Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Blood Sugar Imbalance - Squared & Linear Collarette, Embryological & Citric Acid Cycle Signs - Lx - (zaha)

Refer to Rx-iris, the person is predisposition to blood sugar imbalance, compare to her Lx-iris we can see a squared collarette with linear formation accompanied with two minor crypts / defect signs located at internal collarette border - 295' & 300' both are multidimensional signs which indicates -
a) Squared collarette and linear collarette relates to pancreas compromise.
b) Crypts at 300' signify as Embryological sign also indicates inheritance and family genetic history of pancreas dysfunction or blood sugar imbalance tendency.
c) Crypts at 295' & 300' identify as Citric Acid Cycle or Krebs Cycle (Please refer John Andrews latest Celluar Iridology Citric Acid Cycle Iris Chart) sign associate with Malic Acid imbalance indicates prediabetes & dysglycaemia tendency.
Suggest : Sharpen your analyzing skills with developing "sensitivity" & "creativity"  to observe & identify & interrelate with an importance iris signs in different levels, domains and zones of an iris structure via applying Multidimensional Iridology Techniques !
Identification of crypts location  

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