Saturday, February 02, 2013

Multiple Pupil Flattenings, IPB Morphologies, Space Risk & Spinal Nerve Injury Sign - Lx - (lks)

Observe the dynamics change of the pupil, identify the IPB structures, morphologies and space, define the structure of the collarette and multiple radial furrows emanate from the border of the collarette to ciliary zone...

Please compare & contrast the findings of Rx with Lx :  
a) Squared IPB indicate family medical history of thyroid dysfunction, please check the correlation findings at Rx-iris.
b) Whitened IPB along the ventral section of the inner pupillary border.
c) Local hypertrophy or extroflession of the IPB at 260'~280' signify Space Risk14, 13, 12 & 11 indicates blood sugar imbalance, gastrointestinal disturbances, liver stress and gall bladder deficiency, please check the correlation findings at Rx-iris.The local extroflession of the IPB also indicate a potential spinal injury or muscular tension at thoracic vertebrae or T4 to T8. It would be classified as "Sectional hypertrophy of the IPB"  or Neurolappen / Nerve Rags IPB. I leave it for you to judge and consider...
d) The local absent of the IPB nearest to 260' might consider as Space Risk 14 indicate predisposition to pancreas dysfunction correlate with Squared collarette indicate a family history of Autoimmune Diabetes Mellitus and renal dysfunction. 
e) The local atrophy of IPB at 105' less than 50 micron and near to zero micron it is not classify as local absence of the IPB!
f) Frontal flatness at 354'~15' - indicates headaches, migraines, upper cervical vertebrae tension, fatigue, insomnia and depression tendencies.
g) Lateral Temporal flatness at 60' to 80' to 110' - indicates asthma, emotional heart problem and thoracic vertebrae tension.

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