Sunday, July 21, 2013

Local Absence of the IPB - Space Risk & IPB Spinal Reflex Analysis - Rx - (kad)

Male, 63
Identify the multiple local absence of the IPB as Space Risk & IPB Spinal analysis -
a) Local absence of the IPB at 70'-77' signify Space Risk 9 & 10 indicates predisposition to heart problem and lung stress. The Cornea Arcus amplified this inherited weakness.
b) Local absence of the IPB at 100'-105' signify Space Risk 14 & 15 indicates pancreas dysfunction and spleen deficiency.
c) Local absent of the IPB at 120' signify Space Risk 17 indicate kidney insufficiency.
d) Local absence of the IPB at 190'-200' signify Space Risk 25 indicates arthritis and joint pains tendency. Neuromuscular tension at Sacrum.
e) Local absence of the IPB at 70'-77', 100'-105' & 120' represent neuromuscular tension at Thoracic Vertebrae. 
(Please refer Dr. Daniele Lo Rito "Space Risk" & John Andrews "IPB Spinal Reflex" notes and charts for reference )
Please take note the lacunae attached on the border of the collarette, they are correlate with the IPB Space Risk deficiency.We will compare these Space Risk finding results with Lx-iris in next coming post... 

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