Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Partial Atrophy of IPB- Lx - (kad) - a

Could you identify the important signs attached at this partial atrophy IPB ? Observe the pupil flattening.They are interrelated with the findings of Rx...

a) Local absent of the IPB at 330'- 340' represent Space Risk 4 & 3 indicates potential of ENT problems.Possible neuromuscular tension at Cervical Vertebrae.
b) Squared IPB indicate family genetic history of thyroid dysfunction tendency, this genetic weakness correlate with thyroid lacuna at Rx.
c) Lateral Temporal Flatness indicates predisposition to circulatory problems, asthmatic and heart problems, this inheritance weakness correlates with heart lacuna and amplified by Space Risk 9 & 10 at Rx.
d) Local absent of the IPB at 160' signify Space Risk 25, this space risk deficiency is similar with absence of the IPB at 190'~200'- Rx.
Next coming post will be highlighted at pupillary zone, collarette structure and glandular lacunae attached on the border of the collarette.

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