Wednesday, May 08, 2013

IPB Tissues / IPB Morphologies - A Modern & Advanced Iridological Approach - Rx - (peru)

Male, 67
Please identify the above multiple IPB tissues or structure. What kind of IPB structure can you recognize and familiar ? What is the potential genetic inheritance weakness to this person as well as impact to his generations ? When you find a minimum iris sign in an iris, the IPB tissue is the major areas for practitioner to be focused on ! Please compare your findings and interpretation via Inner Pupillary Border in Rx & Lx !
a) & c) Double IPB - Anxiety tendency, masked vulnerability, possible due to the experience of bullying in childhood, according to John Andrews.
b) & e) Squared IPB - Tendency to family history of thyroid dysfunction.
d) Local absence of the IPB at 153' signify Space Risk 24 - Tendency to muscle cramps and joint problems.
f) Rectangular Wall IPB - Gastrointestinal disturbances tendency.
g) Local absence of the IPB at  signify Space Risk 20 - Gastrointestinal disturbances, dysbiosis and diarrhea tendency ( correlates with Rectangular shaped IPB & Citrate acid imbalance)
h) V-shaped IPB - Relates to immune system dysfunction ( correlate with Succinyl-Co A acid imbalance)
i) N-sign IPB - Relates to hepatic/liver stress.
k) Superior nasal flatness at 60'~80' - Indicates tendency to visual disturbances, neuromuscular tension at C3 to C7, cranial injuries, cervical muscular tension, acne linked to liver congestion (correlates and enhances by N-sign IPB, Space Risk 24 & Pyruvic acid imbalance).
l)Multiple crypts located inside the collarette border at 350', 62' & 145' as a multidimensional sign :
- Classical view as gastrointestinal disturbances tendency. 
- Embryological relates to pituitary stress & family medical history of blood sugar imbalance (correlates with linear collarette at lateral temporal section & Pyruvic acid imbalance).
- Citric Acid Cycle associates with Pyruvic acid, Citrate acid & Succinyl-CoA acid imbalance indicates blood sugar imbalance, diabetes mellitus, hepatic stress, fatigue, indigestion and immunological imbalance (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome).
m) Closed lacunae attached at external border of the collarette at 85' & 300' indicates predisposition to thyroid dysfunction and blood sugar imbalance, the above numerous findings and evidences support for these genetic weakness).

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