysfunction and parotid lymph node congestion.
- The Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette, concern with deep seated unresolved emotional barriers & feeling of injustice.
- It associate with Citrate Acid & Oxaloacetate acid imbalance under CAC analysis.
- The Immune Cell & PNEI analysis
-  Time Risk sign, traumatic events at the aged of 7.5 & 45.6
d)This extended collarette structure is Paternal DNA Dominant !

5) External Border of the Collarette - 
Now is your turn to identify and explain the below structural signs attached on the external border of the collarette which mostly related to endocrine glands imbalance :
a) Leaf lacuna at 353' & 5' attached on the border of the collarette, which enhanced by Space Risk 1 & frontal pupil flatness.
b) Indented lacuna at 67' & 308' as explained above.
c) Deep Minor ray or Radial Furrow at 155' indicate predisposition to prostate imbalance and enhance by Citrate acid imbalance ( embryological sign of 60' at pupillary zone).
d) Multiple crypts & defect signs were gathered at 220', 230' & 235'  they are indicate this person is predisposition to testicular, gall bladder & pancreas insufficiency which already identified and highlighted at different iris zones and iridological approaches. These classical signs was enhanced by pupil flatness, embryological & Citric Acid Cycle signs at pupillary zone !
e) Take note the important heart lacuna, it form moderate level indentation of the collarette at 270' !

The presentation of this iris signs assessments in multidimensional iridological approaches is starting from IPB shapes & structures, pupillary zone, internal & external border of the collarette and the collarette structure as below: