Friday, October 05, 2012

Yellow Pigmented Collarette, Romheld Syndrome & Melanin Pigments on the Collarette - Lx

(Photo used with permission by Suren Manvelyan)

a) Observe the importance tiny sign of melanin pigments located on the border of the collarette which co-signs with internal lacunae indicates physical, emotional and genetic impact on the person, suggests multidimensional iridology approach. ( similar cases with this approach is highlighted in previous posts)
b) X represents Collarette Bridge. Y is considered normal iris stromal in the pupillary zone !
c) Romheld Syndrome formed in the protrusion of the collarette at 85' predominantly in Lx -iris
d) Melanin pigmentation represents hepatic or liver stress involvement.
e) Yellow pigmented collarette always concerns with renal insufficiency.

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