Friday, February 01, 2013

IPB Morphologies, Space Risk, Embryological Sign, Squared & Partial Hypertrophic of the Collarette - Rx - (lks)

Male, 71
Observe and identify the IPB structures, pupil tonus, small melanin pigment located at inner pupillary zone attached to the edge of IPB and the dynamic change of the collarette...find the correlations in different layers of an iris !
a) Whitened or depigmented IPB at frontal section ( refer John Andrews textbook for explanation)
b) Globular sign of IPB (refer John Andrews textbook for explanation) This IPB sign is amplified by a sectional hypertrophy of partial zig-zag collarette at 225'~290' indicating gastrointestinal disturbances and intestinal dysbiosis tendency.
c) Smaller pigmentation at 277' attached to the edge of the IPB signify Embryological sign and Space Risk evaluation. It indicates predisposition to thyroid dysfunction(embryological sign) & gall bladder (Space Risk 11) deficiency with pain condition ! You may carefully observe an indentation of the collarette by a radial furrow acting toward to the embryological sign at 277' showing a genetic predisposition to cardiovascular stress ! More evidence will confirm this finding !
d) Marginal medial nasal Flatness at 80'~90' indicates family medical history of thyroid imbalance and cardiovascular problem such as arrhythmia & angina pectoris. It correlates with embryological sign at 277' & sectional hypertrophy of the collarette at 225'~290' adjacent to the heart topography area !
e) Sectional hypertrophy of partial zig-zag collarette at 225'~290', check for the adjacent topographical reflex areas - pancreas, gall bladder & heart correlates with an iris signs of Squared Collarette, Space Risk 11 & Medial Nasal Flatness !!
f) Sectional Linear with absent collarette at 58'~110' check for the adjacent organs - pancreas, thyroid & thymus that correlates with above mentioned condition !
g) Take note a deep ray of radial furrow located at 225' genetically indicate a gall bladder deficiency and experiencing pain condition for this person, this iris sign correlate with Space Risk 11.

The is a typical demonstration for applying Multidimensional Iridology in different layers of an iris with identifying and analysing the correlation of iris signs and also reveal that "hidden" signs at the embryological zone, pupil and inner pupillary border.

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